Chapter 5

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Alessandra's POV

To say they were shocked would be an understatement. I could hear Sarah take in a breath. After i told them my story as well. What happened in my childhood but i decided to leave the part where i killed the men, and that they are coming for me. I won't risk their safety.

I felt arms around me making me tense up then relaxed knowing that its Sarah. She doesnt say anything but i could feel the tears on my shoulder. I didn't have anymore tears to shed. I hear a phone go off. Sarah moves and i hear her speak. I could hear the person yell, "Where are you?! You need to come home now its getting late!!! You know i don't like it when you are out late! Anything could happen!!!" Then i hear Sarah, "But mom! Im at a friends house! I want to spend the night here!" I didn't hear the rest of the conversation, i didn't want to eavesdrop. I heard her sigh, "I'm sorry. My mom doesn't let me stay. I have to go." I smiled,"It's okay. Thank you for listening." She hugged me again. Then Jack spoke up. He's been quiet all this time. "I'll take you." Sarah started arguing but i told her that i would feel better knowing that someone is there to protect her and drive her home safely. What she told me almost made tears in my eyes but i held them in causing a lump in my throat. "But....who will protect you?" I smiled at her, "Don't worry. I can protect myself. I may be blind but I've learned to take care of myself." She sighed and said ok hugging me one more time."I'll see you tomorrow." I nodded. I heard her go downstairs. I then felt a hand brush my cheek, "I know thats not all. Im coming back whether you like it or not." I just nodded. He took his hand away and i missed it allready. His touch calmed my nerves making me want more of him. I heard him smirk. He knows what his touch does to me. I blush then i hear him walk out. I followed him carefully down the stairs. I closed the door. I went upstairs and took a shower. I put on my comfy clothes which is a loose t shirt that i got from the guys section. Guys t shirts are very comfortable to sleep in, and some sweatpants.

 Guys t shirts are very comfortable to sleep in, and some sweatpants

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Couple minutes later, I felt the bed dip. I tensed, fear starting to form but i heard his voice and made me feel safe, "Shhh. It's ok. Its just me. Sleep." He wrapped his arms around me. I got closer to him while he tightens his hold on me. I almost fell asleep until i heard him whisper, "I'll protect you. I won't let anyone hurt you." Then darkness consumed me.


I woke up and felt the bedside empty. I hugged my body and curled in a ball. Everyone always leaves. But maybe this is good that, that way they don't get involved. Tears started to form but they dont come out. I got up went to the bathroom to do my business then went downstairs but i stopped in my tracks while the smell of pancakes hit my nostrils. I heard a pan being scraped. I followed the noise with my hand outstretched. I froze when i came in contact with a bare back. I could feel his muscles tense from my touch then relax.

I took a deep breath, "Who...who are you?" I felt him turn and wrapped his arms around my waist, "It's okay. Its just me." I let out a breath  i didnt know i was holding. "Jack?" "Yeah." "What are you doing here so early?" He let me go and i instantly missed his warmth, "I stayed the night. I was worried about you." I was confused at first then i remembered. I told them everything. Well, almost everything and he knows it. Then Sarah had to leave, Jack took her, i took a shower and went to sleep but then he came and held me as i slept. His voice brought me back making me jump a little. I get distracted, lost easily in my thoughts. "So are you going to tell me the rest?" I acted dumb. I can't bring him in this. "I don't know what your talking about?" I heard a loud bang, "DAMMIT Alessandra!! WHAT THE F##K ARE YOU NOT TELLING ME!" I jumped at his voice. Making me back up. I could feel tears but like always, i knew they won't show. I heard him take a deep breath and after a while he let it out. I'm guessing to calm himself. I didn't know he had such a temper. What if he hurts me? I didnt notice i said that out loud until I felt arms wrap around me tightly holding me to his chest, "I'm so sorry. I would never hurt you. I just want to protect you. I do have a temper. I dont want to lose whats mine. But holding you makes me calm. Lets me know that your safe." I was shocked at first. Does this mean that he likes me? "Yes. I like you. No. Im falling in love with you." I pressed my face on his chest trying to hide the blush but he cupped my face, "Don't hide your face." I remembered the scars. I gassped and pushed him away covering my eyes. My scars were visible. He can see them! Im disgusting! He'll think I'm ugly! What do i do! I need to hide! I need to- i then felt his lips crush mine. I stood there shocked as he tore my hands away from my eyes, "I told you not to hide." He growled. His husky voice sent shivers down my spine. I heard him smirk against my lips. He knew what he was doing to me. I gasped as he picked me up making me wrap my legs tightly around his waist. I whimpered. I don't like not being able to feel anything. "What is it baby?" If it wasn't for my fear right now i would be shivering with delight from what he called me. "It scares me. Not being able to feel. I may be blind but i use my feet to feel." He held me tighter and walked then sat down my feet coming in contact with the couch. I leaned back and he cupped my cheeks again, "I won't let you fall. I won't let anything or anyone hurt you. I promise." I promise. I remember those words. They haunt me at night as well as my childhood memories. "Don't promise what you cant keep." I whispered. I realised i just said that outloud becuase his hold tightens, "What do you mean?" I stayed quiet. He brings my chin up, "What aren't you telling me?"

