Chapter 19

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[ this chapter kinda made me sad and cry just alittle. If you listen to a sad song it will really set the mood ]

Jungkook POV
I was walking looking around trying not to look suspicious. There were a whole big crowd in the venue so I stepped out for a bit to get away from the crowd. I was walking when someone grabbed my wrists and said my name. I instantly knew who it was but didn't want to turn around
" jungkook "
I thought that maybe if I acted like I didn't know her she would leave. I turned to look at her and she still looked beautiful as ever. I wanted to just grab her into a tight hug and never let her go.
" I'm sorry, you got the wrong person "
I started crying off my makeup
" jungkook please "
" I'm not jungkook sorry ma'am "
" jungkook I know it's you "
I hugged him tightly but he pushed you off of him
" I'm not the person your talking about, I'm sorry but I must leave now "
It broke my heart that I was being so mean to her. I pulled her away from the hug and started walking off
I stop in my tracks and wanted to turn to look at her. 
" I missed you "
She said about lower but I couldn't go to her I had to keep walking. I cursed at myself for doing that, I should've just hugged and kissed her when I had the chance. I couldn't take it any longer i need too be able to see y/n. I turned back around and ran to find her. I came back and she was going to walk away
" Y/N "
She stopped and slowly turned around with tears already streaming down her face. I walked quickly to where she was and pulled her close and kissed her our lips felt so perfect. It's been a year since I touched those lips with mine. I felt her tears staining my cheeks. The kiss lasted a while before I pulled back for air
" I missed you too "
She smiled at me and that warmed my heart
" I love you y/n and I'm sorry I left without a single word and I'm sorry that I didn't call or text yo- "
She kissed my lips again to stop me from talking too fast. She pulled back and looked at me
" it's okay, I love you too as long as you back I'm happy "
I smiled and hugged her tightly and I kissed everything about her, her nice scent, her soft hair, her smile and laugh. We walked outside hands intertwined together.
" why did you leave "
I stopped and faced her and looked her in the eyes
" I left because, I was trying to protect you "
" what do you mean "
" I found out that I owed some debt and the only way to keep them coming for you was if I worked with them to pay it off and that's why I left "
" why didn't you tell me, I would've helped you "
" I know, I'm sorry "
She came closer and hugged me
" it's okay "
" one more thing, I'm not suppose to be seeing you "
" so we won't be seeing each other any more "
" I'll try to find a way to come see you okay "
" but- "
I placed a finger in her lips to keep eat quiet
" do you trust me "
she nodded and pecked her lips once. The night was ending and that means I had to go back because the gang was probably looking for me.
" I have to leave now "
" already "
" I'm sorry I'll come back and see you tomorrow okay, I promise "
" you promise "
I leaned in and kissed her and hugged her one more time before jogging off.
Your POV
you wished everything was back to normal where there was nothing stopping you two from seeing each other. You came home and laid down not even taking your dress off because you were worn out and tired from everything. You woke up the next morning and looked at your phone and jungkook hasn't called yet. You didn't want to go anywhere incase jungkook came and you weren't home. You waited all day but still no call from him but you tired to thinking that he will come because he promised you. The night was coming and it was already midnight and he never showed up. You were getting sleepy but you heard a knock on your door and you went over to look at the peep hole first just incase and it was jungkook.
" you came "
" yeah I promised you didn't I "
You smiled and let him inside your house
" wow it still looks the same "
" yeah "
He came over to your couch and patted the empty spot next to him motioning for you to come and sit next to him. You walked over and sat next to him and he smelled like cologne, cigarettes and alcohol mixed together.
" I missed cuddling with you "
" me too "
We both laid down together cuddling and even though his scent wasn't so pleasant right now you still loved how it was. Your eyes were getting heavy and you ended up falling asleep together. The next morning you woke up and he was gone but there was a blanket around you. You went to the kitchen and there was a note
" good morning beautiful, sorry I had to leave but I'll come back and see you again soon "
You kept the note on your fridge. For the last 5 days jungkook would sneak to come visit you and you loved that you got too see him but it was always late when he came and you two didn't get to do much. You were at home and suddenly got a text message from jungkook.
" hey I'll come by at 9 later, I want to take you somewhere, and dress nice "
" where are we going "
" you'll see "
Jungkook POV
I wanted to meet with y/n because I prepared something for her. I thought about it and I want to marry her she is the only girl I love and want to be with. Even if this is happening even if I may not come back I want to know that even if I do I have something to come back to and look forward to. I want to make her happy before I have to leave and maybe never come back. I had to lie to the gang people that I was going to go collect debt from people. I packed food and blanket for our little picnic at a little beach just for me and y/n. The clock hit 9pm and I went to go pick up y/n. I tried to look my best and waited for her to open the door. She came out looking beautiful as ever.
" are you ready "
She nodded and she linked her arm around my arm and we went to my car.
" jungkook seriously, where are we going "
" it's a surprise "
We arrived at the beach and i opened her door and she stepped out. We came to where I set up everything
" jungkook I love it, its beautiful "
" I knew you would like it "
We sat down and ate and the Moment was coming.
" y/n I need too tell you something "
She looked alittle scared for a bit
" what, what's wrong "
I held her hand and stood her up and looked at her
" I want you to know that I love you so much and I would do anything for you  and I really love you and even when you are waiting for me I want to come back knowing I've got something to look forward to and I know I don't deserve much from you but I want you to say yes to my question [ full name ] will you marry me "?
She smiled and tears were foaming in her eyes and she nodded and I got up and slid the ring on her finger and she jumped up and hugged me.
I hugged her and she looked at me and showered me with kisses. After walking on the beach I took her back home. I came back and someone grabbed my collar and pulled me down on my knees.
" so I see you've been meeting with her instead of collecting debt "
" sorry boss, I just had to see her one last time "
" we already told you once you paid everything which is in a month we are going to send you some where else "
" please don't send me away, I need to be with y/n I love her and I can't leave her "
" a deal is a deal it's either you or her life "
" fine, but please just let me see her one more time "
" no "
They finally let me go and I came outside and I really didn't know what else to do. I had to find a way to stay with y/n I came to her house without telling anyone and she opens the door and smiled at me
" why are you here to late "
" I want to talk to you "
" okay "
We walked to the near by park
" what is it that you had to tell me "
" I want to tell you that I love you "
" I know that silly "
" I just wanted you to know again "
We were talking when a white van pulled up and it was them the gang people. They grabbed y/n and punched me making me fall.
They kicked me in the stomach and y/n came towards me
They grabbed me and y/n was still holding onto my hands and she wouldn't let go her eyes balling in tears already.
Her gripped couldn't hold on tighter and they pulled me into the car. I looked at y/n who was crying and I couldn't let this happen I'm going to come back to her.

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