Chapter 13

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Your POV
" chose y/n me or taehyung "
" taehyung can you please wait for me over there please, I need to talk to jungkook alone "
Taehyung walked away from us and you wanted to talk to jungkook
" so did you pick me "
" actually no "
" what "
" just not for now "
" what do you mean "
" I just need some time you know, I don't know if I can trust you right now "
" why not y/n, please y/n if I have you now I'll never ever leave or hurt you ever again "
" Jungkook I- "
You didn't finish your sentence when he pulled you by the waists and kissed you and you melted in to kiss but your tears fell down on your cheeks.
" y/n, I'm not going to give up and I won't ever let you leave because that's how much I want you and love you "
" but I- "
" no I won't let you leave me this time and just let me prove it too you please "
Taehyung POV
Y/n just told me to leave while she talks to jungkook. I waited for about 10min now and I wanted to check to make sure nothing was going on so I walked back but at such a wrong time. Jungkook kissed her and that really hurt me I already knew y/n wouldn't ever chose me because she already loves jungkook too much to ever let him go. I couldn't look any longer so I walked away not wanting to see what was happening in front of me.
Your POV
" please y/n I'll never do such things to you anymore "
" I'll let you prove it to me and if you mess up this time, I'm serious I'll never let you be and I'll never ever forgive you "
" yes I promise I ever won't let you down, I love you y/n "
He brought yours and his forehead together before kissing you one more time. You pulled and away and forgot about taehyung
" wait, I have to talk to taehyung "
You were going to run and go find him but jungkook stopped you
" wait "
" what "
" you don't need to go tell him "
" I kinda of have to, I don't want him to wait "
" well he left already "
" how do you know "
" he saw our kiss earlier and I didn't say anything but he left "
" I should talk to him "
" I'll talk to him "
" wait no because I don't want anything bad to happen "
" don't worry nothing will happen "
Jungkook intertwined his hands with yours and started walking. You were feeling a little afraid because jungkook had messed up so many many times that you felt a little bit worried. But you only wanted to see where he would go with this and how far he is going to make sure he doesn't do this ever again. You guys got to your house and you walked inside leaving him.
Jungkook POV
I went to go look for taehyung because I wanted to talk to him. I went to his house and he actually opened the door.
" what are you doing here "
" can I come in "
He let me enter and he closed the door
" why are you doing this again jungkook "
" look I don't want to start a fight right now just listen "
" fine "
" I know I hurt y/n a lot and I've been such an asshole to her and I probably don't even deserve her but I also want to thank you "
" why "
" for being the person to take care of her for me when I've been such a jerk to her "
" I don't need your pity jungkook "
" I'm not here to pity you "
He grabbed my shirt and punched me once making me fall to the ground. I looked up and wiped the blood off from the corner of my lips
" okay I know I deserve that "
" you don't ever deserve y/n she is one Special girl and do you know how much damage you've done to her life "
" I know okay and I wanted to also come and apologize to you "
" well I don't need your apologize and I definitely don't need your pity "
I got up and walked out the door and I heard a buzz in my pocket and took out my phone and it was a text message and it was from one of those gang people from the club that I used to work at but I quit because of y/n.
" bring us the money now or else she dies "
I closed my phone and and ran my hand through my hair out of frustration. I borrowed money from the head leader when I needed money but I've just never got to paying them back and now their going to come for y/n I have to find a way to pay the back quick I'm more worried about y/n then I am of me. I went to where they said to meet them
" so where's the money "
" I don't have it "
One of the man in the black suits punched me in m stomach making me kneel down while holding my stomach in pain
" well then I guess, she dies then "
" please don't, she had nothing to do with this "
" well let's think of it this way, she is the one you love and money is what I love and you took something I love now I'm taking something you love from you "
" no please, I'll have the money soon just give me 3 days "
He knelt down to me and pushed me
" 3days is all you get "
" I promise "
" let's go "
They all left and I stared crying because I had no idea what to do and if I didn't have the money in 3 days I'm doomed. I started walking home with my hand still on my stomach feeling the pain. I felt so stupid and if I didn't have the money in 3days then I'm willing to die for y/n because her life is more important then mine. I finally got home and laid on the couch and instantly fell asleep.
Your POV
the next morning you woke up and got a text from jungkook saying he will miss the morning class. You came to school alone and saw taehyung
" hey, sorry I didn't get a chance to tell you "
" it's alright as long as your happy "
" are you sure "
" yeah, come on let's go eat "
" okay "
You ate with taehyung and jungkook texted you saying he was here
" I have to go, I have this umm thing "
" it's okay y/n you can go to him "
" thank you "
You hugged him once and went to go look for jungkook.
