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Luke's P.OV.

My life was a living hell. Jordyn kissed me in a closet because she thought I was gay and if I didn't agree to it she would tell the whole world I was gay. So I did it. What I didn't expect is for Alexis to see us kiss.

Now she has been ignoring me for the past week and it kills me. Every time I see her all I want to do is kiss her.

I can't fall asleep at night because I'm do busy wondering what she is doing and how she is doing. I hope she isn't cutting again, but I seriously doubt it.

And I found out Jordyn is my new-step sister. Our entire family is going on a honeymoon in Florida. We were stating at the same resort as Alexis, so I was hoping to she her.

*****in Florida******

All week I had been looking for Alexis but not once had I seen her. Until the last day of vacation.

The moment I saw Alexis walk in the restaurant my heart soared. I ached for her to be in my arms again. I was going to talk to her privately but Jordyn had other plans.

"Alexis, hey Alexis!"

"Hey Jordyn," was all she said, "Luke."

I just gave her a small nod preparing for the worst

"I didn't know you were going to be here." Jordyn said

"Same here. So how are doing." Man Alexis is gorgeous and nice, even to a bitch like Jordyn.

"I'm doing well. Just spending the week here with my new stepbrother, Luke."

Wait, dis she just tell the truth. There must be some catch.

"Did you say step brother?"

"Yeah. Our rents are here for their honeymoon. Didn't Luke tell you?"

"Oh, that's nice. So you and Luke aren't dating?"

"Oh god no. In fact I thought he was gay. I made him kiss me just to prove he wasn't." Jordyn said. More truth. What is going on.

"Oh, that's nice. Well have to go. See you around."

"Bye, Bitch. And tell your brother hi and that he was good in bed. Wait, did your brother not tell you. We're dating now."

There it was. Jordyn couldn't do anything without it benefiting her. But maybe that means I will see Alexis more often. But isn't her younger brother a freshman or sophomore.

"Will do."

Well now that Alexis knows the truth she'll forgive me.

Alexis' P.O.V.

Thanksgiving break was over and now we are back at school. Jordyn was all over my brother. Barf. I give them months, tops. I wish I could make fun of them with Luke.

Speaking of Luke, I needed to find him and apologize. I just wasn't expecting to find him so soon.

"Oh, sorry." I had just bumped into someone. Someone who happened to be Luke.

"It's ok, Alexis?"

"Hey, Luke I need to talk to you, alone."

"Come with me, I know a good place."

I thought for sure it would be the closet. But he surprised me and took me to the roof.

"Luke, I'm so sorry for not listening to you. I feel bad, and should have believed it wasn't your fault. It you want to get back together, that would be nice. I understand if you don't though." I said all in one breath.

"Alexis, I should be the one apologizing. I should have never kissed Jordyn. And I would love to get back together."

Yyaaaaayyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!! I internally screamed. Everything was good again, minus Jordyn and my brother.


New chapter. I don't know if I'll update over break, my grandma doesn't have wifi.

Thanks for over 250 reads, I love you guys.

Also, listen to through the dark by one direction. It perfectly fits this story.

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