Chapter 4

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You drove back home and the first thing you did was lay down on your bed. You were thinking long and hard why couldn't you have met taehyung first before you met that jerk or better yet not even meet him. Taehyung is the totally opposite of jungkook. Taehyung is sweet kind and caring while jungkook is rude mean and doesn't care about one but him. But some how you couldn't get him out of your mind he's always there. You liked him a lot and no matter how many times he had played you somehow you still cared for him so much. You thought that sleeping it off would just be better. You decided to just go sleep and not even think about all of this. The next morning you came to school extra early you just wanted time for yourself. You came into the class room and no one was here but you. You laid your head down on your desk and was starting to fall asleep when someone came in and dropped their books on your desk making a loud thump making you wake up.
" jungkook what are you doing here "
" same as you "
" well please leave because I don't want too see you "
" why not don't you like me "
" no I don't please leave "
" nope "
" jungkook why are you always doing this and more importantly why are you trying to get with eun hee as well "
" why does it bother you? "
" no I just don't want her hurt "
" well just be glad it's not you "
" jungkook I really like you but why are you doing this to me "
" because you are just my toy who I mess around with "
He left the classroom without even giving you a glance. You could feel your face getting wet from your tears.
You were sitting in the class room crying when you heard someone coming in and you quickly got up and wiped your tears.
" taehyung what are you doing here "
" oh I was looking for you are you okay you look like you've been crying"
You don't know why but when he asked you that question you just broke down crying and he hugged you tightly it felt so nice to have someone embrace you like you were fragile
" what's wrong y/n "
" it's complicated "
" you want too talk about it we can talk about it if you want "
" sure "
You spent the whole time talking and venting your feelings too taehyung and it was great too have someone too talk too.
" sorry if I'm boring you with all my problems "
" no it's okay I didn't know jungkook could be that rude "
" yeah but it's okay "
" well from now on I got your back I will protect you "
You gave him a smile taehyung you couldn't believe he is your friend. We both walked out of the classroom and you saw something you wish you never saw jungkook and Eun hee were kissing and making out your heart was now completely shattered you felt as if your heart was just stabled. Taehyung looked and saw what you saw and he covered your eyes and turned you around so You would be facing him.
" don't turn around y/n I promise you I will protect you no matter what"
We both started walking outside and your eyes were so red from crying. We sat down on a bench and You were still crying with your head down when you felt a pair of hands lift your head up too face him and he wiped your tears. Feeling him wiped your tears sent tingles down your spine he was so gentle unlike jungkook who is always so rough and dragging you around.
" I'm so glad your by my side taehyung "
" I'm glad I can be by your side "
The bell for school rang and it was time for class. The whole day all you could think about was Jungkook making out with another girl. Finally school was ending and you felt had that you get to go home. Taehyung came up to you and offered to walk you home and you couldn't say no. Walking with taehyung really made me feel better he was funny and dorky and everything any girl is looking for I'm a guy. You didn't even want to be home yet because you were having so much fun with taehyung he made you laugh and made funny jokes that only he can understand. We finally got too the front of your house
" thanks for walking me home "
" no problem and a beautiful girl like you shouldn't be walking home alone anyways "
His words made you blush 50 shades of pink. He stood in front of you with his hands in his pocket looking down while kicking his feet.
" so I'll see you tomorrow then"

He smiled and nodded you turned around to open your door when taehyung suddenly called your name and you turned around
" yes "
He looked at you and came close and kissed your cheeks he caught you by surprise and your eyes widen at his sudden action
" sorry I don't know why I did that "
" no it's fine "
" okay well good night y/n "
" goodnight taehyung "
You watch him leave until he was out of your sight he was really a nice guy why can't I like a guy like him but instead my cruel heart choose that jerk jungkook instead. You were about too enter your house when someone pushed you inside and pushed you against the wall.
" jungkook what are you doing here "
" so I see your dating that jerk now "
" he is not a jerk he is perfect better than you "
" watch what your saying baby girl "
" stop calling me that "
" why not "
" get away from me "
He suddenly whooped you on his shoulders and walked upstairs too your bedroom you were hitting his back and trying to wiggle out of him. We got too your bed and he threw you on your bed
" girls like you need punishments "
He hovered over you and smirked at you and was going to start kissing you but you stopped him and you to get him to let go. He always does this too you. you finally pulled him off you and you felt your tears falling
" JUNGKOOK am I just a toy too you "
" most likely yeah "
" but why jungkook why do you do this too me don't I mean nothing too you just a little bit "
He didn't answer he just left without a single word. Why is he always doing this too me. You were starting to even care for him a little bit because you thought maybe he acted like this was because he needed someone to care for him but he sees you as a toy. Why heart why did you pick him and not taehyung.
The next morning you got too school and you see jungkook and Eun hee holding hands together and you felt this pain of jealous. you didn't even dare to look at them You just kept walking when someone jump from behind and scared you
" BOO "
" ahaha oh my gosh taehyung you scared me too death "
He was laughing at you and after seeing a smile on his face made you forget about what You just saw.
" Y/N "
" ohh EUN HEE "
" wow are you and taehyung dating you two look good together "
you looked at jungkook and you can see him clenching his fist and teeth which really brought out his jawline You can see jungkook giving taehyung death glares.
" you two should go out together "
" no were just friends good friends"
" hey why don't we all go too Alice's birthday party tonight at this one club all four of us "
" I don't know I'm not really up for a party "
" come on it will be fun "
" okay I guess "
Fast forward too party
You were in your room debating on what too wear too the party. In the end you chose a black dress that cuts up too my thighs and has a strap around my neck it. you wore light make up and curled your hair and wore some black heels. You looked at yourself in the mirror you did look really different you heard the door bell ring and you walked to open the door it was taehyung he looks really sexy to be honest he was wearing a white nice button up shirt with a blazer and black jeans.
" wow you look handsome "
" and you look beautiful "
We got into his car and he drove us too the party As soon as we stepped in the club was filled with loud music the smell of alcohol and people dancing.
" y/n you came with taehyung "
" yeah "
" come on lets go drink "
We came and sat down at this one booth and You can see jungkook looking at you from head too toe. You saw down next too taehyung and everyone kept handing me shots of alcohol. When you got too your 8th shot you were dead drunk
" oh taehyung ah your cheeks look so cute "
You pinched his cheeks while laughing
" okay no more for you your drunk "
" no I'm fine let's go dance guys "
" your drunk you need to sleep "
You felt yourself being swiped off your feet and into a room with a bed
" sleep here and sober up a bit then we'll go home "
You nodded and laid down for about 20min and you started feeling yourself getting tired when you felt the bed sink on the other side you turned around and someone hovering over you
" shh don't make a noise I promise I will make you feel good tonight "

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