" hey y/n "
You walked towards him but he has a bruise on his lip.
" what happened jungkook "
" nothing "
" tell me now "
" I'm fine "
" who did this to you "
" no one it was an accident "
You guys intertwined hands and he started walking you home.
" so I'll see you tonight "
" okay "
He pecked your lips and left but your were still curious about jungkook and that bruise on his lips. Later that night you were doing homework in your room and heard someone throwing rocks on your window and you walked to open it too see jungkook.
" what are you doing you know you could use the door "
" yeah but this is more romantic "
He claimed inside your room and sat down on your bed.
" your room is cute "
" thanks "
He came over to my desk and grab the picture with you and taehyung and faced it down.
" what are you doing "
" it makes me jealous to see you have another man picture on your desk "
You started laughing
" why, I have a picture of you and me on my desk "
" still, it makes me jealous "
You chuckled and went back to doing your homework.
" come on let's take a break "
" but I have to finish this "
" you can finish later "
" but - "
Jungkook lips were already attached to yours and some how you guys ended up on the bed with him on top of you. His lips still on yours and his hands roaming inside your shirt. He left your lips and started kissing down your neck and left a little love make on our neck. You couldn't help but make a sound and his thigh in between your legs and he was creating a lot of friction between you two. His lips went back to your and and him pulling the hem of your shirt while your hands still was tangled in his hair. He rolled over and your the one on top of him and you lifted up his shirt and their was a bruise on his stomach and you got off and stopped
" what's wrong "
" I can't, just not right now "
" why not, did I do something wrong "
" yes "
" what "
" why do you have so many bruises, what happened jungkook tell me "
" nothing, I told you it was an accident " 
" why aren't you telling me "
" okay, fine I'll tell you everything later okay "
He leaned down and pecked my lips
" please just trust me "
You nodded and and instead of a hot make out session you guys cuddled instead. He ended up falling asleep at your house and you woke up feeling good because jungkook was next to you.
" good morning "
" did I wake you "
" nope "
" well then come on we have to go to school "
" ugh I don't want to go "
" hurry come on "
You tired pulling him out of bed and he finally got up. You went to take a shower and forgot your clothes and you didn't want to walk out to grab your clothes with just the towel wrapped around you. You went to check to see if jungkook was still there and you walked out to your room to her to your clothes and you closed the door and walked to your clothes
" your done "
You got sacred almost making your towel drop.
He laughed and looked at you up and down
" what's wrong it's not like I haven't seen anything of you before "
You lightly punched his shoulders and he chuckled
" get out let me change "
" fine "
You turned around to looked for your clothes and again and you felt him touch your butt once before walking out
" are serious "
" what, that booty is Mine anyways "
" just get out, so I can change "
He closed the door finally leaving you in peace to change. You both walked to school together and jungkook only went to the morning class and left after wards.
3days later
You have had it with jungkook he's not feeling you what's going on with him. He has been coming with bruises on his face and haven't been coming to class or kept leaving early and checking his phone every 5sec and you needed to know. He wasn't attending school today but you decided to follow him. You carefully followed him without trying to be noticed. You saw him go behind and alley and and a bunch of black men in suits. You were watching when someone covered your mouth
Jungkook POV
" it's been 3days where is the money "
" I thought I'll have it by then but I don't "
" well then, I have something that will make sure you get the money for sure "
I saw them bringing y/n over she had a tape around her mouth and she was struggling to get out and she was crying.
I was going to go punch them but they started beating my up making me cough blood out. I looked at her and she was crying while looking at me and trying to come towards me.
I could feel myself blacking out anytime now.
Your POV
the black men taped your arms behind your back and placed the tape over your mouth. You tried breaking free to go to jungkook but they were to strong. They brought you over to jungkook and you started crying because you could see how much pain he was in. They started beating him up and he started coughing out blood. The men started beating jungkook up with a metal stick. You couldn't watch any longer you tried to hard to get free and and finally got out of their grip and ran over to jungkook and one of them was going to hit you but jungkook hovered over you and got hit on the head and knocked him out. You were now screaming and crying and all the men in black suits all left.
[ sorry for any of the mistakes! I'll edit later I've just been slacking off so much. Anyways just a heads up the next chapter might make readers mad or upset idk ]

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