Chapter 16

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[ SORRY FOR NOT UPDATING VERY OFTEN... I've just been busy but Anyways I'm back with a new chapter ]

I saw eunhee walking towards us and she pulled me away from y/n.
" how dare you kiss my boyfriend "
" eunhee calm down, it wasn't her fault it was mine I kissed her first "
" why would you kiss her when you know I'm your girlfriend "
" I know, I know I'm sorry "
She starting dragging me away from y/n, I looked behind me to look at her and she looked really upset. I didn't know what came over me, I didn't mean to kiss her it's just that when I saw her being so kind to me I just went in and kissed her. We came back to hospital room
" Jungkook, I don't want you around her anymore "
" who y/n "
" yes her, because it makes me upset when your around her "
" there's nothing going on, I promise I'll never do that again okay please trust me "
" okay, I love you "
" I love you too "
I pulled her in for a tight hug but felt a little bit hurt.
Your POV
Jungkook kissed you and you loved the feeling of his lips on yours again. You felt like everything has stopped and all the problems were all washed away along with everyone who tries to stop you two from being together. This moment just felt so perfect but then you both heard jungkook's name being called and it was eunhee. She came over and started yelling at us and you saw the hurt in jungkook's eyes. She didn't even let jungkook say anything else to you before she already started dragging him away. You waited until they completely left and went back inside. You came to jungkook's room and you could hear him saying I love you to her and you couldn't help but burst into tears. He was saying it too the wrong person but he doesn't know it. You were going to do everything you can to make sure he remembers you and make sure he knows I'm the one he's suppose to be with. You decide to head home first and just rest up for the day because you had a hard day today. The next morning you came in early to go check on jungkook but he wasn't here and you got worried a bit and started to panic. You looked around for him but you couldn't find him and you were going to call for the doctors but you heard your name and the voice sounded familiar
" y/n "
You quickly turned around and ran to hug him tightly
" oh thank goodness your okay, I was so scared I thought I lost you "
" wait, what do you mean "
" I was just worried that's all "
" no y/n, I want to know why you treat me so differently then eunhee? Why do you care so much for me ? And most importantly I want to know what kind of relationship or connection we have with each other "
" jungkook I- "
" tell me, please I want to know "
" you'll find out soon okay "
" why not know "
" because you are still recovering and I want to slowly help you remember "
" but I want to know y/n, please "
You couldn't look into his eyes anymore because you knew you would want to cry if you looked into his deep brown eyes. You guys heard a knock and it was the doctor.
" sorry to interrupt but can I speak to alone y/n "
" of course "
You smiled at jungkook before leaving to go talk to the doctor.
" what's wrong "
" nothing, I just wanted to say he will be release tomorrow and I wanted to ask how is the process of getting him to remember going "
" it's going okay, but I think he's starting to remember some things "
" that's good, and I wish the best of luck "
" thanks doc "
You went back to the room but eunhee was already inside the room.
She have you a rude look
" let's talk "
You followed her outside
" you need to leave jungkook alone because you are messing things up "
" if you haven't notice yet but he doesn't love you and it's not going to work, he will remember "
" well he will be staying with me and let's see you try to help him if your not there "
She left and you were going to make sure he remembers everything. You went back home and saw taehyung waiting for you by your door step
" hey what are you doing here "
" I wanted to see how you were doing "
" well I'm doing fine but thanks for checking "
" how is he "
" he's fine, he's coming back home tomorrow but he still hasn't remember anything yet and he still thinks she is his girlfriend "
" I'm sorry this had to happen this way "
" it's okay, it's not your fault "
You let taehyung spent the night at your house today because he didn't want to be alone tonight and you didn't want to be alone either so you let him stay. You guys were watching movies while you sat next to him and laid your head on his shoulder.
" I wish everything would Go back to the same way it was "
You ended up sleeping on taehyung shoulders. The next morning you woke up on your bed and looked around and came out to the living room and taehyung already left. You were going to go see jungkook but you forgot he was already leaving today and you didn't know how else to contact him. You were going to call him buy you forgot you have his phone and you couldn't call him.
1week later
It's been a week and you haven't seen or talked to jungkook and you missed him like crazy. You looked outside and saw that the weather looked nice so you wanted to go out for a walk. You were walking the little park near your house and you heard your name being called
" Y/N "
The voiced sounded familiar but you weren't sure if it was jungkook. You slowly turned around and saw a smiling jungkook jogging towards you and you could feel your heart beating faster
" jungkook "
" hey, I've been trying to contact you but I don't know how to "
You really wanted to burst into tears and hug him tightly
" I've been trying to contact you too "
" well let's exchange numbers "
" okay "
You were going to hand him your phone but you forgot that your lock screen was a picture of you and him, and you quickly stopped him from grabbing your phone
" wait, umm you tell me and I'll type it down "
" okay "
He gave you his number and you felt happy that you can still keep in contact with him and help him
" so why are you here "
" I don't know, but I feel like I know this place and I just somehow ended up here "
" oh "
" can I ask you something, it might sound weird but I want to know "
" okay "
" I keep having these dream of this girl, I can't really tell how she looks like but I keep having the same dream of her and me and I'm always hurt in my dream and she keeps screaming me name "
You didn't want to tell him just yet that it wasn't a dream
" well that's strange "
" can you tell me how I ended up in the hospital in the first place "
