Chapter 8

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[ I'm finally back with this STORY WOOHOO! ]

" He does love you, he told me "
" why would he tell you "
" anyways lets go back "
" no you have to tell me first "
" another time okay "
" no please tell me "
" I'll tell you the next time I see you "
" then your lying he doesn't love me, but it's not like I would care anymore "
" please y/n let's just go home "
" fine "
taehyung POV
Y/n was alittle drunk so I had her sober up before I take her home. I was with our friends drinking but since I didn't want to get too drunk I didn't drink so much. I wasn't really any fun so to go check up on y/n. I heard jungkook's voice and y/n voice, I looked and she was undressed and he was getting dressed.
" you just me crazy to think that I love you "
I heard him say that and that really made me angry. He was coming out but I stood but the hall way waiting for him. He was fixing his unbutton when I stepped in front of him and grabbed the collar of his shirt.
He chuckled and looked at me
" what are you talking about "
" Leave y/n alone, stop messing with her and hurting her "
He pushed my hands off of his collar
" it doesn't matter who I mess around with its not your business "
" it's is my business because I love y/n and I'm going to take her away from you "
" no your not, she loves me "
" it doesn't matter, you don't deserve her you don't even care or love her "
He stayed quiet and didn't answer me
" I love her and I'm going to take her away from you "
I was going to walk away but he stopped me by standing in front of me
" no your not going to take her away from me "
" yes I am "
" she is mine and you will fail "
" just watch me, someone like you who doesn't even love or care for her won't ever get her "
" you won't get her because I love her already "
I looked at jungkook who still had messy hair. He said he loves her but I couldn't believe that
" yeah you love y/n yet you don't show it and still hurt her what a load of crap "
" I love y/n and I'm telling you because I'm going to get her and I know I will win "
I was willing to try hard to get y/n even if I have to fight for her. I was going to try everything and if he wins then everything will be over. He walked past me while bumping my shoulders.
Your POV
You got home and you were still thinking about what taehyung said about jungkook saying he loves you. You didn't believe it for a second but then again taehyung wouldn't lie and why would've just say something like that to you. You shook your head and went straight to sleep forgetting about this whole day ever happened. You came in school the next day and everyone kept whispering about you but you didn't care as much because you kinds of got used to it. Life has been little out of hand ever since jungkook came into it class with EUN hee but you didn't even want to look at them. The day was ending and you didn't see taehyung because he said he had some business to take care of with his dad so you walked home alone. You were walking home when you some upon a group a guys smoking but you had to walk trough to get to your house but you were a little afraid. You slowly walked and held on your books tightly and walked feeling so scared and you got even more afraid when one of them grabbed your arms.
" wow who is this sexy "
" please let me go "
One of them grabbed my cheeks making me look at them
" why would we do that beautiful "
" please don't do this "
You were so scared you were actually calling for jungkook to Come save you right now. You thought you were going to get raped and killed today.
Someone tried to kiss you but you slapped his face and soon regretted
One of them grabbed my arm dragging me into their car but I struggled to get out.
You heard jungkook's voice and felt so relieved.
One of them came closer to him
" hey kid get out of here "
" let her go "
They tried punching him but he's strongest person you know and you know he would do it. He punched all of them and one of them grabbed a stick and hit his back making him ache in pain alittle
He still fought them all and he grabbed my hands we started running. We finally got away from them and we hid behind the wall and when he confirmed they were gone he felt relieved and dropped down to the ground with his hand in his back
" are you okay, do you need to go to the hospital "
" no it's fine "
" your hurt, because of me "
" are you okay "
You got scrapped on your knees but didn't care because he was more hurt then you. You looked at him and he actually looks like he was serious for the first time. You've never seen him care and ask if your okay ever
" you should go to the hospital "
" no, I'm fine let's take you home "
This is also the first jungkook had taken you home without trying a move and being cocky to you. You actually like this side of jungkook way better.
" go inside "
" are you are you don't want took to the hospital "
" I'm okay, go inside "
You nodded and went inside and watched jungkook leave but he was in pain.
Jungkook POV
I came home and laid down until it was dark
" I hate you jeon jungkook "
" don't do this come down from there "
" no you hurt me, and I can't take this from you any more "
" please come down "
" I loved you but you always took my granted "
She closed her eyes and jumped off the roof and I ran over but
I quickly woke up from that dream, I keep having that same dream about hyun ji. I keep trying to get rid of these kind of dreams but I just can't. I looked at the time and it 2am and I really needed a drink so I decided to go too the bar. I went and drank as much as I can because I just felt the need to. I got to my 10th shot and I got woozie.
" sir we are closing, do you need to call for someone to come get you "
" no I'm fine "
I walked outside and went wherever my feet took me. I came upon a house and it was y/n house, I really need her right now and I want to see her. I rang the door bell lots of time but she didn't answer. I kept ringing the door bell and I heard someone yelled
" it's me jungkook "
She opened the door
" JUNGKOOK why are you so drunk "
" y/n "
She let me in and held onto me making sure I wouldn't fall.
Your POV
Your eye sleeping and you heard the door bell and you looked at the time and it was 4am. You thought who would come to your house at 4am. The ere alittle but scared at the same time
" it's me jungkook "
You opened the door and saw jungkook but he was drunk an you mean really drunk. You helped him inside and and helped him on the couch.
" you need to sober up "
But he grabbed my arm stopping me
" I need to tell you something "
You saw his tears and this is the first time you've seen him cry.
" what's wrong "
" I miss you "
You could feel your heart Racing quickly But you didn't want to because he was drunk and he probably doesn't know what he is saying.
" I'm having hard time "
" why what wrong tell me "
You say next to him
" I can't get her out of my dreams and that day hunts me everyday because I was such a bad person for that "
" who, what are you talking about "
" my ex lover Bora, I loved her so much but I kept doing wrong things and I lost her and promised myself I would never love anyone again and that's why I became cold and I thought I could do it but "
" but what "
" but I met you, the moment I saw you I fell in love and the reason why I do this is because I can't express my feelings well and I didn't want you to know and If I ever lost you then my whole life will be a ruined" You couldn't believe it he just said he loves you
" I don't believe you jungkook, you've played me so many times and your drunk so I don't believe you "
" you don't believe me "
" no I ju- "
He leaned in an kissed you and your eyes widen. This kiss was passionate mixed with the taste of mint and alcohol. You closer your eyes and you really felt something, his love for you and you Knew his feelings were sincere this time.

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