Chapter 12

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Landon was all smiles and hugs on his way home. Nothing could wipe his happiness away at that moment. Not even his own family. Silvius loved him. Him. It was still very hard to believe but somehow, he could hear a voice at the back of his mind telling him he didn't deserve that love. But he wanted to. He needed to.

As Landon entered his house, the first thing he noticed was the silence, because lately his home lately wasn't as quiet as it used to be. His parents were either arguing and hiding it from him or saying nothing at all, but the tension that would occupy the room was deafening.

This time, it was completely silent. Nothing at all. Landon cautiously made his way to his room looking around to see if he could catch a glimpse of his parents anywhere. He didn't, which was weird because at least one of them was usually home around that time.

Landon refused to be bothered by his parents' whereabouts and focused on the reason his heart did a somersault. He was in love with Silvius. He kissed Silvius and Silvius kissed him back. It was like the sun was finally set for the first time in Landon's life and it made him want to run outside and tell everyone the good news. But it was also scary. He couldn't help the negative feelings, what if he they didn't last? He didn't want to lose Silvius as a friend and if things didn't work out between them, they might not get back to that base they had. He was getting his homework out of his bag when his phone buzzed. It was Silvius.

Are you home? Silvius really cared for him. Well he'd always cared but knowing that everything meant more now made his heart beat faster and his need to see Silvius or at least hear him increased. Instead of clicking on the reply button, Landon called Silvius.

"Hi." Silvius breathed making Landon sigh.

"Hi. I got home a few minutes ago." Landon said and Silvius hummed. Why was it so hard to make up a conversation now, he was scared of saying the wrong thing when there was nothing to say, but he had Silvius' heart now. He couldn't break that trust. He wouldn't.

"Well, that's good I guess," Silvius said and it came out as a question making Landon laugh.

"Why is this so awkward?" Landon asked.

"I really don't know. I don't want it to be though. I don't want to push you."

"Trust me, Silvius, I was thinking the exact same thing. I want to be with you as much as you want to be with me. I just don't want to disappoint you."

"You could never disappoint me, Landon. I just want you to give us a chance. No matter what happens, you'll always have me." Silvius said and Landon could feel the sincerity in his voice.

"Did you age overnight?" Landon asked teasingly making Silvius laugh out loud.

"No, it's still me. It has always been me and it'll always be no matter what happens." Silvius said.

"Ok. I'll see you tomorrow, I think my parents are back." Landon said when he heard the door at the entrance. "I love you." He whispered.

"I love you." Silvius replied pleasing Landon because he didn't add 'too'.

"Okay. Hang up now because I won't."


"Okay," Silvius said and Landon heard the click before he turned around and jumped on his bed. He wanted to scream in joy. Silvius could be his boyfriend. His boyfriend! and it wasn't even weird because he'd always considered Silvius his brother. Landon heard voices coming from downstairs that reminded him that his parents were around. Gosh, what would his parents think? The subject of homosexuality never really sprung up in any of their conversations. But on the other hand, he didn't think they deserved to know. It was something private and special between himself and Silvius. No one else.

"Landon, may I come in?" He heard his mother's voice through the door and quickly sat up. What could she want?

"Sure," Landon answered curtly. The door opened revealing his mother. She was wearing a yellow sundress and her light brown hair was loose over her shoulders shadowing her face. She had bags under her eyes like she hadn't been sleeping well. Landon felt a pang of guilt and then remorse. She was still beautiful even when she looked tired and defeated.

"Mum." Landon greeted and she sat on his bed.

"Landon, your father and I finalised the divorce today." She said softly as if she was talking to an injured child. Landon was an injured child.

"Oh." He said simply. "Who's moving out then? Who am I staying with?" Landon asked calmly but his heart was pounding against his chest like a jackhammer. Landon was never really religious, but he prayed to whatever God was there to let him stay. He needed to stay. He just got Silvius, really got him. He couldn't move.

"Your father is leaving the house. He'll be moving to Aberdeen next week. He has business and a few friends there. It'll be good for him to start again." Landon's mother said dodging the question.

"Answer me. Please. Who am I staying with?" Landon asked again, his hands were already trembling in fear of leaving.

"You'll be living with your father but...."

"No!! No. You can't be serious! I can't leave!" Landon exclaimed in pure fury. Tears were pouring out of his eyes now. "Aren't the kids supposed to stay with their mothers? Are you just getting rid of me? You can't do this."

"Landon," his mother started crying and trembling. "We just thought..."

"No, you know nothing about me! Please mum, let me stay here, the life I have here. My love is here," he said making his mother gasp in surprise. "I'll stay out of your way if you want, but I can't leave. Please." Landon cried harder and held on to his mother, begging her.


No matter what happens, you'll always have me. Silvius' voice said in his head. Right now Landon wasn't sure he could believe that after what he's been told. Landon's mother didn't say anything more. She just held her only son and cradled him. It was exactly what he needed.

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