Chapter 7

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" no one is going to help you now sweetie "
The guy kept touching you and kissing you. You were literally crying about too past out when you heard someone yell.
Jungkook came over and pulled you and started punching those guys who tried to rape you. Jungkook carried you bridal style and walked out you wiggled for jungkook to put you down
" fine if that's what you want "
He dropped you on the ground and you were crying
" calm down first y/n your going to pass out "
" listen too me "
" NO because of you everyone hates me because of you those guys raped me I HATE YOU JUNGKOOK "
You ran away from him and he started chasing after me and grabbed my wrists making me stop
" Y/N STOP "
He grabbed you by your waist and hugged you tightly. Your tears making his shirt all wet.
He looked down and didn't say anything too you
" that's what I thought "
You walked away from him and started crying feeling all your emotions come out. You were walking home and everyone was looking at you because your hair was a mess and your shirt was all ripped up. You came too the park where you and taehyung stayed when he first confessed too you. You miss him so much.
" Y/N "
you looked up and saw that face you wanted too see for days
" taehyung ah "
you said while crying
" what happened too you "
You just kept crying and it felt great too have someone hug you tightly
" taehyung i miss you "
You cried loudly that you think the whole park could hear you
" it's okay I'm right here nothing is going to happen "
He took off this jacket and wrapped it around you
after talking to eunji she talked about stuff that happened long ago but that day will always haunt me. I walked back into school and I was going to go use the bathroom when I heard screaming coming from the girls bathroom. I came and it sounded like y/n I opened the door and saw a couple of boys trying to rape y/n. They were trying to rip her clothes and they were kissing her. I got really mad seeing what they were doing to y/n
I pushed them off y/n and starting punching them and carried y/n bridal style out of the bathroom. She kept wiggling for me to put her down so
" fine if that's what you want "
I dropped her on the ground and she started crying and yelling at me. She was about to past out from all the yelling and crying. When she said she hated me that really hurt me a bit usually when she says she hates me I just let it go but this time it sorta hurt a little hearing those words coming out from her mouth. She started running away and I chased after her making her stop and hugged her. I felt a little bad for what I was doing to her but when she told me if I loved her I should just tell her. I didn't answer her because I don't know what I was feeling right now but I knew for a fact that it wasn't love just yet.
Your POV
" what happened y/n "
You told taehyung everything and he was comforting you and you felt happy he was next too you . You laid your head on his shoulders
" do you hate me taehyung am I a bad person "
" of course not "
" what do you think I should do taehyung "
" I don't know what do you want to do"
" I wish I could just run away I wish i could leave all my feelings behind "
" what is your heart saying "
" I don't know "
" let me ask you a different question "
" what does your heart feel towards jungkook "
" my feelings towards jungkook is real I love him a lot but I wish I only knew how he really feels "
" don't worry y/n I know his feelings for you are real "
I removed my head from his shoulders
" what do you mean "
" jungkook he loves you a lot "
" what your funny he doesn't even show me he loves me "
" he does y/n trust me "
" yeah okay I guess "
" just give him some time you'll see "
" are you really defending him right now "
" no but I just know "
Being with taehyung again made
made you feel a little bit better. He always makes you happy and ever since you came here he has been the one real friend you had. We all walked back inside the school and came just in time before the teacher came in but jungkook was in class and that worried you a bit. The teacher came in with and everyone quiet down.
" okay class we are going to have a class trip because the teachers feel that everyone here needs a little break and bonding time "
You are excited to hear that you guys are going on a trip and you really needed the trip. You heard the door open and came in jungkook but you didn't even want to look at him because he's the reason you felt like trash. He came and sat by eun hee.
you packed our clothes as you headed off to school with your bag of clothes. You came just in on time.
Taehyung: " y/n come on "
You ran to bus quickly and putting your things away there weren't enough seats on the bus for toy and taehyung to sit next to each other so he had to sit next to one of the other students. There was one seat left and of course that was next to jungkook. He was looking out the window and listening to his music. You came and sat down next to him but you didn't even look at him. The whole ride was so awkward and quiet between you two. Your eye started feeling drowsy and you were feeling tired but the seat was so uncomfortable that when you let head kept moving back and fourth.
