Chapter 2

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Ten years later

Alessandra POV

I woke up screaming. Remembering the nightmares of my past. I was sweating all over. I felt disgusting and sticky. I got out of bed and held the wall to get to the bathroom.

No one can know my secret. No one can know who i really am. A monster. Murderer. Cold blooded.

That is what i am. That is who i am. That is what i have become. And i must live with that title. The funny thing is.... i felt no remorse.... they deserved death. He deserves to die, but he got away before the cops could find him and he's out there, but I'll be ready.

When Emiliano found me, i learned that he was a close friend to my father. So he decided to adopt me and now he is my uncle. Its nice to have family.

I turned on the water and checked its temperature before going in. After my tensed muscles relaxed i carefully got out and brushed my teeth, dried my hair with a towel, but as i was drying off i could feel my scars. I felt ugly. HE did things to me that no other girl or human being should go through. I put on makeup to cover my scars on my arms and my eyes. I dont have to see in order to know that I'm ugly, i cant find the beauty in me when i could feel everything. The nightmares are constantly torturing me, draining my energy untill i stop fighting and just let the darkness consume me.

I got out and felt for my blue underwear with a bow matching it with my bra. Emiliano put me in self defence class in case something happens so i started working out and blindly boxed. It sounds weird but i practice a lot on concentration and shutting down every noise around me and just punch untill I'm satisfied. Emiliano would box with me. He taught me everything about boxing. The only difference is that my kind of boxing is street boxing. And so far i have never lost a fight. Sure i get hurt but the adrenaline keeps me going. Its kind of hard to concentrate sometimes when i feel wet sticky liquid with a smell of rust and taste of metal, which i know right away that its blood. I end up freezing, blocking everything out but glad that the hard punches bring me back. At first james just wanted me to learn self defense but i wanted adrenaline so he took me to the gym and started boxing. Im glad because i have a six pack and pretty damn proud of it. Then i told him about me creating a secret identity which is being a nerd by day and the blind bandit by night. How do i fight? Well i just listen really closely and concentrate on hearing the persons every move, every breath they take, and when they run i feel the air in which the impact of the body moves. But thats a secret life i plan to keep hidden. That is why i put on baggy clothes to hide my figure, so no one gets suspicious of me. Seeing the 'nerd' have abs and scars can cause a lot of damage, especially when a nerd knows how to fight. So this year im going to keep myself as hidden as possible and hopefully everything turns out well.

Before we came to America we were living in Italy. Thats where i was born at. We moved because as i grew up. I decided on taking revenge and like my dad told me. I became really close to the gang and they decided to make me the leader. Of course now i have enemies that are out to get me and also the men that killed my family are tracking me down. So we decided to move to America to calm things down.

I was sad leaving my gang behind. I needed them to stay and keep me updated. They became my family and if they were out to get me i rather i was alone to fight them. They called me princess or piccolo meaning little one, cause they were all older then me. Around their teens or 20's and 30's and i was only 12 at that time. We became a family when Emiliano introduced me. They became overprotective because i was blind but they treasured me and didn't treat me differently and i was thankful for that. Emiliano is part of the gang as well but after the death of their leader, my father, he decided to become a police officer and track down the killers knowing that they will come after me as well. That is why he taught me how to fight. One of HIS men kidnapped me when we were all asleep and that is when they tortured me. That is how i got my other scars as well. Emiliano found me almost dead along with the gang and they decided it was best if i left for a while. I told them to be safe and to tell me when they make a move. So far everything was okay. Untill now. He has found me. And it won't take long until he decides to bring the rest of my enemies to kill me. I wouldn't be surprised if they became allies. How naive of me to think that moving away would stop this war. No it only brought more danger to the people i love and care about.

I opened my closet door, Emiliano's  sister got me clothes and told me the color order in which my clothes are stacked in. Im very thankfull for what they have done for me. She later got married and left to arizona. I miss her, she was always good to me and had patience that i doubt anyone else would have. I put on fake glasses so my eyes dont show much. They say that my eyes look a silver pale color and that they are beautifull but i dont see any beauty when i dont even know how i look like.

I went downstairs and felt around the kitchen for something quickly to eat. I opened the fridge and felt the bread. Then i went to one of my cabinets and took out a jar. I opened the lid and put my spoon in the jar then to my mouth. It tasted like peanuts. Good. Exactly what i was looking for. I rubbed the peanut butter on both of the breads and then grabbed a bannana and cut some pieces and put it in my sandwhich.

I grabbed my sandwich and my keys and left. I carried my bag with me and started to walk slowly. I count my steps when i walk so i know exactly when to stop and when to go. Of course its harder at a stoplight, but i rarely pass those. I heard a car come up to my left side and when the car stops i froze. The person got out of the car and all of a sudden i felt strong arms wrap around me so i kicked him and grabbed his wrist and twisted his arm untill i heard his voice. "Ok! ok! ok! Its me! James!" I quickly let go and heard him mutter a few curse words before speaking, "Damn. I taught you well." I could practically imagine a cocky grin on his face. He held my hands but his voice came out serious, "Dont walk off on your own. HE is still out there. I dont want anything happening to you. Im going to drive you to school and back." I rolled my eyes at his overprotectiveness but smiled knowing that he truly cares. He's the only family i really have and i love him for taking me in. I got in his car and he drove me to school. I felt him open his door. I got out and he held my hand. I tried to remind him that i allready have the school memorised and that i dont need help but he made me promise to ask for help, which i had to or else i wouldnt hear the end of this conversation. I quickly gave his cheek a kiss and walked inside. Off to a new peaceful start.

At least i hope.

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