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"I don't want to!!!!" Silvius whined. Landon sighed. He couldn't believe his fiancé was being this childish because he didn't want to do something.

"Sil, love. Get up now." Landon said trying to apply authority in his words.

He failed.

"No!" Silvius huffed. "You won't make me."

"Stop being such a fucking child!"

"I'm being a fucking child because I don't want to attend a dinner with your fucking ex-girlfriend?!" Silvius exclaimed, hurt lacing his voice.

"Oh my God, she knows we're together! And our relationship was years ago. Get over it!"

"Excuse me if I feel a little jealous because of that, and may I remind you that we drifted apart that time because of her."

"Silvius quit being insecure, I love you and we're gonna get married. Eva is already married. There's nothing to worry about."

"I know, I was just giving you shit. I like hearing you say 'we're gonna get married'." Silvius said kissing Landon's cheek and making his way to his side of the closet to get dressed.

Landon sighed. Silvius was so annoying sometimes. But he didn't mind, it wasn't like he had a choice. They lived together. Which was the best decision they ever made by the way?

"Babe, which kind of restaurant are we going to?" Silvius asked as he typed rapidly on his phone. Landon knew it had something to do with work. Silvius was always working these days. Je was just grateful that Silvius could work from home.

"Dress casual. It's not a five-star restaurant or something like that." Landon answered and watched his shirtless boyfriend walk back into the closet.

During the dinner, Landon was kind of freaking out that Silvius would say something out of line. It's been almost nine years that they'd been together and during those years, Silvius had developed a mouth. He would say what he thought when he thought it. I was a good thing because it meant Silvius was no longer shy or timid, but at the same time, it got him into a lot of trouble that Landon had to bail him out of. Especially during their years at university.

Eva was a sweetheart the whole time and her husband was absolutely charming. He'd seen her again at his workplace. She'd come to complain about her account and seeing that Landon was the bank manager, she had to sort out the problem with him. It was a huge surprise to him because he didn't even recognize her until he saw her name. She wasn't married at that time. She'd later invited him to her wedding but that was when Landon had planned a surprise vacation for Silvius and himself so he couldn't make it, but he'd promised her a dinner and there they were.

After dinner, the two men decided to take a walk in the park before going back home. They didn't have time for things like this these days seeing that they were always busy.

Landon whispered sweet nothings to Silvius the whole time making the shorter lad giggle and the talked about their wedding preparations. They weren't really involved in it because they decided to leave it all to their mothers. All they had to do was 'choose the suits and get to the wedding venue on time'

They'd set the date and we're to be married in four weeks. Silvius appeared to be very calm about the situation but Landon was internally freaking out.

This was a wedding they were talking about. But he loved Silvius and that was all that mattered.


Ayo!!! This is it.  The end. I don't like it that much but eh.

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