Jungkook POV
I looked over at y/n she started getting tired and her head kept swaying back and fourth. I don't know why but seeing her sleep she does look really beautiful. I was slowly lifted my hands to carefully place her head on my shoulders but the bus stopped and it made her head jerk forward waking her up and I put my hand down quickly.
Your POV
The bus stopped so quickly my head jerked forward making me full awake now. I looked over to jungkook who was sleeping but was not awake. We all got off the bus and taehyung came and and linked arms with you dragging you away and eun hee already finding her way to jungkook. The rest of time we got free time and it was fun. The day was ending and everyone built a bond fire and we all sat down roasting marshmallows. You sat next to taehyung and you could see jungkook glaring at us and EUN hee was being really clingy which was annoying.
" hey jungkook why don't you sing us a song "
" uhh no it's okay "
" oh come on we all know you can sing and play the guitar " ( just pretend he can lol )
The students wanted jungkook to sing for us and to be honest you wanted to hear him sing.
" okay fine "
He grabbed the guitar
" what do you guys want me to sing "
" umm something slow and smooth "
You watched as he slowly started playing the song and he started singing. This was the first time you ever heard him sing and he sounded like angel. He was playing and he stole little glances to you. His voice was so soothing it touched your heart. This is a different side of jungkook you never seen he was always so rude and arrogant and being such a jerk but if you actually get to know him he isn't that bad. You quietly got up and walked away you told taehyung you needed to use the bathroom. You started walking around and just feeling the fresh air. You didn't see the hole on the ground and accidentally stepped on it making you fall and scrape your knees making it bleed a little. You touched your knee but felt the pain. Someone came and touched your knee
" are you okay "
" jungkook what are you doing here "
" why are you always so clumsy "
He carefully observed your knee and took out a bandage from his pocket and placed it where you fell and scraped your knee.
" why are you being so nice to me "
He didn't answer me usually he would have a smart snarky comment but he didn't say anything.
" why aren't you answering me "
He lifted his head up and you two were seriously close to each other. You both looked into each other's eyes and you felt like you seen a side of him that no ones ever seen. He started leaving in closely making your lips one a centimetre away but you stopped him
" stop don't, I don't want this to happen again I know this is just a game to fool me into sleeping with you again "
He took time and grabbed the back of your neck and connected your lips together. You really didn't want to pull back but you did this time.
You stood up and he looked at you
" why are you always doing this to me jungkook "
You started to cry a little
" answer me "
Your voice cracked alittle because you started crying
" are you doing this because your playing around or your serious "
" I can't answer that "
" I knew it this kiss was just another fake one just like all the other times "
" wait y/n listen to me please "
" no I hate jeon jungkook I hate you so much "
You walked away after saying those harsh words.
Jungkook POV
I saw that y/n had got up and left but i followed he because I knew she somehow end up hurting herself she is really clumsy. I saw her walking and she stopped on a hole and fell scraping her knees and I walked over to help her. I don't why being so close to her I really loved it I really am starting to love her a lot more than I thought I would. This was a plan at first to just mess around but she somehow found her way into my heart. It broke me heart hearing her say I was fooling around with her I mean I did at first but now I really meant it. I grabbed the back of her neck and kissed her but she pulled back and started crying and it hurt me to see that she was crying. She asked if I loved her or if I was just playing around with her. I really didn't know how to answer to her. She had said she hated me so many time already but this time it hurt a lot. She walked away crying
Your POV
You wiped your tears quickly before heading back but taehyung was already waiting.
" taehyung "
" y/n were you crying "
" no "
" stop lying your eyes are red, are you okay "
You started balling your eyes out and hugged him
" it's okay y/n I'm here "
After crying out you felt alittle bit better
" so it's him again "
" yeah he's always playing around you already know that but don't worry this time I didn't let him take over me "
Taehyung stayed quiet and didn't say anything
" why are you so quiet all of sudden "
" do you love him y/n "
" I thought I did but now I honestly don't know "
" because I know he loves you "
You chuckled at taehyung for saying that
" yeah right I doubt it "
" because I know something you don't "
" like what "
He stayed quiet
" tell me your scarring me taehyung "
" he does love you and he told me "

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