Losing you

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*After class*

Alexis' P.O.V.

"First off, I wanted to apologize for springing all that information on you earlier. I realize it was a lot to take in. I know you are new here, and I get if you don't want be my friend. I understand if you don't want to be the social outcast

*cue the silence*

"Alexis..." Jane said cautiously.


"I don't care what anyone thinks. I like you and I know you have changed. So no matter what happens, I'll be your friend. Besides we will only be here for another before I never have to see these people again."

"Thanks Jane!" I said with a grin, "What about you Colin?"

He had been unnaturally silent this entire time

"Listen Alexis you're nice and all, but I'm sorry. I just can't be seen with you. I came here for a change, a change to be popular. Not the the nerdy boy who gets picked on. If you want we can still hang out in private."

"No. I will not hang out with you in private. Just stay the hell away from me!" I cried. The only thing worse than Colin hating me, is not wanting to be seen with me.

The rest of the weekend I stayed in my room and watched sappy movies while eating ice cream. I think I consumed my weight in ice cream. Colin tried calling me for the first day, but gave up when I wouldn't answer. I even ignored Jane's calls, knowing Colin was on the other end . What Colin was unforgivable.


I was too lazy to go to class and went to the only place no one would ever think to look for me- the gym. Back in middle school I played basketball. I was the team captain. When I went to high school I left all that all behind for my boyfriend. I would practice in the park by my house sometimes, but other than that I never played.

*swishes 3 pointer*

"High roller still got it," said Luke Hemmings.

Wait, why is Luke talking to me? We haven't talked since my brother died.

"Come here to laugh at me and call me a slut?"

"No, I came here to challenge you to a basket ball game. Do accept my challenge?"

"Yes," I said, chucking him the ball, "But be prepared to lose hot shot."

"So you think I'm hot?"

"No, I think you are someone who just lost the ball," I exclaimed," Grabbing the ball from his hand."

"She shots, she scores!" I said swishing another 3 pointer.

"Let's make this a bet..."

"Alright, what are you betting?"

"When I win, you have to kiss me," Luke said cockily.

"If you win, and if I win you have dance in front of the entire school," I replied, knowing he couldn't dance.

"You're on shorty!"

"I am not short!"

"But you are easily distracted," he said, quickly grabbing the ball from me.

*1 hour later*

The game was all tied up, whoever made the next shot won.

"He shots, he scores." Luke said as he dunked on the hoop. "Pucker up sweet cheeks.

*about to kiss*

"Luke!" Luke's best friend, James, said, "what the hell are you doing?"



Wow this was a quick update. Any suggestions? By the way, thanks for 30+ reads. You guys rock

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