Chapter 13

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There was a sound. A repeated sound that was really starting to piss Silvius off. It was a like a someone was knocking but it didn't come through the door. At first, it was a weird dream and now it's a really pissy reality. What the fuck is that noise? Silvius asked himself as he got up and decided to go looking for the source. When he glanced at the table clock, he was literally in a foul mood. It was a freaking Saturday and it was still five o'clock in the morning.

Tok Tok Tok...

"I'll fucking kill it." Silvius murmured. It wasn't funny anymore. He glanced around his room before setting eyes on the window and his heart almost jumped out of his chest with fear. There was someone there. When Silvius looked closely he calmed down a little but he needed time to calm his heart and to register what was happening.

Landon was there.

At his window.

It was a really cliché moment in a real cliché movie but Landon had left his house to come and see him at five o'clock in the morning.

His heart soared and he quickly rushed over to the window pane and opened it. Landon quietly entered his room and closed the window back. They stared at each other for the longest time, just smiling cheekily at each other. How could he not love someone like Landon?

"Hi," Silvius said.

"Hi, you," Landon said and Silvius noticed that his voice was strained and coarse.

"Are you alright?" Silvius asked cautiously as he took steps towards Landon and touched his hands slowly.

"Hold me, please. I don't think I can keep it together." Landon begged as the tears stained his cheeks and Silvius didn't hesitate before bringing Landon into his arms and holding him tight.

"You're alright. You're fine." Silvius lovingly whispered as Landon sobbed. He dreaded Landon's answer if he were to ask what happened. Silvius then led him to his bed and continued to soothe Landon.

"They finalised the divorce," Landon said and Silvius sighed in understanding. That's why.

"I'm so sorry Landon," Silvius whispered as he ran his slender fingers through Landon's blond locks. "You'll be alright. You have me...I'm here."

"No!" Landon shouted abruptly startling Silvius. Landon looked so pissed and he was trembling. "You don't understand!"

"Lan... "

"He's leaving to Aberdeen and I have to go with him!" Landon shouted and it took a while for Silvius to understand. He was still trying to console Landon. But when it sunk in and the information registered in his brain, all he could say was "No."

"What?" Landon asked softly, wiping his tear-stained cheeks.

"I won't let you. I just really got you and I won't let you go." Silvius said dangerously calm and Landon shuddered. Silvius wasn't even nervous anymore, There was a look in his eyes...Landon liked it, but it was at the same time disturbing.

"Silvius, I don't have a choice. I have to go live with my father in Aberdeen. It was already dec..."

"No, Landon! Stop saying that. Stop trying to leave me!"

"I... I don't want to!" Landon sobbed as Silvius started crying too. There was a knock on the door, but none of them even flinched at the sound. There were still staring intensely at each other.

"Silvius, are you alright?" Silvius' mother called for behind the door. "I'm coming in!" She warned and barged into the room. She, first of all, looked around the room for anything suspicious before noticing Landon and gasping.

"What on earth..." She started before noticing that the two boys were crying and not taking their eyes off each other.
"Oh, My God, what's going on?"

"Tell him, mum. He's not leaving me." Silvius said his voice cracking letting out a sob.

"Could you please explain why Landon is here at this hour?" Mrs Houser asked.

"I'm sorry Mrs Houser. I just came to tell Silvius goodbye. My parents just got divorced and I have to move with my dad to Aberdeen."

"Oh." Mrs Houser honestly couldn't say more than that. She was really shocked at the news and the cold way it was presented to her. It was presently five-thirty on a Saturday morning and her son was currently breaking down because his best friend from childhood was moving to another country.

"I'm sorry for coming in through the window. Please take care of him for me." Landon said looking straight into her eyes, she could literally feel the depth of the boy's sadness. It made her shudder.

Silvius wasn't even speaking anymore. He just stared blankly at the wall as tears ran down his cheeks. Mrs Houser knew it was going to take a very long time for Silvius to recover from this.

"Don't forget him, please. Send letters. Call." Mrs Houser pleaded still looking at her lost boy.

"I promise," Landon whispered before making his way out the exact way he came in.

On his way home, Landon decided not to see Silvius the day he was going to leave. Which was next week actually? He didn't think he would make it if Silvius was there.

Silvius' mother was now cradling him as he cried.

"I love him, ma." He whispered, his voice hoarse.

"I know love, you grew up with him."

"No. I really love him, with every fibre of my body. I have for the longest time."

"Oh." Mrs Houser said realising what her son was telling her. He just came out to her. She could now really understand what Silvius was going through.

"How long ago did you tell him?"

"I told him yesterday. Sucks huh?" Silvius said with a bitter chuckle.

"Oh, baby." Mrs Houser sobbed letting her own tears escape her eyes. This was horrible indeed.

Short I know sorry but I wanted it to end here.

Sorry I didn't update last is just 😱😱😱😱

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