Chapter 16

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"Get up Landon, you'll be late for school." His father's voice rang around the room but he didn't care.

"Go away! I want to go home. I hate you for making me live here!!" Landon exclaimed leaving his father very surprised at his outburst.


"Please...just take me back home. Please. I'm not happy here dad. I wanna go home." Landon said his voice cracking at the end. "I want to go home."

"Landon. Get up, please. Just to school today, please, we'll talk about this later. At dinner. Just please, try."

"Fuck," Landon whispered. He should have known his father would never take him seriously. Why did he even hope? All his hopes were now on Silvius. He prayed so hard for Silvius to wait for him. "Ok." He agreed just to get his dad out of his room. If this 'talk' tonight didn't work he was going to give up. Wait till he was eighteen and run away without a word. Yes, that's what he needed to do. He just had to make sure he had enough money by then. He'd already started saving. All he needed to do was to assure Silvius that he was coming home, tell Silvius his plans, make him wait.

The seven hours of school he had passed like a blur, Landon wasn't really concentrating anyway. He had done all his homework for the week and he still had a few hours before his dad came home so they could have their 'talk'. Landon decided to take a walk, clear his head and calm down before he confronted his dad. He needed to convince him, not piss him off.

There was nothing to do in this place. Even his walk was boring, only old successful people loved in his area and he didn't like it. There was no life, no fun.... unlike before. Before there were tons of things he could do. He and Silvius would wander around, crash the complex, talk, do things together, stare at the ceiling...

Here, there was no one to do those things with.


"Sit down son."

"I'm alright," Landon said, remaining in his position.

"Please, let's just sort this out. Sit down." Landon's father said with a little more conviction and authority. Landon sighed and complied.

"Thank you." He said and Landon nodded but was looking everywhere but his father's direction. "Tell me what's bothering you."

"I want to go home."

"Why?" Landon looked at his father like he'd said the most stupid thing in the world.

"Because I hate it here."

"Are there people bothering you, bullying. ...."

"No, dad. I just want to go home. I'm not happy here. This is a big change for me, I'm not used to this... I hate it here."

"Is that the only reason?"

"No. All my friends are back home, I miss them." Just Silvius but Landon's father didn't have to know that.

"Landon, " His father started with a sigh. "I love you, you know that right?" He asked and continued when Landon gave him a small nod. "I thought you might need time, to get used to things, I can see that that's not the case. I'm sorry I made you come here. I just couldn't trust your mother to take care of you, not after..."

"What?" Landon asked curiously. "After what dad?"

"No it's silly, it was a very silly and selfish decision. No matter what she did, she needs you more. You need her more. I'll take you back home. But I'll stay here. This is where I need to be."

" Dad...."

"Landon, it's alright. You're my only child, I'll keep in touch, I'll visit, and when it's time I'll move back."

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