Chapter 12

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You came home feeling upset, how could jungkook and eunji do this you. When you both agreed to date he promised he would make this work for the both of us. You felt like your heart had just been shattered but you didn't feel much because this has happened so many times with jungkook already. Maybe he isn't the one for you, something bad always happens when jungkook is around. You decide to cut jungkook and eunji off for a while until you cool down and make you decision on what you wanted to do, because as of right now their the two person you wanted to so least right now. It would be a bit harder avoiding jungkook because you knew he won't stop until you forgive him but this was already his last chance to show me something else from him.
It's been 2weeks since you've last talked to them both. You actually got over being mad at taehyung and it only took a couple of hours because you knew it wasn't even his fault and you knew he just didn't want to hurt you. You were hanging out with taehyung all day at school trying to avoid them both. You came into the lunch room to have lunch with taehyung and it feels like old times when he was just me and him.
You saw eunji entering the lunch room alone and she spotted you and walked over to you.
" y/n can we talk please "
" I don't want to talk to you "
" please just give me 5min "
" fine 5min not 6 "
" let's talk outside "
You followed eunji outside of the school so you both could talk.
" what did you want to talk about "
" first off, I'm really really sorry "
" are you sure about that "
" yes, I am "
" aren't you best friends with that same girl 5years ago "
" yeah "
" what kind of friend are you to go sleep with other people boyfriend because I'm pretty sure if you did that to her she would be just as upset as I am "
" I know I'm sorry it's just that "
" what "
" I also liked jungkook but I just never told anyone and let anyone know because i knew I would never get the chance and when I got the chance I took it "
" still, you knew he and I were dating "
" yes, I knew that and I didn't know what I was thinking when that happened "
" well I don't know what else to say to you because I still haven't forgave you "
" I understand because if it was me I would be upset too, but you don't have to forgive me I just wanted you to know that I'm really sorry and I won't ever interferer with you guys anymore "
She started walking away
" wait "
She stopped and looked at me
" I still haven't forgave you yet but I know that your sorry and just give me a couple of days and I'll tell you how I feel then "
" so your saying we could still be friends "
" we'll see what happens from here, things may not be the same it used to be but I'm willing to try "
She smiled and hugged me, you both went back inside the lunchroom and taehyung was still waiting for you. You guys ate and finished your food and threw it away and left. You both walked down the hall way talking and laughing and you both saw jungkook who was looking at you both and you could tell he was jealous and mad. You didn't care and walked right past him but he grabbed your wrists stopping you
" let's talk "
" I don't want to "
" we have to "
" no, let go jungkook "
Taehyung: " she said let go "
Jungkook: " who asked you, she is my girlfriend "
Jungkook was dragging you but taehyung stopped him by grabbing the other side of your wrists.
Jungkook: " let go "
Taehyung: " no, she doesn't want to go with you "
" jungkook, I don't want to talk please let go "
He looked at you and you could now see sadness in his eyes. He slowly loosened your wrists and you pulled away
" let's go taehyung "
You felt heart broken that you had to be so rude and cold to him but he did that to you so many times and now it's your turn to show him how much it hurts.
" are you okay y/n "
" yeah I'm okay "
Jungkook POV
I was walking in the hall way waiting to see if I would see y/n so I could talk to her. I saw her walking but she was with taehyung and I couldn't help but feel jealous and angry. I felt like punching a wall. She saw me but walked past me but I stopped her by grabbing her wrists. She didn't want to talk to me and I knew taehyung was trying to get y/n but I was not going to let that happen. When she chose to leave with taehyung, that really hurt me and I've had never been so hurt by such words. She walked away and I was now getting really afraid because I didn't know how I could ever get her back now. I saw eunji and she asked to talk with me.
" we need to stop talking and seeing each other "
" what's wrong if we just talk "
" did you not see, because of what we did I'm going to lose her so from now on let's never talk or met again "
I left pushing aside her because of the stupid mistakes I did I probably won't even get her back. I was walking around the park when I got a text from someone and I opened it and I clenched my fists.
Your POV
" y/n "
Two of your classmates came up to you
Lisa: " hey y/n, will you do us a big favor "
" depends "
Mina: " so we are going on a blind date today and they said that their are three of them and we need another Person to go and your pretty so I think you will be great "
" I don't know guys "
" please "
You thought about it because you were still in a mess with jungkook and a blind date doesn't seem to be so good right now.
Lisa: " please "
You decide to just go maybe it can be good to keep your mind off of jungkook got a while.
" okay let's go "
Mina: " yay, let's go "
You went with them both and we came to a restaurant. We came saw the three guys.
