Chapter 14

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Landon hadn't said a single word to his mother since the day she told him about the divorce.

He hadn't seen her.

He lived in Aberdeen now. With his father. The man was trying. He was trying very hard to make his son happy. He put Landon in one of the best schools and got him everything he wanted. Although Landon always thanked his father with a small smile, there was only one thing he wanted. One thing he craved and they'd selfishly taken it away from him.

He hadn't called Silvius since his arrival and Silvius hadn't contacted him either. It was his choice really. Silvius couldn't possibly know how to contact him because he had no phone number to call to.

Aberdeen was beautiful. Although the weather wasn't the best, it was always green and the buildings were very inviting. It was just that Landon couldn't bring himself to like the place. He just wanted Silvius. He didn't even know what they were. Were they still even friends? God this was hard.

Landon was putting on his tie in front of the large mirror in his room when his father told him that he'd left breakfast in the microwave and that he was heading over to work. Landon just nodded and the man sighed. They hardly even talked now. Everything was just drifting apart.

Silvius would have laughed at the sight. Landon was currently in a full schoolboy uniform. Slacks and all. The shirt was white making the navy blue of his uniform stand out. Silvius would have mocked him and he would have laughed because that's just what they do. Landon sighed. He needed to make things right because if he continued like this he might lose Silvius forever. He grabbed his phone and took a picture of his reflection in the large mirror and before he could change his mind he sent the pitiful picture to Silvius in hopes to make him smile at least. It was his first step towards saying sorry.


When Landon got to school, he held the map of the place to his face. It's been two weeks now and he still wasn't able to figure out his whereabouts. Figuring out the Montebello was way easier and the Montebello was way bigger than this school. Maybe it was simply because he didn't want to. Landon sighed again before making his way towards class. The classroom was rowdy when he got there. The teacher wasn't in yet so everyone was busy doing something else. He quickly checked his phone to see if he got any reply since he had put his phone on silent on his way to school.


Maybe Silvius hadn't  checked his phone. Yah. That was it. Silvius never checked his phone on time anyway.

"Hi." He heard a voice say next to him. It was Liddy. She was a girl that constantly tried to talk to him. She was nice and friendly but Landon wasn't really in the mood to be friends with anyone right now. or ever.

Except for Silvius of course. If he would accept him back.

So replied with a quick hey and glanced back down at his phone sending a little 'sorry' Hoping Silvius would at least be open to a conversation with him.

"You alright?" Liddy asked. Her accent was much deeper than his. More concentrated and difficult to understand.

"Yup," Landon said curtly and continued to stare at his phone willing a reply to come in.

"So...i heard there was a party next week. Maybe you wanna come with?" She asked almost shyly twisting her almost red hair between her thumb and her forefinger.

"Sorry. I don't party." Landon said dismissing the idea. He didn't need any distractions in his life right now. He knew she was trying to be his friend so he wouldn't be alone. She and her friends ate with him during lunch, waved at him when they passed by him in the hallway... but he didn't care for any of that. Before Liddy could say anything to his reply, the teacher walked into the classroom. Landon was now obliged to put away his phone. Ugh.

The whole hour was like a huge blur. It was science and they were learning about the human eye. Something Landon already did before. The whole thing just reminded him of moments with Silvius when they would be studying together for tests. Everything reminded him of Silvius actually and he wanted to hate it. Gosh be wished so much for their separation to be much less painful but alas it wasn't.

When the bell went off, Landon could officially say that he was the first to get out of the classroom. He was heading towards his second class of the day which was maths when he pulled out his phone to check for a reply.

:-)  Silvius replied.

Landon didn't know what to make of it. Did it mean they were ok? No, that would make it too easy. Silvius usually didn't do easy. It seemed forced and that made Landon feel even more guilty. He sighed as he entered his maths class. He was going to have to try harder.


Silvius stared at Landon's picture again. He was currently in his room and he'd just finished a ton of homework. Je wanted to be angry. He wanted to shout and smack Landon in the face for what he did. He wanted to hate him so much. So so much.
But Silvius, earlier that day had found himself laughing. He was just entering the school hall when the picture came in and he laughed so hard it even scored him weird looks from people, but he didn't care. All he cared about actually was that Landon hadn't forgotten him as he had earlier concluded and that Landon always found a way to make him smile no matter the situation.

God, Silvius had been miserable the last two weeks. He didn't eat well because nothing went down. He couldn't sleep. He couldn't even concentrate in class. He was so tired. He had concluded that Landon never cared about him because Landon didn't call. His mother had gone all the way to Landon's mother's house to see if she could get anything about Landon's whereabouts to make Silvius feel better but she got nothing because Landon hadn't called her either.

Silvius was sometimes forced to m pretend that he was alright so his parents wouldn't try to 'socialise' with him. Especially his father. But after this message from Landon, Silvius instantly felt better. It was like the last two weeks never happened. He was so glad that Landon sent him that picture because it made his day.

Of course, he wasn't going to let Landon know how he felt because Landon had no right to leave him hanging like that. So when he replied with a single:-), he knew that Landon was going to stress out because it looked forced and Landon hated it.

Later during the day at lunch, Silvius had gotten another message from Landon.

Please don't be a stranger. I still want to be with you because I still love you. I am deeply sorry.

This time Silvius almost cried because his heart almost melted and he couldn't control his feelings. Salim, his new companion since Landon had left had asked him what was going on and he couldn't answer him. Silvius was swimming in a turmoil of emotions and he was unable to reply to Landon's second message the whole day.

He now lay on his bed staring at the ceiling wondering about what to reply to Landon before falling asleep.

I love you too.

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