Chapter 4

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"Silvius, open the door damn it!" Landon shouted as he banged on Silvius' room door. Landon knew that his friend's parents weren't around that weekend, they were spending the weekend with a cousin. Silvius didn't want to which gave Landon the perfect opportunity to apologize to his best friend against Eva's wishes and of course without her knowledge. He didn't understand Eva. It was like she was trying to keep them apar somehow. Landon prayed he was wrong because he really liked her, but he also couldn't see his future without his best friend.

"Sil! Please, I just want to apologize, I know what I did was wrong and I'm sorry, I should have come sooner, I should have pursued you when you walked away in the library last week, I just...I don't know why I didn't. I am really sorry, man, please." Landon continued as he kneeled in front of Silvius' room, he knew where the keys were so he entered in hopes that he could catch his friend by surprise and force him to talk, but as soon as Silvius saw Landon, he dashed up to his room and hadn't come out since. It's been almost thirty minutes now and Landon was getting tired of this. He was starting to think maybe Eva was right, he didn't want to give up though.

"Sil please, I'll just wait here, tap the door twice if you want me to give you time and three times if you want me to leave you alone." And after a pause, he added "forever."
By this time Landon had sunk to the floor and he waited as he desperately hoped that Silvius would at least tap the door twice.  When Landon was ready to give up and leave because Silvius wasn't giving him anything to hold on to, he heard the door creak. He got up quickly and moved aside so the door would open. He saw Silvius' mop of dark midnight hair first and he smiled. Finally, Silvius would give him a chance. He hoped.

"Sil?" He asked hopefully as the smaller boy didn't say anything first. "Do you want-"

"Answer me this Landon, do you really not know why you didn't come after me,  why you completely ignored me while I was getting bullied by that ass, why you didn't even say a word and just watched me get pushed around?" Silvius said and Landon was at a loss for words. Silvius was right, and the fact that he said it with such anger in his voice towards Landon proved how much Landon really messed up.

"I-I don't-" Landon stuttered.

"What? Did cat catch your tongue? Or was it Eva this time?" Silvius was bitter and he didn't regret it, he wanted Landon to understand how much hurt he went through, he wanted Landon to feel it too and in a way, Landon understood that. He let Silvius lash out at him, he deserved it.

"You're right, absolutely right. I am so sorry Silvius, I didn't mean to hurt you. I wanted to come, I wanted to help you but somehow, I just...I didn't know how. Eva told me-"

"Fucking hell!" Silvius slammed his fist against the door, which startled Landon. "Can't you see, that, that girl is the problem, this has never happened before, you always insist, you always came after me, and I did the same for you. But she comes around and all of a sudden you don't have time for me anymore? What the hell. We are supposed to be best friends, am not so sure about that anymore." And that was exactly Landon didn't want to hear. It was what he wouldn't accept. Before Silvius could say something else, Landon broke down in tears and wrapped his arms forcefully around his friend's waist, he begged and told Silvius he wouldn't let go until he I was forgiven. Silvius tried really hard to push Landon away but Landon's grip was strong. Silvius sighed, he didn't want to cry, he was tired of crying, he missed Landon and everything about him and he really wanted to forgive him but he couldn't. After a while of pushing to no avail, Silvius gave up and wrapped his arms around his friend's head and ran his fingers through Landon's hair. It was longer than usual. Guess his girlfriend was really taking care of him.

"You need a haircut," Silvius said with a muffled breath and a sigh.

"I know, you too. We should get one together."

"We should."

Silvius liked this. He was really comfortable with Landon in his arms like this. He didn't want to let go. In fact, he was too comfortable, maybe it was because he'd missed him. Landon felt the exact same way. But he didn't mind. He liked hugging his friend even if they weren't in good terms at the moment.

"I need a nap, Landon. Eva is probably waiting for you. Go home." Silvius said but didn't let go of Landon.

"I don't want to. I want you to forgive me and I know you haven't. Not yet."

"Nap with me then?" Silvius asked and Landon nodded fiercely. It's been awhile since they'd taken a nap together.  Napping meant cuddling and that was a big step for Silvius since he hadn't even forgiven Landon yet. They both got into Silvius large bed and snuggled against each other. Landon kissed Silvius' forehead and held him tight. He was ready to do anything for Silvius to take him back even if it meant holding him like this while he knew he had a very jealous girlfriend or pretending his heart wasn't beating out of his chest at every touch Silvius gave, or worse, pretending he didn't like this a little more than he should in order to save his friendship.

Short again. Sorry guys, I'm really not finding the motivation rn.
Hope it was worth it tho. 🙂
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