Chapter 17

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"Hey, Sil. " Landon said shyly.

"" Silvius stammered. There was a moment of deafening silence that was almost unnerving till Landon threw himself at Silvius and the poor boy had to hold him up so they wouldn't fall.


"I missed you so much!" Landon said sobbing into Silvius' chest. Silvius didn't even know how to feel right then. It was actually starting to sink in that Landon was here.

With him.

"Landon, what are you doing here? "

"I live here again," Landon said almost breathlessly.

"You live here?" Silvius asked and Landon nodded. "You live here!!!!"

And before Landon could say something else,  Silvius sealed his lips over Landon's and kissed him hard.

Landon was kissing him back and there was nothing else. Just them. Silvius couldn't possibly give a damn about anything else.....well except his parents.

"Uh...Silvius...." His mother started.

"What's going on here?" His father asked.

"Hello sir, I'm sorry I'm intruding... I just got back and I wanted to say hello my boyfriend." Landon smiled and Silvius blushed furiously.

"Boyfriend?  Since when?" Silvius' father asked.

"Uh...." The silence was once again deafening.

"Since before he left." Silvius' mother said and his father nodded.

"Ok but please, no PDA in the house. Are you staying for dinner Landon?"

"Yes,  he is. .." Silvius replied and the two boys signed in relief. Silvius' father walked away with a knowing smirk. Of course, all that hard staring and making them nervous was just a joke,  he knew what was going on. His wife told him everything.


"And that's what happened," Landon said concluding his explanation of what happened. It was almost midnight, they'd spent the whole night talking, holding hands and staring at the ceiling. Silvius had told Landon about the things he did while his boyfriend wasn't around. He was still getting used to using the term.

"So you just jumped on a plane and..."

"Got here as fast as I could."

"Oh." There was that silence again before Silvius remembered that he still had homework.

"Fuck. " He said under his breath.

"What? " Landon asked tightening his hold on Silvius' hand.

"'s nothing important, I didn't do my homework."

"Hmm...someone's lagging behind, huh Silvius Schmitz?" Landon teased moving his eyebrows around.

"Oh my God, Landon I almost forgot about that stupid nickname!" Silvius laughed.

"Well thank God I'm here remind you! " Landon laughed too and held Silvius' face in his hands before placing a soft kiss on his lips before pulling away. "How about that homework? "

"Nope. I'd rather do this." Silvius said and kissed Landon hard and heated.


When it was time for Landon to go,  Silvius had already finished his homework but couldn't find a way to explain his swollen lips to his father who was now staring at him intently. Thank God he was wearing a collared shirt that hid the hickey his boyfriend gave him.

"Um I bit my lip too hard is all," Silvius answered lamely and his dad just grunted not believing a word his son said. Landon silently snickered giving Silvius a knowing look.

"I'll let you say goodbye." His father said before leaving them alone.

Silvius and Landon just stared at each other.



The two of them started to say at the same time. Landon grinned.

"You go first," Landon said.

"I'm glad you're here. I'm happy because of you and I love you." Silvius said shyly.

"Really,  that's it?  I was waiting for some grand speech or something. You disappoint Silvius Schmitz." Landon teased making his boyfriend curse him out.  "Just kidding love. I'm happy too. I love you." Landon said and kissed Silvius. "I'll see your beautiful self-tomorrow."

"I'm not beautiful, I'm manly!" Silvius scolded Silvius who was already walking away.

"Yeah,  keep telling yourself that!!" Landon called out laughing.

Silvius shut the door with a smile. His Landon was back.

"You look happy." He heard and his heart leapt into his chest.

"Oh my God! Dad,  don't do that!" He exclaimed scolding his dad.

"What?" Silvius' father asked confused.

"You startled me!" Silvius explained his hand to his chest.

"Oh quit being so dramatic! You're so gay!" His father laughed. This was in his way reassuring Silvius that he loved him and he accepted him.


"Oh God, I've got tons of gay jokes you're gonna love!" His father said with a smile and Silvius groaned.

"Dad!!!" he whined.

"I'm glad you're happy, son, really."

"Thanks, dad. But no jokes please." Silvius begged to smile at his dad. He was so happy for the kind of parents he had.

"Yeah right!" His father said walking away.


Fucking hell.

Sorry short I know but I ran out of ideas. That was the last chapter yaaay!!!!

There will be an epilogue btw that summarises their future bcos Asma asked for one *rolling eyes*. lol.  Thanks for reading!!!

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