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Sometimes I sit and think
About the night you left
I think about what would have been
If you didn't go

Maybe we could have had happy lives
But now they're torn in pieces
And it would have been so different
If you hadn't left that night

I imagine how maybe we could have lasted
If I wasn't so indecisive
If I hadn't had an underlying feeling
That this wasn't right

I think about how you had been doing wrong
Before I even realized it
There were thing you sad
That you didn't even need to tell anyone

I wish I had a better explanation for myself
When I think about what happened
That glowing screen held too many feelings
That should have been said out loud

You didn't just affect your self and I
You affected everyone around us
And sometimes I sit and think about
How this could have been different

But then I realize
Maybe it was for the better
And that maybe
This is my chance to fix my life
To tape the pieces back together

Pinto LesbeansWhere stories live. Discover now