Chapter 20

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Your POV
He was gone and you felt like you couldn't do anything. You were willing to wait for him even if it takes 20years. Your tears steaming down your face you lifted your hand and touched the ring on your finger and you whispered to yourself
" you promised to come back for me I'll wait for you "
You started walking to taehyung's place, you rang the door bell.
" y/n what are you doing here, are you okay "
You didn't say anything and just went in and hugged him
" y/n what's wrong "
You tried to speak but you couldn't get you words out of your mouth.
" they took him "
" who "
" jungkook "
" what happened "
" jungkook he's gone they took him "
" who "
" those people "
" what can I do to help "
" we can't because I don't know where he is "
He let you in and started comforting you While you tell him the story
" so when will he be back "
" I don't know but he promised me and I'm going to wait for him "
" I'm sorry "
You spent the night there at taehyung's place.
You suddenly woke up from your night mare and looked around remembering you were at taehyung's place. You were all sweating and remembered that jungkook isn't here. You laid down and felt your tears drop down your eyes and you whispered to yourself 
" you promise "
It's been 3years without jungkook and you were still waiting for jungkook. You wondered when he will be back to marry you. You never once took off your engagement ring. You still cherished that because that was the only thing reminding you that jungkook is still coming back. It was New Year's Eve and you were with Taehyung and a couple of friends at a party. You weren't feeling the party but you came anyways because taehyung begged for you to come. You were sitting alone because you didn't really know much of anyone here. You suddenly felt a hand touch your shoulders
" hey beautiful, why so lonely "
He was smelled like alcohol and was crazy drunk. You pushed his arm away from you
" I'm sorry but I have to leave "
He grabbed your hand roughly making the ring slip off your finger.
You looked and the ring wasn't on your finger no more.
" hey Let's drink "
He tried grabbing you but you pushed him making him fall
He got up grabbed the back of my hair and I was screaming for him to let go
Taehyung came in and started punching the guy.
Taehyung stopped and came over to you and you started crying
" did he hurt you "
" no my ring is gone, I can't find it "
" what ring "
" my ring the one I never take off and is always wearing "
You got down on the floor looking for it crawling around. Taehyung came over and pulled me up
" y/n stop, I'll buy you a new one "
" no you don't get it taehyung "
" it's just a ring "
" no it's my engagement ring from jungkook, I have to find it "
Taehyung looked stunned for a moment and squatted down to look at you
" your engage to him "
" yes and that's why I need that ring it's important "
He started helping you look but it was no use. We stopped and came outside and you couldn't believe this happened, because of that stupid guy you lost your ring. You came and sat outside with Taehgung
" you okay "
" no "
" I'm sorry we couldn't find it "
" I'm going to go back and look for it "
Taehyung grabbed your wrists stopping you
" it's no use "
" I have to find it, it's my only memory of him "
" I know but you said he was coming back right "
" you don't get it taehgung, even if he is or isn't coming back that ring means something to me and I have to find it "
" why are you getting mad at me "
" Because you don't know how it feels like when you lose something that means so much to you "
He looked at you in the eyes
" your right I don't "
Taehyung POV
some guy was grabbing y/n and I heard her scream and went in and saved her. She started looking for a ring and I thought it was just any ring but it was her engagement ring. I was alittle shock myself because I didn't know she was engaged to jungkook. I helped her look but couldn't find it anywhere. We both came outside and  she was really upset about that.
" why are you getting mad at me "
" Because you don't know how it feels like when you lose something that means so much to you "
He looked at you in the eyes
" your right I don't "
I thought to myself, I do know it feels like to lose something that means to me because that one person that was important to me I lost her to someone else.
" I'm sorry taehyung, I didn't mean to say it like that "
" it's okay "
" I'm just upset that I may not find the ring anymore "
" it's okay, let's go home "
I took y/n home and it was almost midnight meaning it was almost New Years.
" why don't you come to me place I mean I wouldn't want you to be alone on New Years "
" okay "
I took her to my place and and it was already 11:30.
" I'm sorry we couldn't find it "
" it's okay, it wasn't your fault "
We drank alittle wine and talked until it was 11:59.
" it's almost time "
You guys could hear people counting down from 5
" 5,4,3,2,1 HAPPY NEW YEAR "
I heard the fireworks go off and we both looked at each other and I  looked at her and quietly said to her
" happy New Years y/n "
" happy New Years taehyung "
I smiled at her and she smiled at me, I really wish to kiss those lips on New Years but that's not going to happen.
