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It was 3 months into my pregnancy. I was done with all the morning sickness, thank god. I know had weird cravings for things like ranch dressing on pasta even though I didn't like ranch dressing before.

I was also starting to show. Right now it was just a small bump, but it was starting to grow which means people will know soon.

I'm nervous what will people say. I mean the "school whore" was pregnant? Most likely something horrible and nasty. Thank goodness I had Jane, Jordyn and Luke to help me out.

Today's weird craving was Oreos dipped in spicy mustard. I had a taste for spicy food, like curry, recently.

Let's just say my friends didn't always like my cravings. Especially today.

"I get you're having weird cravings but seriously Oreos dippers in spicy mustard? That's just plain offense to Oreos."

"I don't think Oreos have feelings." I replied but I was still eating so it sounded more like "I don shik Oweros hav fewings."

"It's still pretty gross babe" Luke added

"Well you're not having cravings so you can't anything. Besides don't knock it till you try it!"

"Are you suggesting I try Oreos dipped in spicy mustard?"

"Yes. If you all try it and dislike like it then I'll eat plain Oreos, but if you all try it and 1 of you like it then I can keeping my 'weird food'."

"Deal." Luke said

"Um, I don't want to be apart if this" Jane added

"You all do it or I keep eating."

"Please Jane!!! It can't be that bad, can it?"

"Fine but you all owe me for this."

"Alright, on the count of three. 1....2.....3." And with that they all ate the Oreos with a slightly disgusted looks on their face.

Within a few seconds all their expressions changed.

"That actually wasn't terrible."

"Yeah, wasn't as bad as I thought it would be."

"In fact, it was kind of good."

"Ha, I told you it wasn't disgusting!"

"Fine, you win this." Jane sighed

Nothing was better than Jane admitting defeat because never admitted defeat.

"I'm sorry Jane, was that? Did you say I was right?"

"Maybe I did, what's the big deal?"

"Um, maybe because you never say your wrong." John added

"True, but there's no need to make a big deal about it." Jane said somewhat quietly.

"Alright, we'll let it go for now but mark my word I'll not let it go." John concluded

We all shook our heads in agreement


The rest of the lunch we all joked around.


Here's a quick update

I don't think I'll update till after Christmas

Also thanks for over 440 reads!!!

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