Chapter 21 [ LAST CHAPTER ]

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Sorry if this chapter is out of place, but I just really needed to write it
Sorry for any mistakes I'll be editing it THANK YOU

You were walking when you bumped into someone.
" sorry if did- "
" y/n "
You couldn't get your words out because you were just so shock. You were already crying just seeing him actually standing in front of you
" jungkook "
He smiled at you before grabbing you into a hug and giving you kisses.
You pulled away and lightly punched him on his shoulders
" do you know how long I've waited for you, I was so scared that you weren't ever going to come back, I hate you for leaving me for this long but I love you because I missed you "
" I know I'm sorry "
He smiled before pulling you in for a hug and you could feel your tears staining his jacket.
"  I missed you so much "
" I missed you too dummy "
You suddenly got a text from Taehyung
" hey I'm going to head home, I'll see you tomorrow "
" okay "
jungkook snatched you phone away from your phone.
" when did you get so close to him "
" hey, give me back my phone "
You were trying to reach for your phone but since he was taller than you it was hard to get it
" have you been seeing other guys while I was gone "
" of course not "
You lifted up your hand showing him the ring on your finger
" because I knew I still loved someone "
He smirked while pulling you in closer to him.
" how did you get back "
" let's not talk about that right now "
" okay "
We started walking home together while holding hands. We came inside and kicked our shoes off. We came to sit on the couch
" where did you go, did they finally let you leave "
" these are things I really can't tell you and yes they let me leave "
" why not, can't I know "
" because it's stuff I wouldn't want you to get involve with "
" alright "
He pulled you in closer to him cuddling him
" so what have you been up to while I was gone "
" same thing except things have been boring without you here making funny flirty cringy jokes all the time "
He chuckled at you
" I love you y/n "
" I love you too jungkook "
I was walking to go find y/n, I didn't tell anyone I left to come y/n. I knew this could be dangerous but I really just needed to see y/n. I packed all my things already and was heading out to find y/n. I was walking in this park and someone accidentally bumped into me. She looked up and I can't believe it was y/n. I hugged her as if there was no tomorrow. We started walking to her house. I pulled her closer and cuddled with her because I really just missed her scent. We both laid down with my arm under her head. I kissed the tip of her head and held her close. I thought to myself
" I'm sorry y/n it turned out like this and that I didn't give you the life you wanted, but I promise I'll protect you no matter what "
She ended up fall asleep and this time I was not going anywhere. The next morning she woke up and early and cooked us both breakfast. I really missed this. I came behind her and hugged her from behind
" so are you already practicing for when we get married "
She lightly pushed me away And chuckled
" stop being so cheesy and cringy and let's eat "
We both ate and I couldn't keep my eyes off her.
" why do you keep starring at me "
" just because "
After breakfast y/n decided that she wanted to go out to go buy something. She told me to stay and unpacks things but I had a bad feeling because I ran away without telling anyone and I'm afraid they might come after her.
" just let me come with you "
" no I'll be back okay "
I finally gave in and decided to stay while she went by herself. I started unpacking my things and I walked around and kept looking at the time and it's been 4hours already that y/n left. I got a text and quickly took it out hoping it was y/n. I read the text and dropped my phone and rang out the door.
Your POV
You were going to go out and do sole grocery shopping today because you wanted to make jungkook's favorite food today but you told him to stay while you go. Your were walking when you someone suddenly covered a towel over you mouth and you were trying to get lose. They put in the white van and drove off. Your eyes were covered and you didn't know what was going on
" well your boyfriend jungkook brought this upon you "
They pulled you out of the car and you didn't know where you were because your eyes were covered up. They sat you down in a chair tying you down.
" we want you boyfriend "
" you will never find him "
" he's already on his way "
I ran quickly too where y/n was and i saw her inside tied up with a blind fold covering her eyes.
" Y/N "
" because he escaped and snook away "
" what do you mean, he said you guys let him go "
" oh so your little boyfriend lied to you "
" what are they talking about  jungkook "
" don't listen to them "
" your little boyfriend here snook away and because of this it's either your life or his "
Her eyes were still being covered up
" jungkook why did you tell me they let you go "
" because I just had to see you and I was going crazy because I missed you so much "
" why didn't you tell me "
" because I couldn't disappoint you again "
They finally took off the blind fold of her and her eyes were all red.
" what's it going to be her life or hers "
" MINE "
Me and y/n both said at the same time.
" please not y/n "
" bold choice "
They pushed me down making me go down on my knees and y/n crying her eyes
They pointed the gun to my head
" I love you y/n, I'm sorry I disappointed you so much I really wish things would've have been better. Please forget about me and don't look back at this. I hope you find someone better then me I love you "