I took a deep breath. I closed my eyes. Remembering those days at the orphanage. Remembering him. "Before living with Emiliano. I lived at an orphanage." I stopped thinking that he was going to say something but he just squeezed my hands telling me to continue. "I....i was always being picked on because of my scars. The kids would bully me. They would beat me untill it was hard to breathe and move." I felt his hands balled in fists. I put my hands over them and his fists slowly relaxed. "Sometimes they would make me sleep outside when it was winter and raining. I would get really sick and the foster mother wouldnt ask she would just bring a doctor and they would give me some medication." His fists balled up again. I started rubbing circles on his hand. I could hear him breathing hard. I could feel him about to explode. But i kept going, "The foster mother would leave somewhere and the kids would always take advantage of that. One night i woke up feeling cold. But i couldnt feel anything under my feet. I thought it was a dream so i pinched my cheeks and it hurt so i knew it wasnt a dream. I started feeling around me..... I was on a tree. I have know idea how the kids were able to get me there. I was frightened. I couldnt feel. My feet help me see. They help me feel. But i....i couldnt feel anything. I was dangling on a branch. I started screaming for help. Begging for someone to help me. I thought i was going to die. I couldn't cry. I wanted too but its like the tears tell me that I'm going to be weaker than what i allready am. Then i heard him."

Flashback (before she met the gang)

"What are you doing up there?" I heard a voice. I held onto the branch. "Hey. Its okay just jump. I'll catch you. I promise." I looked at him like he was crazy. "I-i-i can't." "Sure you can. You just have to trust me. I wont let anything hurt you. I'll catch you. Trust me." I kept shaking my head, "NO! YOU'LL JUST HURT ME LIKE THEY DO! IT HURTS WHAT THEY DO! YOU WILL HURT ME AS WELL!!" I remember screaming then after screaming i heard him sigh. I thought he left untill i heard him grunting, "W-w-what are you doing?!" "What does it look like. Since your not coming down then I'll come up." I shook my head,"No. Stay away! Stay away!" I felt him beside me. "Man! I'm out of shape!" "Why did you come up here! Your going to fall!" "Well i came up here becuase a certain stubborn princess wouldn't come down. So i had to come to her to save her instead." I tilted my head. "I'm colt. What's yours?" I put my hand out and slowly touched his face, his nose, eyes, cheeks, and lips. "What are you doing?" I blushed,"It-its how i see." I could feel his eyebrows scrunch up. "What do you mean?" I quickly took my hand away, "The kids bully me. Becuase I'm blind." I could hear him suck in a breath. I thought he left me at first. But then i felt him hold my hand. I gasped no one has held my hand in a long time. His hand was bigger than mine and warm. "Come on. I'll help you get down." He went down first, "Jump! I'll catch you! I promise!" I held my breath and jumped. It felt so far then i felt arms tighten around my waist as we both fall on the ground. "Oof" i heard him. I quickly got off. "Are you ok?" I shook my head. "Thats good. Now. Tell me the names of the punks that hurt you." I gasped and shook my head no.
But then i heard the rest of the kids come out, "Ooohhhh has the blind monster finally found a friend!" I could hear them laughing at what Bryan said. I curled myself in a ball. "Shut up!" I heard Colt's voice, then i heard crying and Bryan telling Colt to get off of him. Bryan started crying, "LET THIS BE A LESSON TO ALL OF YOU PUNKS! I DONT CARE IF YOUR A GIRL! IF YOU HURT MY PRINCESS I WILL HURT YOU!! GOT IT!!!!" I heard them say yes and feet running. I then felt being picked up. I gasped, "Shh. It's okay its just me. Dont worry they wont bother you anymore." I felt tired. He made me feel safe. The kids didnt hurt me anymore. They didnt even call me names anymore. Colt made sure that i was being treated right. He was like a big brother i never had. He would tease me and make me laugh. He would sing me to sleep. But then he had to leave. A family came to adopt me. No one wanted me because of how i looked. He would scream and yell not wanting to go. He would yell that he wasn't going to leave me. But i wanted him to be happy as well. I wanted to tell him its ok but i couldn't do it. The couple were very kind and i could hear the love in the lady's voice, "Hun. I want him. I want to help him and give him love and a home." I heard the man, I'm guessing her husband, chuckle then he spoke to Cole, "Son. Dont you want a family? A bedroom for yourself? Become part of a family?" After those words Cole made his decision. He was going to live with them. He begged them to let me go with them but they didnt have that much money. I told him its ok. I went to sleep and felt him get in the bed with me. Cole held me tight that night, "I promise I'll come back for you. I promise. I love you." He kissed my forehead and then...... he left.

After telling my story we decided to just listen to music and lay in bed. I loved how my small body fit perfectly in his arms. Just for today. I'll just let him hold me and stay close to me. Just for now. I want to feel safe and not worry about the war that will soon come and the worries that eat me.

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