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We are raised in a world
Where we have two choices
We either stand up for ourselves
Or society stands up on us

I picked the first option
It seemed the most intelligent
It seemed I could have an opinion
And let my thoughts stand
But whenever I defend myself
I'm shot down
I'm yelled at
For trying to swim to the top of the waves
And not letting the water pull me down
I don't want to drown
When I tell you how I feel
Suddenly everything is my fault
Suddenly everyone hates me
Even though I'm the one
Being yelled at

At a certain point
We are all forced down
To the second choice
Not a comfortable place
We're jabbed with nagging urges
To fight against the current
But there's nothing we can do
If we want to stop hurting

Once again
We're faced with more options
One is to stay where you are
In a constant state
Of almost being content
But always a few steps away
Another is to fight
To stand up again
For what is right
But it's so hard
To get up
When emotions weigh you down
It's so hard
To get up
When all you can do is frown

Every time
I stand up
And every time
I'm forced down
And I don't know why I do it
When it makes my life a living hell
I don't know why I do it
I can't even tell
But try as I might
There's always a fight
That sends me
Spiraling down

Pinto LesbeansWhere stories live. Discover now