Past events

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I think the past events
Have permanently scarred me
Though I think I've recovered
I've now discovered
That I've been keeping an eye out for trouble
And though I'm not good at evading it
At least I can tell when it's coming
And try as I might
To prevent a fight
I always fail
Fall flat on my face
And it's almost
My fault
I'm always giving conversations the side eye
Calling when a mistake is made
When all hell breaks loose
As soon as I received the prank call
I knew it wasn't the end
And though everyone has healed
I think
I'm still not 100% okay
I still have to watch my feet
I know
As soon as I say certain things
That I started something
That I cannot stop
I set the ball in motion
And it snowballs its way
Into something
No one thinks they can recover from
But we do
Or do we think
But I'm forever changed
And I will never
Think the same way again

Pinto LesbeansWhere stories live. Discover now