Chapter 12

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Alessandra's POV

We arrived in Rome. My real home. I took a deep breath. I missed this place and at the same time hate it. Love it because my family is here. Hate it becuase it reminds me of my childhood. Those memories. Him. I know i promised not to come back but  we need each other more than ever. This is a war i alone know i won't be able to win on my own.

I felt Jack hold my hand. Thats right i remember that Jack is half italian from his father's side. I turned to him, "Jack. Is that your real name? Or do you have an italian name?" I heard him chuckle, "No principessa. Jack is my middle name. My real name is Massimiliano. My mom wanted at least something American in me so she gave me that middle name. I don't mind as long as she's happy." I smiled at his love for his mother. "I was born in Milan. But grew up in America. My mother speaks fluent italian but she's American." I smiled, "Do you speak italian in your home?" "Only with my mother. My sister is still learning so i speak to her in English mostly. I'm still teaching her some phrases to say. My mother's trying to teach her to speak the language but she gets frustrated so we leave her alone and let her take a break. When she's in her room i could hear her speaking italian. And it sounds really well actually. She just doesn't like the pressure." I smiled.

Emiliano's voice comes closer. I didn't even know he left? "So i got ourselves a room in a hotel for now. We need plenty of rest. I called the guys and told them that we'll meet them tomorrow morning." I nod and yawned. Then ja- i mean Massimiliano kissed my cheek, "Let's go to the hotel and rest." I nodded again and we went to the hotel to rest. I knew something was going to happen. I just wasn't expecting it so soon.


Ominous POV

I watched as she arrived. We've been keeping an eye on her ever since we saw her at the underground. She came home and i know boss will be estatic to see her. I looked back at my men, "Tell boss. I found her." They nod and left. I looked back to where they disappeared to and smiled. "I finally found you. My darling."

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