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My face burns
In many ways
And I don't like it
Not one bit
My face burns
And I hate it

I go to the pool
Sunscreen applied
My goggles remove it
Or so, I guess, do I
Chlorine burns my eyes
And my sunburn burns my face

An awkward goodbye
After a day of ice cream and cold
The wind stinging my face on the bike ride home
My face flushes
And burns

Anger boils to the top
The furious typing
Is louder than ever
My face burns
And it fuels me
I don't mind it
But when I'm tired
I hate it

I wish my face
Didn't have to burn
Any time I go outside
I wish my face
Didn't get so red
When I just want to go to bed
I wish my emotions
Didn't have to show
By the shade of pink my cheeks are

Right now
My face hurts
Slapped by the sun
Speckled with freckles
Reminders that I
Should've worn more sunscreen
Right now
My anger
Is rising up
Right now
I'm reliving past moments
And doing what I should have done
At the very

I should've just burned

Wow I just wrote an almost 200 word poem based off of sunburns and emotions..?

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