Chapter 17

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[ OMGAH, I am such a bad person for not updating and keeping you guys waiting for so long, I feel ashamed. Sorry for the long wait but I'm back with a new chapter 😍😍😘😘 ]

I pulled away and looked at her red eyes and Hugged her tightly. I knew she had to be the one. Even if the mind doesn't remember the heart never forgets who it belongs too.
" I love you y/n "
" what "
" I know eunhee was lying "
" how "
" taehyung told me and I already had a feeling something was up because everything was so different around you "
" I love you too jungkook "
She hugged me and it felt so great to have her arms around me. I interwind my fingers with hers and started strolling around in the park
" don't you still want to regain your memory "
" of course, even if there were bad things in the past but you are my future and I want to remember everything about you and every moment we spent together "
She smiled at me and tip toe to peck my lips.
" I Iove you "
" I love you too "
My heart racing again for her and only her.
" wait what about eunhee "
" don't worry about that as long as we are together I'll make you happy "
" okay "
I started walking her home so I know she got home safe. I watched her go inside and she came back out and kissed my lips and I smiled at her
" goodnight "
" goodnight "
She went inside and I left, I was going to talk to eunhee. I came home and took off my shoes and eunhee came in and hugged me but I didn't her back. I lightly pulled her away from me and looked at her
" is something wrong "
" is there something you want to tell me "
" not that I know of "
" are you sure there is nothing I should know "
" umm I don't know "
" I know "
" know what "
" I know that y/n is my real girlfriend and that you lied to me "
" wait jungkook, please listen "
" no, I can't believe you were so selfish to take me away from y/n "
" No, you can't go back to her "
" why not, we aren't together "
" because what "
" because I'm jealous of y/n and that's why I did it and the fact that she always gets what she wants it makes me mad, she stole you away from me and I was just trying to get you back "
" well whatever you tried doing didn't work because I only love y/n and only her "
I started walking out the door but she hugged me from behind and started crying
" JUNGKOOK please don't go I love you and if you leave now I don't know what I'll do "
I slowly removed her hands away from me and turned around too look at her
" I'm sorry eunhee but y/n is the one I love "
" but what about me "
" I'm sorry "
I left her in the house alone and went to y/n place. I started walking to her house because I wanted to see her. I rang her door bell and she came to open with a smile on her face.
" hey "
" can I come in "
" of course "
I came inside her place and it clean and filled with lots of decorations.
" your house is nice "
" thanks "
I came over to sit down in the couch while she went and brought over drinks. She came over and sat next to me and I came closer to hug her.
" are you okay, did something happen with you and eunhee "
" let's not talk about her because I'm here with you now "
" okay "
We decided to watch a movie together while she and I cuddled together.
" jungkook "
" yes "
" do you really love me "
" of corse I do "
" I'm glad you do, why would you ask that "
" because I feel like since you didn't gain your memory back yet, you might leave me "
" I will never leave you y/n don't you ever think that I would "
" I love you y/n "
" I love you too jungkook "
I kissed her forehead and we ended falling asleep. the next morning I woke and she was already up cooking breakfast. I walked into the kitchen, seeing her wear my shirt on her made her look so good. I came up behind her and backed hugged her and smelling her beautiful scent.
" your up early "
" yeah I just couldn't wait to see your beautiful face "
She finished cooking and we both ate and it was delicious.
" hey y/n, I'll see you later okay I have to go run some errands really quick "
" okay "
I pecked her lips and left, I went to the hospital that I was in and went to go look for the doctor that help treated me.
" hello jungkook, are you doing well "
" yes I am "
" did you need something "
" yeah I wanted to talk to you "
" of course, follow me too my office "
I followed him to his office
" so what's up "
" I wanted to ask you how I ended up here and how I lost my memory "
" well, first off how is your memory "
" I'm starting to remember little bits of who I am and my life but I still haven't remember everything just yet "
" okay well, you got caught up in some gang people and while y/n was trying to protect you, you got hit the head with a stick instead and that's how you lost your memory "
" was I really that bad of a person "
" of course not "
" thanks doc, but I will leave now "
" alright, I hope everything will go well "
" thanks doc "
" anytime "
I left and I couldn't believe that, that was the reason why I ended up here and that's why y/n didn't want too tell me. I was walking when I got a text
" so I see your still alive, well you have 1 hour to come here or else she gets it "
END of text message
I didn't know who it was but I was guessing it was those gang people who I got caught up with. I went to where they said to meet them and seeing them I kinda of remember who they were.
" what do you guys want from me "
" you know what we want "
" I don't "
" shall we refresh your memory "
They punched me in my stomach making me drop to my knees aching in pain.
" where's the money "
" what money "
" the money you owe us "
" I don't have it "
" then I guess we'll get the girl "
" well then will you give us our money "
" I don't have it, really "
They punched me making me fall
" well then you have two choices either you come work for us to pay off your debt or we kill the girl "
" never will I work with you guys "
" fine then I guess we'll kill her tonight "
I got up and ran to one of the guy in black suit but he was stronger and punched me making me cough out blood now.
" fine, I'll come work with you guys just please leave y/n alone, she as nothing to do with this "
" good choice "
They let me go and now I didn't know what to do or how to tell y/n. I did not want to hurt the person I love the most and now I have to something that will scar me for life. Why wasn't I good person, why did this have to happen. I couldn't just tell y/n, I had to make her hate me forever so she won't feel hurt once I leave. I called eunhee
" hello jungkook "
" let's meet up "
" really, where "
END of phone call
This is something I'll regret forever but I have to do it because if I don't and I leave y/n without even telling her she would be even more hurt.
" hey y/n "
" hey, jungkook are you coming back yet "
" let's meet up "
" okay where "
I felt so upset because she sounded so happy Over the phone and because of the stupid mistakes I made it had to be like this,I went to where I had told y/n and eunhee to meet me. I waited until eunhee came and she came towards me.
" jungkook "
She hugged me but I didn't hug her back.
" what happened to your face, did you get in a fight "
" stop eunhee, just listen "
I looked headed and saw y/n coming while looking happy and she was looking at us and I suddenly grabbed eunhee and kissed her making sure y/n saw us. I thought to myself.
" I'm so sorry y/n that i couldn't be good to you, I'm sorry I had to do this to you. I still love you so much but I'm doing this to protect you, I love you so much y/n please forget about me "
I could see y/n already crying and my tears started forming as well, I couldn't believe I had to hurt her and I've already hurt her so much.

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