Chapter 1

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The minute Landon and Silvius entered the building of their school, Silvius automatically became anxious. Again. But Before voicing out his worries, Landon had already noticed. He noticed everything about Silvius. It could be that he was really observant or Silvius was really obvious about his feelings. Landon preferred to go for the former.

They happened to be in the same class except during group classes when the whole class was split in two. That Monday morning they also happened to begin with a group class. French. Silvius sighed heavily as he looked at their timetable. He hated French, always had. He doubted his views on the subject would change, despite the school.

"Don't judge a book by its cover Sil,"  Landon said and for a brief moment, Silvius wondered how his friend knew what he was thinking.

"I know you. You're dreading french already." Landon said.

"Could you stop answering unasked questions? And how sure are you that I was thinking about French?" Silvius asked in his defence. They were now walking towards the appointed class following the school map in Silvius' hand. The shorter boy had a fetish for arriving before the teacher to any class. Landon's class was just opposite his friend's own so they were side by side.

"Well I guess that foul look on your face is because you will be separated from me for one hour," Landon said with a smile. Silvius just rolled his eyes and sat by the tall window sill. "Silvius, I know we've been your best friend for years but you have to learn how to be independent, you can't always...need me all the time."

"Shut the fuck up. Idiot."

Landon laughed, but no matter how much Silvius wanted to put all jokes apart, he had to admit that Landon was right. He was a little dependent on his friend.

"I gotta go. The teacher's here." Landon placed his large hand on Silvius' shoulder and squeezed it before walking towards the opposite direction. Silvius' shoulder was still tingling from Landon's touch as he also walked into his classroom but he had no idea why.

Halfway through the class, Silvius came the conclusion that French was still the worst subject but the teacher wasn't too bad. He felt his pocket vibrate and he hesitated on checking. He didn't want to get caught but he also suspected that it could be Landon. He always replied to Landon's messages, no matter what. When the teacher faced the board, he carefully pulled out his iPhone.

Landon: This class is fuckn amazing! I think I just scored!😉

Silvius: I'm so glad you are having a great time. ass. what do you mean by score?

Landon: There's this girl sitting next to me. and she blushes each time I speak. I think she's into me. she hot too.

Silvius rolled his eyes but somehow this piece of information bothered him.

Silvius: she isn't that hot if you're texting me while talking to her.😑

Landon didn't reply so Silvius guessed he got caught or something like that. He put his phone back in his pocket and decided to concentrate on the subject. He had spent more time texting Landon than he should have.  He then tried to look at the notes of the person sitting next to him.

Once the bell rang, everyone immediately got up and dashed out of the class. Silvius looked around for Landon in the corridor linking their classes. Landon walked out the class talking to Eva, the girl who was sitting next to him. She was really nice and cute in Landon's opinion but as soon as Silvius set eyes on the both of them, a frown settled on his face. Eva twisted her long black hair between her fingers. She was almost as tall as Silvius or maybe taller.

"Leave you alone for one hour and I'm already being replaced," Silvius said behind the taller boy making him turn around.

"Ah, Silvius Schmit! You know I could never replace you. Meet Eva."  he said pointing towards the smiling girl. Silvius frowned at the nickname and looked at the girl.  She was pretty and immediately Silvius began to look for all the things wrong with her because that's just what he does.

"And this is Silvius. He's my best friend." Landon said continuing with the introduction.

"Hi. Landon talked about class." Eva said, her voice coming out a little too deep for Silvius' liking but he decided to keep his thoughts to himself seeing that Landon already really liked her.

"Yah. hi" He replied simply.

They moved together the whole day, Landon and Eva talking non-stop and truthfully Silvius kind of feeling excluded. He knew he shouldn't meddle in their new found friendship but he couldn't help it. With that, he decided he would make new friends too.  The three of them were sitting outside during their free hour and the conversation was going nicely Landon decided to soil it with one of his stupid jokes.

"Hitler lost the war. He did NAZI that coming." Landon waited a moment for them to get it. Eva busted with laughter and Silvius rolled his eyes but secretly chuckled. That was actually a good one.

The evening consisted of the two boys doing homework in Landon's room.  Silvius knew that the new school was going to pull them apart one way or the other but he knew that no matter what the evenings they spent together were sacred to him. Neither of them had any siblings so they've been there for each other. And always will.

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