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She sat in her lonesome

Recounting all the adventuresome

The memories they had

The smiles they clad

The tears they shed

But those tears couldn't compare to the ones she had now, filling her with dread

This would be the time he would come in and comfort her

Hold her

Wipe the tears away and chase the demons out of her mind

Now he was forever blind

His warm embrace would never sooth her again

His calm voice will never whisper her stories of heroes and how they would protect the mundane

His big soft hands will never hold her own again

His rapturous smile will never make her happy again

It was all gone


She remembered all the yelling

The sound of belling but no happy ending

The sound of him breaking glass

The sound of her mother cursing

Lastly, she heard the sound of him crying

That day, she wanted to know

She wanted to know why he was crying and her mother was yelling

She wanted to know why her brother was gone

Why was he so withdrawn

No one will ever tell her

She remembered her brother would tell her everything

If she wanted to know, he would tell her

So she was upset that he didn't tell her that he was leaving

She was upset he didn't tell her he was dying

She felt it then

The tears slowly come rolling down her small round face

She remembered how he would wipe her tears away, saying that if she didn't stop she would turn into a raisin

She wanted to laugh and she tried, but more tears fell and she cried harder

She remembered something else

Then something else and then it seemed all their memories began playing in her head and flashing before her eyes and she wished it would stop

She didn't want to remember anymore

She wanted to forget

To forget it all and never cry over it again

But that was selfish and her brother hated selfishness

Yet, he did the most selfish thing ever

She remembered that too

She would always remember that

She so desperately wanted to forget the day her brother died

Even if that was selfish


You'll learn to survive without me

Just as you learned to walk without my fingers guiding you

Don't make me regret swallowing my life

I had to be selfish to save myself

From my own self destruction

The Short Memories of Calvin LyonWhere stories live. Discover now