Chapter 4

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Pray for the fourth wall, guys. Pray for it. ~Rio

Oaktail hurtled himself into the clearing with an ear-splitting yowl. He landed on top of Magnetface, who was basically the most useless warrior in the entirety of EvilClan, mainly because most cats don't exactly have metal in their bodies.

"Die!" shouted the dark brown tom, closing his eyes for a brief second. The ground beneath them started to rumble, and the earth shifted beneath Magnetface's paws. The villainous tom let out a quiet squeal as a particularly large bump threw him into the air. 

Oaktail darted underneath him, holding his paws up with claws extended.

Meanwhile, Streamflower had turned invisible and was currently attacking a powerful dark gray tom. She darted in, claws nicking his back paw. The tom, named Stormface, focused his eyes on the sky. A dark cloud suddenly rolled over the battle scene, blocking all light. Now operating in pitch black, the warriors of SuperClan froze for a moment.

Then Hotpaw spat out a ball of fire, Flamingpelt exploded into a ball of fire, and Squirrelstripe used his laser vision to light a pile of leaves (and Magnetface, who began melting) on fire, which all coincidentally turned into a ball of fire.

With a light source, Streamflower now leaped on top of Stormface, grasping his scruff between her teeth. She gave the killing bite, and he collapsed, dead.

"Stop fighting!"

Two words made about twenty cats stop. Simultaneously, they all turned toward the sky, where a vibrant, somewhat neon yellow tom was hovering in the air, looking very majestic. "Why did you start the fight without me?"

"Sorry," Oaktail muttered, dropping his head in shame.

Superstar let a laugh escape his muzzle. "JK! Let me join in." With a collective yowl of epic-ness and totally not evil-ness, the SuperClan cats leaped back into battle.

Quickpaw darted behind a ginger she-cat; she spun around in a futile attempt to defend herself. The gray-and-black tom laughed before sprinting to the other side and jumping onto her back. With super-sped claws, he shredded through her fur before reaching bone.

"Sorry," he giggled. "I didn't take it slow enough!" 

Goldpaw gave him a strange look as she conjured a sandstorm, jumping from paw to paw. "What?"

Quickpaw rolled his eyes and gestured at the not-so-creepy audience reading the words on their screens. "I killed her too fast for them to understand!"

Goldpaw scoffed. "They're not five. They are supposed to be thirteen to be on Wattpad!"

"Who follows that rule?" Quickpaw protested, but he was swept back into battle before he could continue.

Goldpaw trudged through her mini-sandstorm, having lost her opponent.

"Get away from me," Sandstorm muttered. "Why do you always summon me in the middle of training and when you're showing off? But now you're summoning me in battle!"

"I've told you a thousand times, Sandstorm," Goldpaw sighed. "I summon storms of sands, not Sandstorm. Whoever controls these superpowers is dumb and doesn't understand anything."

"Hey!" Rio piped up. "I'm trying to kill the fourth wall as much as possible during this chapter.

Goldpaw rolled her eyes, making a "get out" motion at both Sandstorm and the annoying admin. Rio frowned and went back to typing. The StarClan warrior faded away, glad to be finally left alone. Goldpaw went back to trudging through her sandstorm, not her Sandstorm.

Superstar laughed manically as he darted down from the sky, claws extended, and briefly murdered a small warrior. Frostwing detected the pawsteps of a shadowed tom and turned around quickly, launching himself and dispatching the warrior. Troutpaw slithered into a puddle, head sticking out as half-fish; the apprentice quickly murdered a EvilClan warrior without any thought.

After a lot more blood, there was one EvilClan queen, her stomach heavy with kits, standing in the center of the clearing. She was trembling and glaring at all SuperClan warriors with a dark anger in her eyes.

"You killed my mother, who was a frail elder. You killed my mate and my father and my littermates!" the queen shouted. "And you all have the nerve to call us EvilClan?"

"We are the most powerful, therefore we make the rules," mused Superstar. "Now, let's kill you and end this stupid war!"

"We've never even attacked you!" the queen muttered loudly.

"Well, I make all the rules!" the leader spoke again, rolling his eyes. "Get h—"

Goldpaw interrupted the leader. "We must leave one EvilClan cat so that we can fight them later, after all the plot is gone?"

Superstar sighed. "Fiiiine. But I dib killing her when we cross that bridge."

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