Chapter 2

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" jungkook you work here "
" yes I do "
" as what a waiter or sex God "
" umm I guess you can say both "
" I can't believe it why are you working here "
" I guess you found out one of my secrets "
" how can you work here your like a man whore who gives women what they want for money "
" yes I work here and give women what they want for money but that's because I need the money but today for you I'll give it to you for free "
" WHAT you must be crazy "
" oh come on y/n you know you want me just as much as I want you "
" no stop "
He started walking closer to you giving you a smirk. You couldn't help but feel a little turned on the way his slacks fit him so tightly and his white button up shirt hugging his built body and even with his hair messy it still looks so good on him.
He started walking closer to you making you sit down on the soft silky red bed. He leaned down to you and you couldn't help but feel really turned on for Him.
" you know you want it "
You were also afraid because this would have been your first time doing this and just thinking about this is really scary. He got so close to your lips that his lips slightly touched your lips. He crashed his lips on yours and this is also your first time kissing someone this was all happening so fast that you couldn't process everything in. He was still kissing you and he noticed that you weren't responding to the kiss so he lightly but your lower lip so you would kiss him back and so you did. His hands started going up your thighs making you feel all tingly. You felt his hands go under your shirt making your eyes widen and stopping him.
" wait stop "
" what's wrong "
" it's just that I'm "
" your a virgin "
You nodded and he smirked at you
" it's okay baby I'll take good care of you don't worry you'll feel good "
He attached his to yours lips again without even giving you a second to answer him. He started kissing down your neck and leaving little love bites you couldn't help but make a sound and that made him feel proud of himself that he was making you feel right. your hands went to his white button up shirt trying to unbutton it.
" patiences baby "
He pulled your shirt over your head exposing your white bra. He kissed down to your chest ready to Unclasped your bra when someone knocked on the door.
" jungkook your 5 o'clock is here "
" I'm busy with one right now "
" hurry up she's been waiting for 10min now "
" alright, just give me a sec "
He kissed your lips and leaned down to your ears.
" maybe next time baby "
You got up putting your shirt on but you felt a little upset that this didn't go any farther because he had other girls coming in for him. You grabbed your shoes about to just leave but he grabbed you arms making you face him.
" your just going to leave like that "
" like what "
" you know what I mean "
" actually I don't know "
He grabbed your waist pulling you close to him while he kissed you.
" there now you can go "
You were trying to holding in your smile but you couldn't he made your heart race so fast. You exit out of the room seeing the girl waiting by the door giving you a glare.
" jungkook I need you right now "
That's the last thing you heard before the door shut closed. To be honest you felt a little bit jealous that she gets to see what's under that suit and gets to be touched by his soft warm hands roaming all over his body. You shook your head getting these dirty thoughts out of your head. You had never thought about anyone like that before. You walked out going back home but all you could think about is what are they doing right now. But the one thing that you were really curious about is him. Why is working there ?
What does he need the money for ? Why didn't he chose to work somewhere else ? You tried to set these thoughts aside and just go home. You opened the door to your house and kicked your shoes off and went upstairs to take a shower before going into bed. You turned on the water feeling the warm water on your body felt really nice but jungkook was still on your mind. These past few weeks every time he stares at you he makes your heart race your not going to lie but you had deep feelings for this bad boy you really liked him now. You got out of the shower not even bothering to put on a bra you just wore your undies and shorts with your big Tshirt. You didn't have school tomorrow so you decided to have a movie marathon and watch movies all night. It was already 2 in the morning and you were still up late. You heard your phone ring and you picked it up
" is this y/n "
" yes, who is this "
" oh I'm the bartender and your boyfriend seems to be really drunk right now so can you come get him "
You made a confused look
" boyfriend I don't have one you must have got the wrong number "
" wait just a moment "
You could hear the bartender asking their person who they were
" jungkook right "
" jungkook "
Why are they calling you about jungkook for
" yes I know him "
" oh well he is drunk right now and can't get home "
" okay I'll come get him just give me the address "
The bartender started giving you the address to the place and you changed into sweats and wore a sweater. You grabbed your car keys and left to go get him. After about 10mim you finally found the place. You in walked seeing jungkook drunk laying his head down. You ran over to him
" what happened "
You asked the bartender
" I don't know he just drank so much "
You grabbed his arm wrapping it around your shoulders.
" okay thanks for giving me a call "
" no problem "
You carried jungkook heavy body to the car trying to put him in the car but he was so heavy you couldn't
" come on jungkook work with me here "
You finally got him in the car and you couldn't wait to leave this place because it looked so scary. You quickly got into your car and drove home. You pulled up in your drive way and grabbed jungkook out of your car and carried him into your house and threw him on the couch. He woke up still alittle drunk but stable enough to talk to you properly.
" you okay "
" yeah I'm fine "
You went to the kitchen to bring him some water
" here drink this it will make you sober you up a bit "
He chugged the whole cup of water down and laid back down
" why did you drink so much today "
" I'm just stress that's all "
You came and sat next to him
" I haven't told you this but I've become really curious about you jungkook I want to know more about you "
" why is that "
" b-because I really like you jungkook"
" you like me "
" yes "
" well you'll get to know more about me for sure "
He got up and leaned close to your face
" what are you doing "
" finishing up what we started "
He started kissing you and the kiss was sloppy but you could feel passion in the kiss and mixed with the taste of mint and alcohol. He picked you up and you wrapped your legs around his waist
" room "
" upstairs "
He carried you upstairs and laid you down on your bed and started kissing down your neck.
" not wearing a bra for me "
You forgot that you weren't wearing a bra.
" good less work for me "
Through rest of that night you guys made love feeling each other.
The next morning you woke up feeling your side of the bed empty and seeing jungkook getting dress good thing you were wearing your shirt.
" where are you going "
" I'm leaving "
" where are you leaving too don't you remember what happened last night "
" oh yeah I forgot to tell you I used you only "
" WHAT "
" I never liked you I only wanted to get you in bed and now that I did my work is done "
He leaned down to your ears
"didn't I tell you not to get involve with me "
He pecked yours cheeks before leaving you behind while you cried.

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