" please cover her eyes up I don't want her to see "
" fine "
They walked over to y/n and covered her eyes with the blind fold again but she was refusing too but they got it on. I really didn't want her too see this. She was crying really hard calling my name
I closed my eyes already hearing the trigger getting ready to fire trough my head.
I quickly opened my eyes and seeing all the cops everywhere. I punched one of the guys and he fell and I ran to y/n and took the blind fold off. And she started hugging me tightly not letting go
She was crying really hard and I hugged her comforting her. I saw Taehyung coming in
" TAEHYUNG how did you find us "
" jungkook he called for back up "
she still didn't let me go I hugged her but then I felt something hit the back of my head and things went black.
Your POV
this is happening again you sat next to jungkook holding his hand. You laid next to jungkook holding his hands and staying by his side. You were sitting down holding his hands when you felt someone squeezing your hand a bit. You looked at jungkook who's eyes opened looking around. You couldn't help but felt super happy you called in the nurses and they came in.
" jungkook "
" y/n "
You hugged him tightly
" you okay, you had me worried "
" I remember "
" what "
" everything "
" what do you mean "
" I remember everything from the day I met you to now "
Doc: " he must have gained his full Memory back after he got hit again "
You couldn't felt even more happier then ever. 
3months later
You looked at yourself in the mirror admiring yourself in the white flowy dress with your hair and makeup nicely down. This is it you were now going to finally marry the one man who makes your life complete. It was time, time to walk down the aisle and see your handsome husband. You were feeling nervous. The doors opened and you smiled as soon as you saw your soon to be husband. You walked down the aisle thinking about all the things that will be happening in the future with you two. You finally got to the end of the aisle seeing Taehyung being jungkook's best man was the cutest thing ever to me Honest. You held hands with jungkook and smiled at him and the ceremony had started. You both said your vows to each other. And exchanged rings
" you may now kiss the bride "
He smiled walking closer
" are you ready for tonight "
He winked at you before pulling you in for a kiss hearing the crowd clapping for you two. After the wedding party it was time to come home and rest. You already took a shower and it was just jungkook now. He came out of the shower with the steam still coming out of the shower. He was really trying to kill you by just walking out with a towel around his waists and with damp hair. He climbed on the bed while you pull the blanket up to your face
" do you like what you see "
You started blushing and covered your face with the blanket but he pulled it away
" I can't believe your all mine now "
He leaned down and kissed your lips and a kiss turned into a hot make out session. His hands snaked up your shirt, knowing that this was going to happen you didn't wear bra or undies.
" did you know this was going to happen is that why you purposely didn't wear a bra "
" maybe "
You not your bottom lips and he went in for another kiss. He started kissed down your neck to your breast. Leaving love marks knowing it was going to be purple tomorrow. His hands cupping your breast making you moan a bit to his touch.
" you look so beautiful "
He pulled off his towel and pull your shirt over your head leaving you two exposed. He flipped you two over making you on top of him.
" you know what to do "
He looked at you, you poisoned yourself on top of him. Things started off slowly but the pace picked up as you two went on. He then flipped you over now you were on the bottom and he was on the top. His pace was fairly fast making you grip the sheets.
" jungkook I can't hold it anymore "
" almost there "
jungkook started going faster finally realising his hot seeds in you. He fell next to you facing you moving the piece of hair away from your face. He leaned in and kissed your forehead
" I love you "
" I love you too "
1year later
You both finally have a little mini jungkook running around the house.
" minhyuk slow down your going to slip and fall "
Your boy was running around the house with Taehyung who was helping you babysit. Taehyung got along with him we'll because they both seem to have the same personality.
" thanks for helping me watch him Taehyung "
" no problem anything for my favorite girl and little munchkin "
Taehyung started tickling him while he laughed. You watch Taehyung and your son play all day. Later jungkook came home and Taehyung was leaving
" thanks again "
" anytime "
Seeing two of the most important boys in your life hugging and playing is the happiest thing in your life. Jungkook came to you and kissed you
" how was your day "
" it's was fine "
You little son was getting tired so you took him to bed to take a nap. You and jungkook finally got alone time
" finally just us two, what shall we do "
" well you know y/n minhyuk is actually been asking for a little sibling "
You lightly punched jungkook and he smirked at you before pecking your lips and picking you up bridal style into the room.
[ thank you to everyone who read and supported my book! You guys are all awesome ]
I thought maybe I should tell you guys about myself since I haven't really talk to anyone you guys.
Name: Mary
Age: 17
" Love Game "
" House of CARDS "
" I fell in love with a fan "
" love hurts "
" don't say goodbye "
" LOVE GAME 2 " coming soon

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 04, 2016 ⏰

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