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What is this story I've made?
Not just this book,
But the way my life's been played
I can't express my feelings to people
Because I don't want to weigh them down
I can't write about my feelings
Without someone bringing me down too
I can't tell myself my feelings
Because I don't know what they are
And if I don't get them out
You'll only hear a shout
And then I'll be gone
Lost to isolation
On a permanent vacation
To never being able to speak again
Because these feelings
They bring me down
These feelings
Jumble my words
They bring everybody down
And I know I'm trying all so hard
But I'm afraid one day I'll fall apart
Because I don't know anymore
But I'm going
There's nothing you can do to stop it
Because I'm all on my own
My words only hurt others
They only drag them down
So why try anymore?
In this cruel cruel planet?
Where everything I do
Puts someone down
I know I'm trying all so hard
But I'm afraid one day I'll fall apart
I don't know anymore
I'm going

Pinto LesbeansWhere stories live. Discover now