Chapter 6

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Here we go.

"Mum wants me to help at the restaurant," Silvius said. "No, she offering to pay me money to help her at the restaurant" Silvius corrected and looked at Landon. He didn't have any expression on his face but Silvius could tell that his friend wasn't very happy with the news.

"That means less time together. I get it." Landon said with a nod and Silvius sighed.

"I would refuse if she really didn't need the help." Silvius' mother has been working really hard at her restaurant to make it successful and Silvius was proud of her. It was where he got his persistence from. Landon was lying on his bed with his hand beneath his head. Silvius had rushed to Landon's house immediately his mother lets him know what she wanted.

"We'll find a way to spend time together. I don't like it but it's not like a have a choice." Landon said and Silvius watched him. He watched the way the taller lad's mouth move, the was his hands danced in the air, the way his chest moved every time he took a breath. It was becoming too much for Silvius now. Ever since he decided he wanted to come out, he's been observing the male community more, observing Landon more. Sometimes he dreamed about Landon coming out to him by kissing him first. It was insane because Landon was straight as a ruler but it was something Silvius wanted. He wanted it so much and it was about to get worse because they'd be spending less time with each other now because of Silvius new job.

"Yo Silvius Schmitz!" Landon shouted making Silvius snap out of his trance.

"Did you even hear a word I said?"


"What's up with you? You've been zoning out a lot lately, what's going on?" Landon asked worrisome as he sat on the soft fluffy bed.


"Don't say nothing," Landon ordered and Silvius sighed. He also realized how well Landon knew him. The basically complete each other's sentences. They would be the perfect couple.

"I need to tell you something. It might freak you out and maybe make you hate me a little. Or a lot...I ....."

"Spit it out!" Landon orders frustrated. He hated the suspense. Here goes nothing. Silvius' was on the line here, Landon could be homophobic. Or not because they didn't know any gay people. Well except himself but Landon doesn't know that yet. What if he asked for an explanation? Like how he knew he was gay? Well, the truth was Silvius started reading gay fiction books when he wasn't sure about his sexuality but the mute he saw Landon shirtless for the first time, he was sure.


"Work at the restaurant with me!" Silvius blurted. What the hell, where did that come from? Shit, he couldn't believe he said that.

"Really, that's why you were freaking out and doubting out never-ending friendship?" Landon asked unamused and Silvius simply nodded. No, it wasn't but it's too late to take it back.

"I'd love to Schmitz but I have to ask my parents first," Landon said lying back down. "Is that all?"

"Yup, thanks, Landon." Stupid stupid stupid.

"Lay with me, Silvius. Let's watch the ceiling."

During the first week they worked at the restaurant together, they were like synchronized swimmers, the magic duo, somebody even went as far as assuming they were a couple which made Silvius blush profusely and Landon laughed out loud and corrected the girl with a charming smile. That probably meant Landon isn't disgusted with gay people or the idea of being gay. Silvius wasn't sure and he really didn't have the time to think about it. He was too busy with work.

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