Chapter 6

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[ This chapter got me all intense I know jungkook is such a butthole but don't worry there still more to come ]

" y/n  will you be my girlfriend "
You were a little surprised at his questions
" what "
" I know it's probably not a good time too say this but I like you y/n ever since day 1 when I bumped into you "
" I don't know what too say "
" if you say yes I promise I'll love you forever and never hurt you "
That was something you wish someone would do for you but you wish that someone was jungkook
" I'm sorry taehyung "
" what "
" my feelings are confused right now I can't give you an answer right now because I don't even know what's going on right now "
" is it because of jungkook y/n "
" no it's not just because of him taehyung 
" I will love you a lot y/n I promise, I will never play with your feelings like jungkook "
" I don't know taehyung I really wish it was you whom I met first " 
" then why won't you love me to why him y/n
" please  taehyung not now "
" no tell me why first "
" I already told you I don't know taehyung "
" I thought you were different y/n why don't you just tell me"
You were feeling frustrated Now
" you want to know why I'll tell you why, I hate myself for falling in love with a stupid jerk like him and no matter how much I try to get over him I can't taehyung "
He looked at you but he didn't say anything to you.
" why can't you look at me the way you look at jungkook  "
" I'm sorry taehyung I want too love you I do but I don't know "
You couldn't even look at taehyung in the face he looked disappointed and upset.
" jungkook is so lucky to even have someone like you to love him because he doesn't deserve you at all or your love.
" y/n I never told you this but I have never kissed anyone before "
" you never "
" I'm saving it for someone special "
" well I hope whoever that special person is loves you a lot "
" yeah I really hope they do "
When taehyung grabbed y/n wrist and walked away i followed. I felt jealous inside but I would never tell her that I am.
Your POV
the next morning you came too school and everyone were calling you slut and pointing fingers at you. You felt like an embarrassment. You were walking too class and there was a new student it was a girl she was beautiful and tall And all the boys were drooling over her.
" hello my name is park eunji "
This was math class so nobody was sitting next to you so she sat next to you
" hello what's your name "
She asked you in a soft toned voice
" umm my name is y/n "
One of the girls sitting in front of us turned around
" be careful with her she is a boyfriend stealer and a slut "
Her comment made you felt so disgusted with yourself
" YAHH be careful of what you say too her "
You looked up surprised the new girl stood up for you
" are you okay don't listen too girls like that "
" I'm fine thank you "
The bell rang and everyone was going too lunch but eunji had too go too the office to get her schedule so she didn't come too lunch. You bought your lunch was about to go sit down when Eun hee tripped you making you fall she poured her drink and food on top of you. You hated jungkook he is the reason this all started you looked ahead and saw jungkook looking at you but he didn't even come too help you he just stood there and left when they poured food all over you. You got up and started crying and ran too the roof top. You sat there crying how could he do this too you. You wish you could just forget all of this and leave. You heard someone coming up the roof top and opened the door you were hoping it would be taehyung but it was jungkook. You looked up and saw him you got up and was about too leave when he grabbed your arms too stop you
" LET GO "
He turned you around and looked at you
" are you happy you made my life miserable "
He didn't answer you
" are you happy you got what you wanted "
" are you happy you ruined me "
Jungkook:" don't speak too me in that tone"
" no you know what I'm done jungkook I'm done with your shitty games I'm done with you don't ever look at me or talk too me I HATE YOU JEON JUNGKOOK "
" this doesn't end until I say it ends baby girl and watch what your saying next time "
He left you alone here he goes again being a stupid jerk and acting like he didn't do anything. You ran home not even caring about classes anymore you came home and took a long shower and changed into comfy clothes he really is a rude jerk. Taehyung hasn't called you since yesterday and you admit you missed his hugs his smile and his comforting words.
The next morning you came too school and everyone was still talking and say things about you half of them aren't even true. You didn't even want to listen too anyone at all. You were waiting for the professor when you felt someone tap your shoulders and it was eunji
" hey why so gloomy "
" I'm just tired "
" so I kinda of heard rumors about you in school "
" you must of heard "
" but don't worry I don't think your like that "
" it's okay "
You saw jungkook coming into the class room and he walked over to your seat
" hey girl get out of my seat "
She turned around and saw jungkook but she looked shocked too see him and so was he
" Jeon jungkook "
" park eunji "
" what are you doing here "
" I go too school here "
" y/n this is the guy your involve you can't y/n- "
She didn't finish her sentence when jungkook dragged her out of the class room before she could even finish what she was saying. You were now suspicious you followed them up too the roof top.
Jungkook & eunji convo
Jungkook:" why are you here "
" is that how you greet your ex girlfriend best friend "
Jungkook:" don't say that "
" so what have you been doing after you killed my best friend "
Jungkook:" I didn't kill her I loved her a lot "
" admit it you killed killed her and your doing the same thing to y/n just like what you did to her "
Jungkook:" shut up no I didn't  "
" you killed her my best friend "
Jungkook:" I told you I didn't kill her I loved her "
" whatever jungkook just stay away from me too "
Jungkook:" don't tell y/n about this "
" why not I can't have her get involve with you "
Jungkook:" please just don't tell her "
End of convo
You were so shocked he killed his ex girlfriend. You ran out of the roof top and left my heart racing quickly.
" y/n what are you doing here "
" oh I was just going to go use the bathroom "
You ran too the bathroom thinking about what you just heard you were in the bathroom alone when you heard someone come in you saw two guys come in
" what are you guys doing here "
" well seeing that video of you and jungkook made me really want too see what you can give me "
You were now afraid for your life
" stay away from me "
" come, sexy take off your shirt "
you covered your chest you hated  jungkook for causing this.
they grabbed your hands and pulled you
" please stop "
You really wish jungkook would at least save you from this. They pulled you and crashed their lips with yours you were crying
" please stop please "
They ripped your shirt opened and pushed you down on the ground.
" aww she is crying "
" please don't do this "
One of the guys hovered over you and started kissing you and unbuttoning your pants and slide his fingers down your underwear you were crying wishing someone would save you.
" no one is going too help you now sweetie "

[ so what's going too happen next ? We'll see in the next chapter! Thank you for all reading my fanfic ]

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