It started getting late and she fell asleep. The New Years party had just ended because my friends texted me. I grabbed my coat and went to the place where the party was. I jogged to the door but the worker stopped me
" sorry sir we're close "
" I know but I left something in there and I have to go get it "
" sorry but we can't let you in "
" please, let me in it's really important please just 10min "
" fine "
" thank you "
I went inside and looked all over for y/n ring. I searched under the table and everywhere else. I sat down because I thought I wouldn't be able to find it but I saw something round and shinny. I picked it up and I knew it was her ring because it was engraved
" I love you "
I put it in my pocket
" sorry sir but times up, you just leave now if you still didn't find it you may give us your info and we'll contact you if we find it "
" it's okay I found it "
I left the place and drove back home, I came and sat down on the couch and took out the ring to look at it. I ended up falling asleep on the couch. I was woken up when y/n came and shook me alittle
" taehyung"
I woke up with messy hair and looked at her
" your awake "
" yeah, thanks for letting me stay but I'm going to head back now "
" I'll take you home "
" it's okay, you sleep I'll just take a taxi "
" are you sure "
" yeah "
" wait "
I clenched the ring in my hand
" can you meet me later "
" sure "
She left and I looked at the ring i was holding.
It's New Years which is just another reminder that it's another year with out y/n in my life. I've been trying to get back to y/n but it's difficult. I really miss her I have no contact with her at all. It's been 3years of crimes, stealing, and debt collecting. I was tired of this I just want to go back to y/n I miss her like crazy. We got all called back to the bosses office.
" did you get the money "
I handed him the suit case full of money.
" good now leave "
I was going to walk out but I stopped and turned around to face the boss and got on my knees and starred down to the floor.
" please let go see her "
He turned around in his chair
" I already told you "
" please I've done everything already, I paid for my debt you even sent me away to do the big work please just let me go please "
Your POV
You came home and looked at your empty finger. 
" sorry I lost the ring jungkook "
You grabbed your keys and went to that same place where you went last night. You were about to enter but the worker stopped you
" sorry ma'am, there's guest inside you can't enter without an invitation "
" but I have to look for something  it's important to me"
" are you by chance looking for a ring "
" yes how did you know "
" because a young man with brown hair came in yesterday looking for something as well "
You thought to yourself, Taehyung came and looked for my ring.
" did he by any chance find it "
" yes I think e did "
You were walking to your car and your phone rang.
" so are you ready to come meet me "
" yes "
You drove to the little park that taehyung had asked to meet up with you.
" Taehyung "
You jogged over to him
" hey y/n "
We started walking around the little park and there weren't much people so it was quiet.
" can I ask you something y/n "
" sure "
" would you grant me a wish "
" depends what your wish is "
He stopped and looked at you in the eyes. He brought up his hands and opened his palm and he found your ring
" yeah I went to look for it last night "
" yeah I know "
" how "
" because I went over there earlier and they said you came by to look for it and I just wanted to say thank you so much "
" well you can thank me by granting me a wish "
She smiled at me and that warmed my heart
" a date "
" a date ? "
" I've always wanted to at least go on a real date with you and I know you are with jungkook but I just want one date with you "
" okay "
" really "
" yeah, I mean I really owe you a lot anyways "
" okay let's go now "
He held my hands and we went shopping and to the arcade and you have to be honest it was fun. You haven't had this much fun in years. You guys sat down eating ice cream together
" I had so much fun today "
" I'm glad you had fun "
You were eating your ice cream but you could feel his state on you.
" what are you starring at "
" you "
You turned to look at him and he smiled at you with his tiny eye smile
" jungkook is the luckiest person "
" really why "
" he's such a jerk but yet he scored you someone who's so kind and beautiful " 
You sat closer to him and cupped his cheeks making him face you
" Taehyung don't worry you will find that special person I know it because you kind,cute, and seriously handsome "
" thank you "
You looked at the sky while dangling your feet
" do you miss him "
" of course "
" I really want you to be happy y/n "
" I am "
" no I know your not, I know you miss him a lot and don't worry he will be back for you "
" I know he will he promised me "
You got up to go find the restroom when you bumped into someone
" sorry I did- "
Your heart started beating faster
Taehyung POV
Y/n went to go look for the restroom but she's been gone for 10min now so I decided to go look for her. I was walking around when I saw her bumping into someone and seeing that face really made me mad but glad at the same time.
[ SORRY to say this but " HOUSE OF CARDS " is ending one more chapter left 😭. I'll post it on OCT 17th because that's my BIRTHDAY and that's my present to you guys the last chapter of " HOUSE OF CARDS " I'll make it really happy because I know it has been sad chapters only 😂. But I just want to say THANK YOU SO MUCH " I LOVE ALL MY READERS! 😘

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