Chapter 19

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Massimiliano's POV

We finally found him! I'm going to tear him apart piece by piece!

Getting out of the car quietly with guns held tightly but firmly in our hands, we made our way and crept around the house. Emiliano went in first and as we got closer, men with menacing looks came out and completely surrounded us. Their weapons were aimed at us. I don't know where it began but the fighting broke out. After beating the one in front of me, i turned and the cold hard steel of a gun met my forehead.

I glared at the smirk on the man's face. A gunshot cracked in the air and his body collapsed on the ground, with blood pooling around the hole my bullet made in his heart.

I smirked at the lifeless body. Glancing at the boys i noticed that they had fought all the guys without a single scratch on them.

We separated and checked every door, fighting any punk that we came across.

I finally found a wooden door that was guarded with two men. I shared a look with Emiliano and nodded. Understanding my signal, we quickly got out and shot them.

I dashed to the corpses and patted their pockets for the keys. Once found, i used them to quickly open the door and ran downstairs. The smell of death- blood and rotting corpses- hit me hard and almost made me gag.

I sweeped every cell, hoping i didn't find her down here. The sight of a tiny body on the floor stopped me dead in my tracks. She was naked, her back bore cruel scars, old ones covered by fresh bloody slashes. Chains on her ankles and wrists restrained her from moving.

Rage coursed through my blood along with fear of what i was seeing.

I quickly unlocked and threw open the cell door and ran to her. I turned her around in my arms and my face paled. My bambina. She was pale, white as a corpse, her face was gaunt. Her body limp and cold, so cold. She looked so weak, and felt fragile in my hands. Her eyes stared back at me, directed at me but not seeing. There was so much pain and hurt filled in those eyes, haunting me.

My teeth grinded as I clenched my jaw. I just held her there and pressed her frail body to my chest, hoping to warm her up. I pressed my lips to her ear and whispered repeatedly how much i love her. Whispering to her that I'm here, that she's safe now and that no other man or living thing will hurt her ever again. Whether she heard me or not i repeated it like a chant.

I ripped my shirt off and covered her frail body with it to mask the scent the f**ker had left on her. The shirt molded and stuck to her bloody back like a second skin. I broke the chains off; she wimpered softly as i picked her up and cradled her with one arm under her knees and the other around her back and ran out.

Emiliano and the guys saw me but i ignored their questioning gazes and kept running. I glanced down at her hoping to see her eyes but her head was down, her right cheek resting on my chest.

We got to the car and quickly got in with Emiliano driving and me holding her in the back seat.

I finally have her back. My bambina.

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