" well you fell and bumped your head little "
" are you sure "
" yeah I'm sure "
" I feel like I have such a strong connection with this girl and not to be weird or anything but everytime I see you I feel nervous and excited "
You couldn't help but let a tear drop
" why are you crying, are you okay "
" yeah it's just, you remind me of someone who I still love so much "
" really who "
" just someone "
" well please don't cry because when I see you cry it breaks my heart "
You wiped your tears and smiled at him. You were looking at jungkook and you suddenly just said it
" I love you jungkook "
He looked stunned for a bit and didn't answer you.
" you what "
" I don't know why I said that, just forget what I just said okay "
" you just- "
" umm I'm going to head back first "
You were going to leave but stopped you
" WAIT "
you slowly turned around and he looked straight ahead of you and walked towards you and the closer he got the more nervous you got. He came closer and he grabbed your wrists pulling you alittle closer looking into your eyes.
" is there something you want to tell me "
" I am- "
You were cut off when his phone started ringing and he let go and took out his phone.
" hey "
" jungkook where are you, come home right now I've been worried sick "
" alright I'll be there soon "
" you should leave now "
" I'll see you again okay "
You smiled and nodded and he left
" I love you jungkook "
Y/n just said she loves me and hearing those words made me feel something. Eunhee has said I love you to me many times but it never really had and effect on me but when y/n said it I felt like I wanted to hug her and say the same to her. She was going to walk away but I stopped her.
I wanted her too tell me what kind of connection we have. She was going to tell me but eunhee called me telling me to go home. I started walking home and I was trying really hard to remember who she is but it just won't come to me. I came home and it was quiet
" where are you "
" sorry I just went out for some fresh air "
" umm "
" I know I'm sorry I was just walking and I happened to just have met her on the way "
" well, let me tell you she was the reason you got hurt and were in the hospital in the first place "
" what, she said I just bumped my head "
" no, she was the reason you got caught up with gang people and got hurt "
" no, she isn't like that "
" well what do you know, you can't even remember "
Later I tried really hard to remember what really happened and I couldn't remember anything. I thought was it was so hard to remember these things. I ended up falling asleep
I quickly woke up from the dream I just had. I keep having the same dream about this person and I can't see who she is. Eunhee left for work and I was stuck at home but I wanted to go out so I called y/n.
" hello "
" hey y/n it's jungkook, I wanted too know if you wanted to hang out today "
" wouldn't eunhee be upset about that "
" it's okay, she's at work "
" alright "
I got dressed and went out to meet with y/n and I saw her waiting for me where we meet yesterday and seeing he sitting down dangling her feet she looked so cute.
" Y/N "
I called her name and she turned her head to look at me and smiled and I just had a quickly flash back in my head of a girl smiling at me and Looked at y/n who was jogging towards me.
" are you okay "
" yeah I'm fine "
" shall we go now "
" yeah "
I spent the day with her just doing things together and I felt as if we were on a date. I like being with y/n more than my own girlfriend. We sat down on the ground in the park
" y/n "
" yeah "
" can you tell me what kind of person I was "
" where do I even begin "
" Come on "
" okay well umm well your weren't such a nice person "
" really was I really that mean "
You laughed alittle at him
" yeah you were "
" oh "
" you didn't let me finish, you may have been tough on the outside but on the inside you were kind and a adventurous person "
I started feeling my heart racing for her again. I saw a dandelion next to me and picked it and brought it close to her face.
" make a wish "
She smiled at me and closed her eyes and blew the dandelion.
" did you make a good wish "
" yes "
" what did you wish for "
" it's a secret, it won't come true if I tell you "
I really wanted to know the truth about her and me soon. It was getting late so I took her home. She waved at me before going inside.
Your POV
you spent the day with jungkook it felt so great. Looking at jungkook you really just want to cry and hug him. You missed him his touch his kisses and everything else. You want to tell everything and you were going to tell him and even eunhee can't stop you. You put on your shoe and went out to look for jungkook again.
I was waiting for y/n to come home but I heard her laughing and she was with jungkook. I hid behind the brick wall because I didn't want them too see me. I looked at y/n who was looking happy but I know deep down she was really sad. I saw jungkook leaving and y/n coming back out but she had sad look on her face. I went after jungkook
He turned around and looked at me
" who are you, how do you know my name "
" I'm y/n friend "
" oh I remember you I saw you at the hospital "
" yeah, we need too talk because you need to know the truth "
He followed me and I really hate that I'm trying to get jungkook and y/n back together but her happiness means more to me then anything and even if I hate this I want her to be happy.
" okay, so what do you need to tell me "
" y/n she is your girlfriend "
" WHAT "
" eunhee is not your girlfriend she lied to you, y/n is your girlfriend "
" then why didn't she tell me "
" because she didn't want you be so confused and the doctor told her to carefully help you "
" so she is my girlfriend "
" yes "
" I have to go find her "
Jungkook POV
I went to go look for y/n I came to her house and rang the door bell but she didn't answer the door. I tried calling her but her phone was dead, I just have to see her right now. I was looking around but I couldn't find her. I came to the park near her house and waited but she never came. I was just about to leave but I heard my name and it was y/n. She ran towards me
" jungkook I have too tell you something "
I smiled at her not even letting her finish what she had to say when I reached to pull her closer to me and kissed her. She was surprise for a second but she wrapped her arms around me and I could feel her tears staining my cheeks. I felt it everything of hers and I love it.

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