Chapter 11

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"I'm gay. "


You know that really horrible moment when you can't make up your mind in a very difficult situation? That's what Landon was feeling. This was it. Silvius was gay. That was what Silvius was freaking out about. Landon couldn't deny the fact that he was very happy about it. And it meant that Silvius could possibly feel more than friendship for him. Wow.

Wait. Does this make Landon gay too? And most of all, what does it mean for them?

"Now would be a good time to say something Landon," Silvius said nervously. Silvius was hoping it wasn't what he thought it was. What could Landon say? He wasn't homophobic, hell,  he had feelings for Silvius.

"Ok," Landon said and Silvius let out a sigh of relief.

"Ok? That's it. That's all you're going to say?"

"I'm sorry, it's just that...I'm not...i don't... I think I'm gay too?" Landon said and Silvius' eyes grew in width.

"What?! Are you serious right now? Please don't joke about this Lan..." But before Silvius could finish his sentence Landon slowly placed his lips over Silvius'.

Silvius was about to do the manliest thing and pass out. Well, he couldn't because Landon was kissing him.

Landon was kissing him!

He couldn't believe it. He couldn't move. Landon was kissing him and he couldn't move. He was trying really hard to at least react but he couldn't. What was wrong with him? This was a dream come true. His love was kissing him and he felt everything. The fireworks. The butterflies. The tingles. The sparks. Silvius couldn't help the moan that escaped his lips shocking him and Landon too because he pulled back.

"Oh." Was all Silvius could say with very hoarse voice.

"I don't... I shouldn't have done that. I'm sorry if you didn't want...darn it!" Landon said scolding himself. He got up and started pacing the room. Silvius was still dazzled but he managed to get some words out.

"I want your kisses to Landon." Silvius breathed and stood next to Landon. "I've always wanted your kisses. I'm in love with you. I've always been."

"Oh God," Landon said. Silvius was still trembling when Landon held his hands and pressed his lips to each of them.
"I think I'm in love with you too." Landon softly making Silvius shiver. He couldn't believe he was hearing those words. They were in love with each other.

"Kiss me please?" Silvius said almost begging and Landon couldn't resist.

When their lips touched for the second time in less than ten minutes, Silvius felt everything all over again. It was overwhelming because this time he was kissing Landon back. He also realised that the reason he was reacting so strongly to Landon's soft lips was that it was his very first kiss and it was with Landon. His stomach churned. Silvius made a sound that he had no idea could come out him before pulling his lips away.

The two boys were breathing heavily and Landon's tan face was red all over, to his ears. Silvius could only imagine what he looked like. Landon chuckled softly as he kissed Silvius' cheek before leading them to the couch. They both sat in silence for the longest time, breathing each other in and enjoying each others company. Silvius was afraid to ask what it all meant. What if Landon was just testing all this out and decided it wasn't  what he wanted? That would hurt because what the had was what Silvius wanted and more.

"What does this mean?" Landon asked and Silvius sighed heavily. Thank God!

"It means whatever you want it to mean," Silvius replied softly making Landon sigh too.

"Can we take some time to think about it?" Landon started and Silvius' heart sped up. This was one of his fears just waiting to happen. "I mean...i want this to be more? but we have to think about things. I don't want to lose you but I don't want to put our friendship in danger it doesn't know?" Landon explained.

"Yeah, I completely understand," Silvius said looking up at Landon. "Take all the time you need. I have nothing to think about though. I'm sure that I want you. Don't force yourself into thinking this is what you want if it isn't. Take your time." Silvius said with a smile making Landon smile too.

"Darn, that sure makes me feel bloody fantastic," Landon said sarcastically and Silvius laughed. "I love you Sil." Landon softly whispered as if those three little words were a worldly secret that only Silvius deserved to hear.

"I love you too."

"Don't say 'too', It makes it sound as of you're just agreeing with me," Landon said sternly and Silvius chuckled.

"I love you, Landon. I'm not just agreeing with you."



"Don't pull that TFIOS shit on me," Landon said.

"Way to ruin the moment," Silvius said rolling his eyes.

"Oh shush," Landon said and sealed his lips over Silvius' once again.

Yaaaay. Sildon's First Kiss and heart to heart!!!

okay, not first heart to heart but whatever. I know its a bit short but I wanted it to be an only them moment.
Hope you liked it.
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