Chapter 7

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Darn it.

Landon turned around and stormed back into the house with Silvius closely behind. When they got to Silvius' room, Landon slumped on the bed and turned his head away from Silvius. Nobody said anything so Silvius decided to break the silence.

"Landon, I'm sorry," Silvius said and Landon just grunted. This was going to be harder than he thought.

"I just got carried away with Rain....."

"And left your best friend hanging," Landon said with annoyance and Silvius rolled his eyes. This was starting to piss him off too.

"It was just a few minutes Landon get over it. I made a new friend today and..."

"And your planning to cut me off already?" Landon said sitting up and facing Silvius.

"Let me finish my goddamned sentence!" Silvius ordered Landon scoffed while getting off the bed.

"I have the right to make new friends! Especially if you're being an ass." Silvius said with annoyance.

"Oh, I'm being an ass?!" Landon asked pointing to himself dramatically. "At least I didn't leave my best friend hanging and I was there every time he needs me!"

"Oh my God, Landon I was late, it's no big deal, why are you fighting me over this?" Silvius asked and he wanted to punch something Landon was taking this too far, he'd been late before, it was never a big deal, so why now.

"Maybe you left me here to go talk to some pretty girl! What, is she your girlfriend now, and please silly? What kind of stupid nickname is that? And she has your number..." Landon kept on ranting and Silvius almost laughed out loud when he realized what was going on. It was either Landon liked Rain and was jealous that Silvius met her first or he was jealous of Rain. It was probably the latter and Silvius could wait to find out.

"Do you like her?" Silvius asked shutting up Landon.

"What?" Landon said looking like he was finally calming down.

"Rain, the beautiful girl, do you like her?"

"Do you?" Landon asked curiously and Silvius nodded. He really did, but not in the way he was sure Landon was thinking.

"Answer me, Landon."

"No, in fact, I hate her. She made you late." Landon murmured and Silvius laughed.

"Wow Landon, you sure are dumb aren't you?" Silvius laughed again. "I don't like her like that. She's just a friend and she's super nice."

"Oh, in that case, I guess I can live with that." Landon sighed and sat back down, "I'm sorry I was such an ass."

"You were jealous," Silvius said simply and Landon nodded.

"I had this scenario in my head, where she becomes your girlfriend and then you treat me the way I was treating you when I was with Eva."

"Landon, I'm over that. Rain is just a friend." Silvius said and Landon sighed and laid back on the bed. "Stay the night?"

"Yeah, that was the plan." Landon laughed and Silvius joined him in their usual tradition of watching the ceiling and enjoying the silence.


(Rania, they fought over 😝)


Landon was waiting in front of Silvius' house. The vacation was already over and they were ready to get back to school. At least Silvius was. When he came out, Landon was awarded Silvius' megawatt smile as he ran his hands through his jet black hair. Silvius was wearing black jeans rolled up to his ankles and a green shirt with a pair of black boots. He looked good. Landon didn't know when he started observing Silvius like that, his clothes, his movements, his body...

Landon admitted that Silvius was really good looking and he had the brightest eyes that just lit up his favourite shade of green whenever he was happy.

"Hey, bud." Silvius greeted and Landon smiled at him. "Can we have breakfast now, I'm starving." They decided to head over to dunkin' doughnuts for breakfast that morning. It wasn't healthy but nobody cared. They were determined to spend most of their time together because even though it was school time, Silvius was going to continue helping at his mother's restaurant. Landon also offered to continue but she refused him. They were already in the lane on the road when Silvius' mother came running out calling his name. She took a deep breath after catching up to them and murmured something about not being fit. She was a hard worker though and that's the only thing Silvius got from her apart from the looks.

"You don't have to be at the restaurant today, your father and I have a family dinner to attend to so you can spend the night at Landon's." Then she looked at Landon as if she was just realising he was there. 

"Oh hey, Landon."

"Hey, Mrs Houser." He greeted back and she went back into the house.

After breakfast, Landon and Silvius made their way towards class and sat through an hour of maths. It wasn't boring because they both liked the subject and they both sent notes of sweet nothings to each other throughout the hour. The whole day was spent side by side. Landon didn't want a repeat of what happened between them the last time, especially since Eva had been trying to contact him.

After school the two boys made their way towards Landon's house since Silvius had some of his things in Landon's place, he didn't need to go home. They did their homework, watched T.V, had dinner and headed to the balcony to watch the stars and talk. They talked for hours before falling asleep in each other's arms and Landon couldn't help but feel loved. He knew that he had something special with Silvius, they've been best friends for years, but in that moment, right before he fell asleep, he couldn't help but wish it was something more.

Silvius couldn't fall asleep.

So he watched Landon's chest as it rose and fell. He watched how his eyelids fluttered every minute. He felt every breath that came out of Landon's slightly open mouth.
Yes, he was that close.

Landon was clearly asleep and Silvius didn't want to disturb him, but the pressure on himself was overbearing.

"I know you can't hear me." Silvius started with a whisper. "But I just want you to know that I harbour very strong feelings for you. I am in love with you and I wish you could say these words back but you can't. I want to tell you but I'm so scared. Being gay wouldn't be the problem for you, but my feeling will. I don't want you to reject me. These are my fears." Silvius whispered to Landon's sleeping form and then he turned the other way and fell asleep.

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