Chapter 14

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You came over to jungkook where he was laying. You tried struggling to get free from the tape and good thing the sweat around your wrists loosened up the tape on your wrists and you were able to get free. You took the tape off your mouth and lifted jungkook up on your lap and the back of his head was bleeding so much that all his blood was all over your clothes,hands,and face. You took out his phone and called 911 and a couple minutes later the police and ambulance showed up. They came over to where you both were and and you got in the ambulance truck and was so worried and scared. You guys Finally arrived at the hospital, you were holding his hand while running with the nurses and doctors.
" JUNGKOOK please be okay, please wake up "
They brought him to the emergency room which you couldn't go in so you stayed out. You sat down praying for jungkook to be okay. Hours later which felt like years, the doctor came out and you started asking lots of questions.
" how is he ? Is he okay ? Can I see him ? "
" he's fine "
You finally felt like you could breathe now
" are you his "
" girlfriend, I'm his girlfriend "
" do you know if he has any Family members that we could contact "
" no, I don't sorry "
" well you can see him now "
You went to the room jungkook was placed in and you felt so upset seeing his bruised up body and the gauzed wrapped around his head. You walked over to him and held his hand.
You decided to call taehyung
" y/n, hey "
" taehyung "
" what's wrong is it jungkook "
" he's hurt and I know you don't like him but can you please come to the hospital "
" of course "
You waited for a while and taehyung entered the room. You saw him and ran up to him and hugged him and he held you tightly and pulled back to look at you
" what happened, why are you covered in blood "
" it's a long story "
" well you should get home and clean up and rest, I'll stay here with him "
" thank you "
You left the hospital and went home
Taehyung POV
y/n just called me saying jungkook was in the hospital and told me to come over. I came and she was covered in a lot of blood and I was so worried about her. I told her to go hole and clean and rest up a bit. I walked over to where jungkook was sleeping. I was sitting when the doctor came in.
" hello, are you related to Mr. Jeon "
" umm, yeah he's my friend "
I haven't said those words in so long that it felt weird but good to say
" well I have some bad news "
" WHAT, what is it "
" he's going to be out for a while maybe just for a couple of days and he lost his memory when he got hit in the head so when he wakes just help him remember who he was and everything else "
" thank you doctor "
" should I let his girlfriend know "
" not its okay, I'll let her know "
The doctor left and I was thinking about how to tell y/n. I ended up falling asleep on the chair next to him. The next morning I woke up and y/n was already here.
" your here already "
" yeah, but you can go how now I'll take care of him "
" are you sure "
" yeah "
I was going to leave but I forgot I had too tell y/n
" y/n "
" yes "
" so yesterday when you left the doctor said he was going to be sleeping got the next couple of days but he lost his memory and we need to help him remember who he is "
" WHAT "
I looked at y/n who seem like she was going to cry.
" I'm sorry this had to happen "
I hugged her once and looked at her and left.
Your POV
you came in early to see jungkook and check up on him to make sure he was okay. Taehyung gonna finally woke up and was about to leave when he just told me about what the doctor had said to him. You couldn't believe he won't remember who you are when he wakes up and won't remember everything. Even if those memories aren't good ones he still won't remember all the good things and especially he won't remember you. You held his hands and started crying alittle. You looked at jungkook sleeping figure and he looks so peace full while sleeping. For the last couple of days you didn't go to school. You would wake up every morning to come take care of jungkook or just watch him. Sometimes taehyung would come and help you with jungkook. You really wish he would wake up now because you really wanted to hear his voice. Today you were going to go home and take a rest because you were feeling Extra tired from taking care of jungkook. Today taehyung was going to take over and watch over jungkook for tonight. You came home and took off your shoes and the first thing you did was take a shower. You finished taking a shower and walked over to your desk to finish up some homework. You looked at the picture of you and jungkook on your desk and your tears foaming up. You couldn't believe he won't remember who you were and that really hurts. You were working on some homework when you got a call.
" Y/N "
" WHAT WHAT, did something happen with jungkook "
" he's awake "
Your eyes widen and you rage dressed and went to the hospital so fast.
Taehyung POV
y/n went home to rest and I took over for her because I knew how tired she must be. I was siting next to jungkook when I saw his hands moving and he suddenly woke up.
" JUNGKOOK your awake "
I called for the doctor to come in and they came in and checked up on him.
" where am I, why am I here "
" you are here because you got hurt do you remember anything "
" I don't remember anything, who am I "
" your name is jeon jungkook you go to Seoul university " ( I just made the up )
" what happened "
" you got hit in the head "
I was sitting with jungkook after the doctors talked to him.
" who are you "
" taehyung "
" do I know you "
" yeah "
" are we friends "
I didn't how to answer his question
" y-yeah we are "
" great, at least someone I know can you tell me about myself "
" well, first off you have a girlfriend who loves you a lot "
" I do, am I that lucky "
" I guess "
I was telling jungkook alittle bit about himself when I heard a knock.
" eunhee " ( remember that's the mean girl )
" what are you doing here "
" heard jungkook was in the hospital and came to visit him "
" well I think you should leave he doesn't remember anything and doesn't need any bad memory of his life right now "
" when did you start to care for him "
" just leave "
" I want to at least see him "
" fine, I'm going to go call y/n and when I come back you have to leave "
" fine "
Your POV
I rushed to the hospital as fast as I could. I couldn't wait to see him even if he doesn't remember me. I finally for to the hospital and saw taehyung.
" Y/N "
" where is he, I want to see him "
" y/n wait "
You didn't stop to hear taehyung because you just wanted to see him right now. You went to his room and opened the door and ran inside
You hugged him tightly but he didn't hug you back but pushed you off.
" it's me y/n your girlfriend "
" no my girlfriend is over there "
You looked over to see eunhee, she looked at you and smiled and your heart sank you couldn't believe what was happening right now.
" jungkook "

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