Chapter 5

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[ WARRING there are just a little bit of mature content in here ]

" shh don't make a noise I promise too make you feel good tonight "
" jungkook what are you doing here "
He took no time to hover over you and started kissing your lips and down your neck
" jungkook stop what are you doing "
" who told you you could wear this dress "
" me duh you don't own me you can't tell me what too wear "
" that dress is way too revealing only I can see you in that dress y/n you will get a punishment for dressing like a slut and for coming here with another guy "
" stop aren't you dating Eun hee already stop "
He leaned down and kissed your lips and kissed down your neck leaving love bites which you knew is going to be so noticeable tomorrow. You Felt tingles every time he touched you and you don't know why but it felt good too know he was jealous.
" this body is all mine not nobody else's got that "
You didn't answer him back because you were so into him
" answer me "
" yes jungkook "
Jungkook pulled your dress up to get it off you he pushed you back down and was trying to Unclasped your bra You arched your back up a little for him too have access too Unclasped them. You tried to unbutton his shirt but he stopped me
" no baby girl I'm in control tonight "
He was teasing you rubbing his thighs on yours so you could feel him. you made a little noise when he rubbed his hard self on your womanhood.
" stop teasing me jungkook please "
" this is your punishment "
He took off his button shirt and revealed his toned abs and you couldn't help but stare at them
" like what you see "
He reattached our lips your hands went down to unbuckled his belt you couldn't take it anymore you needed him now.
" eager too have me inside of you again baby girl "
" yes please "
saw him get off of me and pulled something out from his pocket.
" we need too make sure we use protection first "
After putting it on he hovered over you again and pulled down your underwear
" nobody can see you like this but me"
He kissed down your breast and kissed your lips with his tongue exploring your mouth. He was about too push himself into you until You remember what if this is another one of his tricks
" what "
" I can't do this again jungkook "
" do what "
" this I don't want too be heart broken again "
Without warning he forcefully pushed himself inside of you
" it's okay baby girl "
You couldn't help but make nosies having jungkook inside of you felt nice and you didn't care if it was a game he was playing with you right now all you know is it felt right and you didn't want anything to stop. It hurt but it felt like a good hurt You loved the feeling of jungkook making me feel good. After a few pumps inside of you. You were reaching your climax.
" wait for me baby girl "
You couldn't help but he was hitting the right spot and it felt great. Seconds later he pulled out and threw away the protection we just used. He reached to out his clothes on
" that was fun baby next time we can maybe even go for round 2 "
Before he could leave You grabbed his wrist
" jungkook I love you "
" you love me "
He chuckled and laughed a little bit which made you felt hurt you just felt the need to tell him that you love him because you were really starting to love him. You love him so much but he keeps breaking you on the inside why can't you just hate him forever
" you must me crazy too think I love you "
With that he left you didn't even feel that much of pain anymore because this has happened so many times where he played you a lot of times already you put on your dress and heels and walked out. You walked out of the club not even telling taehyung You left you couldn't face him after what you and jungkook did earlier and You didn't want him too see you cry. You were walking and it was really late at night already you were so into your thoughts when you felt someone come up too me
" hey sexy why so sad "
" who are you "
" that man of your dreams, wanna get a hotel together? "
He grabbed your wrist trying too drag you along with him
" NO! Let go! "
You were trying to pull away but he was too strong
" come on sexy it will be fun "
He was trying too touch up your skirt you felt so disgusted right now you were so scared you wish someone would come and save you right now. The man was dragging you and You were screaming trying to call for help but he covered your mouth
You were crying afraid You were going to die tonight.
You saw taehyung running towards you
He ran over and punched the man in the face
" who are you and why did you punch me "

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