Chapter 10

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Drama drama drama...

Landon was stupid.

He knew he was stupid. But what bothered him the most was why he had to let his stupidity reflect when Silvius was there. Silvius, the one person he always tried extra hard to impress especially when Silvius was doing what he always did by showing Landon some affection. The affection Landon needed at that particular moment.

The kiss didn't even bother him. He liked when Silvius kissed him, hell he'd been craving Silvius' touch all morning. He'd never been the kind of person to care what people thought of him.

So why?

Why the hell did he push Silvius away? Why did he react like that? And why in God's name did Silvius result to tears when Landon pushed him away?  These questions were swimming in Landon's head and he didn't hear the bell go off and the teacher had to tap his shoulder to tell him to pack his things and leave the classroom.

Landon spent his whole lunch hour looking for Silvius. He was nowhere to be found. He even resulted in asking Rain where he was and she didn't know either. Fuck, he looked everywhere he knew Silvius could be and he wasn't. He messed up that morning and he needed to apologise. The bell rang and Landon's heart deflated like a balloon, he thought his chance was gone until he saw ahead of black midnight hair heading towards the corridor. Even from the back, it was a body Landon recognised by heart.

"Silvius!" Landon called out and his heart beat really hard in his chest it hurt as Silvius turned to look at him. Silvius had a pained look in his eyes and when he saw who it was he was quick to mask his pain.

"Oh, Hi. We have class now right?" Silvius asked blankly and Landon's heart dropped. He hated it when Silvius did that. It hurt even more than walking away.

"Yes, we're not going we need to talk," Landon said making Silvius' eyebrows twitched in amusement.

"Yeah right," Silvius said with a hint of a smile before turning around and making his way down the narrow corridor.

"Wait! I really need to talk to you. It's important." Landon said and noticed Silvius was about to say something but held himself back. Landon could tell, he knew Silvius more than himself.

"If it's about the fucking kiss, I told you, I'm not doing it again so you can drop it."

"I want the kisses," Landon said softly but loud enough for Silvius to hear him.

"Make up your damn mind." Silvius gritted out. "Landon, you hurt me this morning. I know things aren't really good in your life right now but that's no rea...."

"You are my life! You are the only who cares about me. I don't want to lose you too. I'm sorry about this morning, I don't know what happened. I wasn't in the right mind space. I really want your kisses, Silvius." Landon explained and held Silvius hand tightly, his eyes pleaded for forgiveness. Silvius' eyes were misty and Landon wanted to punch something, mostly himself because he made Silvius cry again. It seemed like it was the only thing he knew how to do.

Silvius held on to Landon's hand and smiled at him. "Okay," Silvius said and Landon sighed in relief. "I'm still hurt but okay."

Landon took Silvius' face in his hands and pressed a long hard kiss to his forehead making Silvius giggle. Gosh, he was so cute whenever he emitted that sound. Landon realised they were the only ones in the corridor and they were undeniably late to class. But it was ok though because it was the last class of the day due to absent teachers and Landon got his love back.

Wait, his love? Oh God, Landon's eyes widened with realisation. He couldn't possibly, he wasn't. He was probably feeling this way because it's always been Silvius and he was in a difficult time right now. It wasn't what he thought it was. Besides, Silvius couldn't possibly feel the same way.

"Landon I have to tell you something. I can't tell you now though. It's private and I prefer to tell you tonight. My place?"

"Sure, are you ok though?" Landon asked worried, he could sense Silvius' fear.

"Yah. Just promise me something. Please." Silvius pleaded almost desperately and Landon's heart broke because this was obviously something his friend had been holding back for a long time and it made him sad because Silvius still trusted him after his behaviour. "Promise me we'll always be friends no matter what."

"I'll always be here Silvius, forever. Remember, I pinky promised when we were six. I'll never leave you. I need you too much."

"Say the words, Lan."

"I promise you, I'll always be your friend. No matter what." Landon smiled and Silvius nodded before burying his face in the taller lad's neck.

"Let's go home, Silvius."


Silvius was stupid.

At least at least that's what he told himself. Landon probably wasn't ready for this. But the look Landon gave the moment when he apologised made Silvius sure he wouldn't be disappointed. But now he was so sure.

"Silvius, we've been standing here for a while now. Do you want to go inside?" Landon said snapping Silvius out of his daze.

"Y-yeah. Let's go inside." Silvius stammered. He'd never been so nervous in his entire life. He was so scared of rejection he couldn't walk straight.     (😉)

When they got inside and put their stuff away, Silvius immediately forced Landon to send at least a message to his parents to let them know that he was spending the night with Silvius. Then Silvius prolonged the 'talk' further away by asking Landon if he wanted anything to eat. Landon knew what Silvius was trying to do but he'd skipped lunch to look for Silvius so he agreed to eat.

When Silvius served Landon the carefully made peanut butter sandwich he made he began to clean the breakfast island and counter, then the sink. The kitchen was silent as Landon ate and Silvius cleaned. When Landon finished, Silvius took his plate and washed it.

"Are you done fidgeting?" Landon asked smugly but with a hint worry in his voice.

"Um, s-sure. Come to the living room." Silvius said but it came out as a question.

"Sure Sil. Are sure you're ok? I don't remember having seen you this nervous before. You know you don't have to tell me anything you're not comfortable with."

"Yes, I know. But I want to. It's only fair. Just don't interrupt me and remember your promise." Silvius said literally shaking all over. He had to make his hands into fists, place them on his lap and take a deep breath in order for him to calm down. His eyes were closed and it was when he opened them that he realised he wasn't calm out of his own will. Landon's hands were on his.

"Tell me Sil. I'll always be here, no matter what."

Silvius took a deep breath.

"I'm gay."

Honestly, hope this was okay.

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