What now

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*Luke's P.O.V.*

"I dare you to kiss Luke!" Jane squealed.

We were playing truth or dare and it was Alexis' turn.

"Fine lets get this over with."

"What, not excited to kiss the great Luke Hemmings?" I asked as I leaned, closing the gap between our bodies

The moments our lips touched it was fireworks all over again. I didn't want to, but I pulled away

"Wow!" Was all I could say. That was the greatest kiss of my life

"Well I gotta go! Want a ride home Jane?"

Wait, why is she leaving? She must not like me like I like her. This sucks balls

"No, I'll get a ride home from John."

"Ok, see you on Monday." Alexis said than dashed off

"Sorry about that Luke, we didn't know she would run off like that. "

"Wait, you planned this?!" I nearly screamed

"Yeah, you both like each other, so why not?"

Wait, she likes me

"Yeah, you would have to be blind not see that!"

Shit, did I say that out loud?

"Yes. And you should go find Alexis and talk to her. There must be a reason she left."

"K, well I'm gonna go then, see you guys later." I said, getting my stuff and going.

"Bye!" The replied at the same time

************Alexis' house****************************

"Alexis!" I yelled, "Open up, I know your in there, I can see your car."

no answer

"Cmon, I just wanna talk."

no answer

"If you don't open up this door I will break down."

Alexis finally comes to the door.

"Thank you, now may I come in?"

"Fine, but I only opened the door so you wouldn't break it down." She says, opening the door wider. "No offense, by why are you here?"

"Like I said before, I wanna talk."

"About what?"

God, she is annoying. Pretty, but annoying.

"You know what I wanna talk about."

"You mean the kiss?"

I shook my head yes

"There is nothing to talk about. We kissed, simple as that."

"Fine, but at least tell me you felt something when we kissed."

'please say yes' I prayed

"What if I did. It doesn't mean anything. Its not like you like me like that anyway." She says.

wait, she thinks I don't like her?

"But I do."

"You do?" she said, looking at me with big eyes.

"Well that depends, do you like me?"



cliffhanger. sorry, but it had to be done, though I think you all know what she says.

anyway sorry about this extremely late update. First off, this chapter deleted itself like 3 times. second, I had writers block.

Once again I am extremely sorry.

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