Chapter 2

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It was the weekend. Silvius and Landon were going to spend it together as usual. The sun was shining and they'd just finished all their homework. They were currently sitting in Landon's backyard watching Landon's dog jump around looking for tennis balls. Their first week in school wasn't as bad as Silvius expected,  actually, it was pretty good. With Landon by his side of course. He wasn't sure he would be able to cope all alone in a school like that. In a nutshell, they always made each others day worth it.

Lately, Landon had been spending a lot of time with Eva and Silvius couldn't complain. He'd seen it coming.  There was actually that sick feeling in his gut each time he caught Landon texting her or whenever they sat really close to each other. He knew it was a matter of time before they started going out. Silvius wanted to be happy for his friend, finally taking something aside from their friendship that seriously. It was in the way Landon talked about Eva, the way he smiled whenever she called...Silvius also didn't want to be jealous. It wasn't in his nature, but he wanted what they had too. He only ever got that kind of attention from his family and Landon and as selfish as it may seem, he wasn't ashamed to admit that he wanted more.

"Earth to Silvius!!!" Landon shouted close to his friend's ear making the smaller boy jump in surprise.

"What?!" Silvius shouted back and Landon laughed.

"I've been trying to get your attention all day. What on earth are you thinking about?"

"Nothing. What's up." Silvius asked. Landon looked at him warily but rolled his eyes.

"Do you want to go to the pool?"

"With who?" Silvius asked and Landon rolled his eyes again.

"Madonna stupid. Eva wants to come to." Landon said getting up from the chair and grabbing his sweats.

"No way! I don't want to be the third wheel. Why don't you just ask her out already?" Silvius asked but didn't want to know the answer to the question. He knew Landon would have less time for him if they started going out.

"I don't know man. I'm not so sure she wants to go out me." Landon said dejectedly and sighed.

"Yeah me neither. Who would want to go out with you with that ugly nose of yours." Silvius mocked and Landon pushed him out of the chair. Silvius laughed.

"Honestly though, she'd be a fool not to go out with you. Anyone really would want you."  Silvius said and Landon looked down at him. They held each other gazes for a moment too long and Silvius although he didn't know why wanted the moment to last more than it did. He could have sworn something moved in his chest during that moment until Landon went ahead and opened his big mouth ruining it for his friend.

"Did you just admit that I was hot Silvius Schmitz?" Landon asked wiggling his eyebrows. Silvius groaned and rolled his eyes. It wasn't worth it. Landon was hopeless and he said it to him.

"Aww, you sneaky monkey!!"


It was the week after that Silvius made a new friend. Not a friend in a good way. A bully friend, the one that always pushed him or makes him trip while walking. The one that called him a 'twink'. That friend. He didn't really voice out his problems to Landon or anyone really. Landon was to busy trying to set up his first date with Eva after she'd said yes to him. He knew once the date was over his best friend would pay more attention to him and notice that he was slowly becoming a victim of domestic violence. He didn't want to force Landon, Silvius knew that Eva made his friend happy and when Landon was happy, so was Silvius, no matter the situation.

They were in Math class at the moment and Silvius could safely admit that he couldn't take it anymore. He was sick of everything. Landon was by his side but it was as if he was miles away. Texting Eva. Silvius knew about Landon's bad habit of texting to in class but he'd always thought that anytime Landon was breaking the rules, it would be for him, not some girl.

Ok, maybe thinking like that was a stretch too far, but Silvius had never had to demand his friend's attention before and now he feels like he could almost beg for it. The bell rang to Silvius' relief and he got up slowly and packed his stuff. Without looking up, he could already hear Landon and Eva striking up a conversation and walking away from the classroom. Silvius had never in his life felt violent feelings but at that moment he could swear that he wanted to hit something, preferably a short girl with long black hair.

Landon held Eva's hand as they walked away. They hadn't really talked about it, but he did it the first time she didn't oppose so he continued. She smiled at him and he smiled back. He really really liked her and he was planning to ask her out at the end of the week. As they walked on, he noticed Silvius walking past them with a scowl on his face. Something must've happened because Silvius was almost never angry unless it was at him and he doesn't recall having pissed his friend off. He was about to call his name when Maxwell, a big tall guy in their class pushed Silvius making him fall and called him a twink fag before walking away with a smirk. Landon stared in shock. Silvius slowly got up and dusted his clothes as if nothing happened and Landon couldn't move.

"Poor guy." he heard Eva murmur but it was like buzzing in his ears because he was feeling so many things in that moment. Anger, pity regret... By the way, Silvius acted, like he wasn't surprised made Landon think that that wasn't the first time it was happening and Landon wanted to punch Maxwell. To defend his friend. But when Silvius looked at him, misty-eyed before walking away he felt like he had betrayed his friend in some way and it was too late to take it back.

Drama drama.

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