Chapter 9

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He pulled away from you and his eyes were all red because he was crying and because he drunk.
" y/n I'm sorry "
He cupped your cheeks and and you could feel the warmth of his hands and you felt so happy.
" I love you y/n, I'm just really bad at getting my feelings out and I don't - "
You came closer to him and hugged tightly trying to get him to stop rambling. He hugged you even closer and this is what you've been waiting for so long. Jungkook ended falling asleep on the couch and you brought him a pillow and blankets. You sat next to him and admire his sleeping face. He looked like he had a hard day today. You looked at his hand that was hurt earlier today because of you. You went to the bathroom to get the first aid kit to clean up his hands. You cleaned it with well and out some medicine on it and placed a bandage on it. You sat on the floor and with your chin top of your hand on the couch watching him sleep. You heard a vibrate and saw jungkook's phone lit up and you couldn't help but look at it and it was from eunhee
" yah jungkook why did you just break up with me like that "
" why are you ignoring my text "
" I hate you "
" please answer me and let's talk about this "
You quickly out his phone back, he broke up with her but you couldn't help but also feel happy about that.
He looked so peaceful when he's asleep. You ended up falling asleep without even knowing you fell sleep.
Jungkook POV
I woke up having a really big headache. I looked around and it looked like y/n place. I saw saw sleeping next to me and I got up and picked her up placing her on the couch. Memories of last night flashed in my head and I smiled a bit. Y/n was sleeping so calmly that she looked so beautiful. I saw the bandage on my hand and remembering seeing y/n cleaning up the cut for me. I moved the piece of hair away from her face and she must've felt that and woke up.
" sorry if I woke up "
" no its okay, do you feel better "
" kinda of, but I still have a headache "
She got up and sat on the couch
" do you want some hangover soup "
" sure "
She went to the kitchen to make some of the soup. She came back with a bowl of the soup and I ate it feeling the warmth.
" how is it "
" it's good "
I finished the soup while she went to get dress because we still had to go to school. I had to go home and take a shower too so I waited until she was done.
" I'll see you at school okay "
" okay "
But I still didn't move because I wanted a kiss from her.
" are you going to go "
" yeah but I feel like I'm missing something "
She smiled at me and that made my heart fluttered
" and what's that "
" i don't know you tell me "
" well how am I suppose to know if you don't tell me "
" y/n stop playing games, you already know what it is "
She started laughing and walked closer to me and grabbed the collar of my shirt and pulled me down and smiled at me before placing her lips on mine.
" is this what you wanted "
I pecked her lips one more time before finally leaving. I went back to my place and took a shower and he ready for school. I got a text from enuhee
" yah jungkook why did you just break up with me like that "
" why are you ignoring my text "
" I hate you "
" please let's talk about this "
I just deleted the text message, I broke up with her because to be honest I only dated her for fun and I wanted to be with y/n. I did feel bad that I did that but I love y/n and I'm just glad I have her now. I head towards to school and I found y/n waiting for me already. I walked over to her and I was going to hold her hand but she pulled away
" what's wrong "
" I don't think it's good that we made or dating public yet "
I didn't take any second to interwind my hands with her and walked into school and people were pointing and whispering stuff but I didn't care. We walked past eunhee but I also don't care about that. We came into class and I sat next to her because I want everyone to know that she is mine now.
Your POV
Jungkook suddenly interwind his hands with yours and walked inside the school and you were scared at first but you knew that Jungkook didn't care what others think so why should you also. You didn't show it but you were literally screaming on the inside. He sat next to you this time and it was really hard for you to keep in the scream. Taehyung came into class and he saw us and he seemed upset and you felt bad that you rejected taehyung and he has Been so kind to you. The bell rang and you wanted to catch up with taehyung and tally to him but he left already. You felt upset that he was upset and you didn't like that, so you were going to go talk to him later. Jungkook left first but because you had to go to the other classroom to talk to the teacher. You went to talk to the teacher but there were other students as well. You guys finally finished talking to the teacher and be left
" hey y/n can you help me "
One of the boy student asked you
" yeah sure "
" I don't get this problem "
You started explaining the problem to him. He finally understood and thanked you was about to shake your hand when someone grabbed your hand stopping you.
" JUNGKOOK what are you doing here "
" you understand the problem now, so leave "
Jungkook probably scared him and he left so quickly.
"I think you scared him "
" good "
You walked to the desk and started packing your things when you heard a lock. You turned around to Jungkook who already closed and locked the door. He started walking close to you.
" I think we need to go over a few rules "
" what's that "
" 1. You don't talk to other guys
2. You can't go near any guys
3. You can't hug or left any guys touch you
4. Don't help anyone who are guys
And lastly 5. You only look at me "
" why are your rules only towards guys "
" because I'm jealous "
You felt alittle bit happy when he said he was jealous. He came really close to you and your lips inches away
" i think we need to confirm this "
" how "
He leaned in and kissed you pulling you by your waist and picked you up so you were sitting on the desk and he started kissing down your neck.
" JUNGKOOK we can't "
" it's okay, I locked the door already "
" but we're- "
He kissed you to hush you up and you couldn't stop him so you gave up. His hand somehow found their way up your shirt. He kissed our neck and gave you a love Mark and you knew it would be noticeable. Your hands went to the button in his shirt and you started unbuttoning them. His hands went up your skirt and he tried pulling your panties off but you guys heard a knock on the door and keys jiggling. You quickly got off the desk and pulled your shirt down and fixed your hair and Jungkook also button up his shirt and the teacher came in and you try to make it seem like nothing happened
" what are you two doing in here "
" sorry sir we were just talking about the homework but were leaving right now "
You and Jungkook both left the classroom and you lightly punched Jungkook
" I told you not to "
He just laughed and looked at you
" at least we didn't get caught "
" but we almost did, gosh Jungkook you need to keep your hands to yourself "
He pulled you to him
" I can't, your too beautiful to keep off of "
You pushed him away lightly and he interwind your fingers together and we walked out of the school. We were when eunhee walked in front of you guys. Jungkook dropped you off but he said he had sole business to take care off.
Jungkook POV
eunhee said she wanted to talk to me and I agreed because I also wanted to clear things up. I went to go meet her. I waited inside the cafe for her and I saw her coming.
" let's get this over with "
" why did you break up with me to be with that slut "
" stop, I broke up with you because I never loved you "
" your lying "
" please eunhee let's just leave it here "
" no I don't want too "
" well I want too "
I left leaving her behind and I could see her already crying. I came home and fell asleep and was woken up by my phone and it read eunhee. I picked up
" JUNGKOOK ah you stupid jerk I love you but you hurt me "
" are you drunk "
" no "
" where are you "
She told me where she was and I went to go find her and she was really drunk.
Your POV
You were thinking about going to jungkook's place for awhile because you wanted to watch movies with him so you called him.
" junglook "
" jungkook isn't here right now, who is this "
It sounded like eunhee voice
Jungkook POV
" come on let's get you home "
" i don't want too "
I was going to grab her to help her up but someone stopped me by grabbing my hand
" you can take the cab I took here home "

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