Chapter 3

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Here we go.

Silvius ran out of the school building with tears staining his cheeks. His was completely shattered. He couldn't believe that Landon didn't defend him. He could understand that Landon didn't really have time for him because he was busy with Eva, but the fact that he was standing right there when it happened and he didn't even react just....hurt. Silvius held it in. The disappointment was really hard to handle. Why though? He was really expecting Landon to do something, it wasn't like he couldn't defend himself.if he wanted to, he would, he'd done it before. But he was waiting, for Landon and he'd done nothing. He didn't even come to him after it was over. What kind of friend did that, who forgets their best friend just because they got a new girlfriend? Silvius should have seen it coming though. Landon didn't have time for him anymore, no more sleepovers, no more 'Silvius Schmitz'. It's was right there and Silvius just refused to see it.

Landon had looked everywhere, he couldn't find his best friend. God, he felt dreadful. Eva didn't find him either. He should've done something. Why the hell didn't he react!? Silvius must hate him now. Who wouldn't after that? Landon felt so bad. He tried calling his phone but he didn't answer again. Then he decided to just wait for him at his house, he'd end up there no matter what. He was already moving when he heard Eva's voice stopped him.

"Landon, where are you going? We had plans."

"Eva, I'm really sorry, but I can't right now, I have to find him," Landon said annoyed with her.

"Think! Maybe he doesn't want to be found. You're the one that said he like being alone when he's upset. Maybe you shouldn't see him today. Give him time."

"Yeah, you're probably right. I just hope he's ok." Landon said still worried. Eva smiled and Landon almost forgot why he was so upset, she was so beautiful. She told him to calm down and grabbed his hand.

Silvius sat under the tree in his garden and waited. He was still waiting for Landon to come there anytime. It was almost dinner time and Landon had only called once. Why? He would usually get there before Silvius whenever Silvius was upset. He knew how to make Silvius feel better. But he wasn't here now. Probably with Eva. She'd become Landon's priority now. Silvius felt his eyes heat up and he took a deep breath. Why was everything falling apart? He didn't understand.


Landon was having a great time at dinner with Eva and her family, they were great people, but Silvius was still on his mind, he hoped his friend was okay. Eva was probably right. Silvius need time, he probably didn't want Landon around right now. Landon would just have to talk to his friend the next day at school.

When the next day arrived, Landon searched for Silvius before the first bell rang, they really needed to talk. But his friend was nowhere to be found. They just found out they didn't have class during the first period. If Landon had been with Silvius the night before, he'd have known that because Silvius would have told him. Silvius always knew things like that. Eva then dragged Landon to the school library so he could help her with her homework. He would basically do everything but he didn't mind. They were laughing at something Eva had drawn in her maths book when they heard the door open and close, Landon casually looked up and saw that it was Silvius. They looked at each other and before Landon could react, Silvius had just shaken his head and walked away. Landon didn't go after him this time but he couldn't shake off the feeling that it was again another lost opportunity and he was losing his friend by the minute.

Sorry, it's a bit short, I'm just really tired.
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