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*note- I don't know if I named Alexis' younger brother so I'm calling him Alex.

Luke, being popular sits with the popular kids, otherwise known as all my ex-friends (and ex-boyfriend) including Jordyn herself. It was both torturous and fun. Fun because I got to sit with Luke and now my brother due to him dating Jordyn. I'm surprised they lasted more than a week.

I was still a little confused as to why they were dating, I thought Jordyn was just using him but they both seem really happy.

I'm even more excited for this weekend. I get to stay over at Luke's house - just with Luke. And no, we are not doing anything inappropriate.

Normally my parents wouldn't be ok with me staying with a boy but my parents were going away for the weekend and Alex had basketball games I was requires to stay with Luke. Apparently I can't stay alone anymore because I might try to kill myself. That annoyed me, but I'm just happy to have Luke all for myself.

The thing I was not happy about was the swimming was starting soon. I still had had my scars from break, though they are fading. I'd tried lots of excuses to get out of class- even a doctors note but my teacher wouldn't let me skip the entire unit. So on the very last day I had to swim three laps then I could be done. I asked to do it alone but she wouldn't let me. Gym teachers have no respect for people's problems.

When I walked in my swimsuit-scars and all. As expected everyone stared but the only one who opened their mouth was jordyn.

"Look Alexis cut herself again. What a failed attempt at attention seeking. Go back to the hospital you attention seeking whore. And Alex can't visit you because we're busy doing the dirty deed."

If you insult me I will take it but the minute you insult my family is the minute I lose my shit. And by losing my shit I mean pushing Jordyn into the pool. I got a detention but it was totally worth it.

Luke picked me up and was very upset but when he found out why he laughed.

"Did she really say 'the dirty deed'?"

"Yes. It's not funny." I said sternly.

"I know, I'm sorry. If I knew this happened I wouldn't have done this...."

"Do what Luke?"

Before he could answer the doorbell rang.

"I got it." Luke said. I had feeling in the pit of my stomach I wasn't going to like who was at the door. And I was right.

"Jordyn, Alex, come in. Alexis is.. right here."

"Luke, can I talk to you, Alone!"

"Excuse us one minute."

"What the hell are they doing here?" I asked half whispering, half screaming.

"We're going on a double date. Ta da!"

If this wasn't so cute I would have killed right on the spot.

"Fine, lets get this over with."

"Cool. We're going to a nice restaurant so you may need to get a bit more dressed." he said eyeing my current outfit. I was wearing sweats and a shirt with a huge stain on the front.

"Alright, I'll be done in 30."

"Ok, we have to leave in an 1 hour so you can take a little longer."

*after the date* (I won't give you the boring details of the date)

"Can we watch the Avengers?" I said giving my best puppy dog eyes.

"Sure. I'll get the movie, Alex, can you make the popcorn?"

"Yep" And with that I was alone with Jordyn

"Jordyn can I ask you a question. And you have to answer truthfully."

"Fine. what do you want to know?"

"Why are you dating Alex?"

She gave me a long, hard stare before answering.

"At first it was to piss you off. But then I actually developed feelings."

Wow. I was actually very surprised.

"And I'm sorry for being such a bitch. I only became popular so I wouldn't get bullied anymore. I used to get beat up so becoming someone I'm not was the only way to protect me. I never meant to hurt you."

Now I felt bad for pushing her into the pool.

"Why didn't you tell me? I could have helped you. Or anyone else."

"I was afraid if I told someone they would bully me more."

"Its ok. I understand."

And then I gave Jordyn a hug. If you told me at the beginning of the year Jordyn and I would hug I would have thought you were insane.

"Woah, what happened in here? Are you two hugging?!"

"Yeah. Turns out she isn't such a bitch after all."

This sleepover was going to be fun after all.


Now you all know the reason behind Jordyn's bitchy-ness.

I'm sorry this sucks.

Vote and Comment. I may be inspired to write quicker 😆

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