" hello pretty ladies "
You talked with your date and he was really kind and nice. This night wasn't so bad, it was actually fun you guys played games with beer and it was just great. You were having fun when suddenly you felt someone grab your wrists
" let's go "
" wait junglook, I'm still busy here "
" no your not "
Your date got up and stopped jungkook
" hey hey, what do you think you are doing here "
" can't you see I'm here for her "
" well can't you see were on a date right now "
" no, because she is my girlfriend "
" no no no, I'm not his girlfriend "
" she just said she isn't your girlfriend so let go "
Your date went to grab your hand but jungkook pushed him making him hit the table and getting up and trying to punch jungkook but he blocked him and he became a mess. Jungkook got punched once and the corner of his lips was bleeding. He was going to go in for another punch but you stepped in wrapped your arms around him
" JUNGKOOK please stop, please "
He loosened his fists and you looked at him
" please let's just go "
You both left the place and went someone where else. He kept walking and wouldn't stop.
" jungkook, stop "
He stopped and looked at you
" why would you come out here on a date with a guy, when we are still dating "
" jungkook, we are on a break right now so it doesn't mater at the moment "
" do you know how mad it makes me seeing you around all these guys "
" what's guys it was only one "
" doesn't matter "
" okay you know what I'm leaving "
" wait, no let's talk about us first "
You turned around to look at him
" fine, lets talk you hurt me you made me so heart broken that I hate myself even more that I still love you "
" you still love me "
" well now i don't know if I still do "
" please y/n I'm sorry please let's just forget about this, please give me a other chance "
" you want me to forget about this and give you another chance "
You chuckled at
" what "
" do you know how many times you have asked for forgiveness and chances "
" I know but I'm serious this time "
" you said that so many times already too that I don't know if you still have anymore chances "
" y/n please "
" I'm going to go now "
You left while feeling your tears roll down your face. You still love him but he makes it hard for you to love him. The next morning you came into school with taehyung and later after school life guys were going to go out later. You and taehyung were walking when you saw jungkook and his left side of cheek is bruised because of that punch yesterday. He looked at you but didn't stop you or anything. You thought that he gave up on us and you were alittle upset of how fast he gave up.
" y/n are you okay "
" yeah I'm fine "
You were in class the whole day but jungkook didn't come to class. It was finally time for lunch and you went and got lunch with taehyung but still no sign of jungkook. You got a bit worried but didn't want it to show that you were worried about jungkook.
" so y/n are you ready for today "
" huh, what's today "
" we were going to go hang out "
" oh yeah, sorry my mind wasn't all there "
" it's okay "
The day was ending and you went home to drop off your things and taehyung came to pick you up
" you ready "
" yup "
You guys went to the carnival and it was so fun to just go out and have fun. Taehyung always somehow found a way to cheer you up when your upset. You guys are cotton candy went on rides and just had lots of today. The sun was going down and the moon was going up and that wasn't it was time to leave. You guys decide to get some icecream first before leaving. You guys came to a quiet park near your place and just ate ice cream together while talking.
" so umm y/n are you and jungkook going to get back together "
" umm I don't know actually "
" well I have something I want to tell you "
" what's that "
He took alittle while before he told you.
" y/n can you really now look at me and see as someone who can make you happy "
You were a bit shocked
" taehyung I "
" I love you y/n and I want to be with you but jungkook took you and now that you see that he isn't for you can you really now look at me as someone who can protect and love you even more "
You really didn't know what to say to taehyung because this was happening so fast in one day.
" taehyung, I haven't even found out my own feelings yet and my mind is all confused right now "
" please y/n "
He started slowly leaning in
Jungkook POV
I came to y/n house to look for y/n but she want home. I waited all day for her but it was not getting late but she still wasn't home. I decided maybe she went out for a walk. I came to the park near her place because it was quiet and there was no one here. I was walking but seeing taehyung and y/n together again made me even more mad. He was going to kiss her and that's when I lost it and walked over there and pulled taehyung by his shirt and punched him
I let go of taehyung shirt and she went to help him but I pulled her by her wrists.
" why are you doing this y/n "
" doing what "
" are you really going to now think about me "
" I did, I always think about you and I thought you would've change but you didn't "
Taehyung: " I already told you, that I you hurt her again I will take her away "
I was about to go and punch him again but she stopped me.
" okay y/n you have a chose right now it's either me or taehyung "
" are you seriously making me chose right now "
Taehyung: " y/n I really love you but I also want to know who "
" chose right now y/n me or taehyung "
" tae- "
My heart dropped when I heard those words but I knew what I had to do.

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