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So it begins. For the moment it's going to be in the narrator's POV.

Silvius: Dude, I just got in front of the building. It's fuckin massive!😮

Landon: There goes my surprise.😒 I just pulled around the block. Yeah, maybe massive is an understatement. I'll see you at the inscriptions room?

Silvius: Yah.

Silvius stood at the entrance of his new school, mouth still agape. He knew it was big, but big enough to have a north, south, east and west wing? Damn.

The Montebello used to be a hospital and it was later transformed into a school, which explains its size. There were already tons of people walking around and moving stuff all over the place. They looked stressed out and that stressed Silvius. He then decided to wait for Landon. They'll go through the inscriptions together like they did every other thing. Truthfully he doesn't remember doing anything without Landon.

Silvius and Landon have been best friends for years. They trusted each other with their lives. Landon was a few months older than Silvius but they were both 15 years of age.

Although Landon was taller, smarter, had the looks; blond hair,  brown eyes, easy amazing smile, Silvius was his rock, they needed each other in their everyday lives.

As Landon walked towards the inscriptions room, he noticed his best friend hiding behind his invisible walls, as usual. He knew that even if Silvius looked like he had everything under control, he didn't. Landon knew his friend was absolutely freaking out. Landon ruffled the pile of midnight black hair on the head of his best friend and forest green eyes looked up at him.

Silvius sighed with relief when he saw who it was. Landon stared back at him with a smile.

"Hey," Silvius said softly. "I was waiting for you."

"I expected you to," Landon replied as cocky as ever.

Silvius sighed again. They hadn't seen each other over the weekend and it felt like ages.

"Let's go then," Landon said as he walked towards the room and Silvius trailed right behind him.


The Inscriptions went well for the two boys and Landon's father picked them up when it was over. They talked about everything and anything during the car ride and as soon as they arrived at Silvius ' house, they dashed up towards his room while Landon's father shouted the time he was going to pick his son up.

Landon was sprawled all over Silvius' bed while Silvius looked over his inscription documents and contemplated over the clubs he might or might not join.

"I can't wait for the first day,"  Landon said

"I can," Silvius said with a sigh.

"Oh, Silvius Schmitz. The possibilities-"

"Fuck you, I hate that nickname."

"But you love me so you don't have a choice," Landon said laughing at Silvius' scowl. "As I was saying before I was so rudely interrupted. The possibilities...the rules that would be so much fun to break, the girls..."

"Oh Shut up you perv, that's the only thing you care about." Silvius never really appreciated his friend's absolute need for breaking the rules or the girls. Landon was a jock at heart, Silvius knew that and no matter how much he wanted to be his best friend, he knew it was an impossible task. He was short, thin but with really strong legs thanks to years of climbing, his black hair always covering his forehead because he believed no other hairstyle would do him any justice. His clothes are always rumpled and he could never tell jokes to save his life. And of course, he was gay. That was his biggest secret. The only thing he couldn't share with anyone. Not even Landon. At least not yet. He wasn't really sure about Landon's views on homosexuality. But he had to be sure. Landon was one of the most important people in his life and he is wasn't  sure he would cope if ever Landon couldn't accept him.

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