Chapter 13

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"The most important thing in life will always be family"

Massimiliano  (Jack)

I watched my principessa sleep peacefully in my arms. When i read the note that she was leaving i went crazy. I ran and sped to the airport, but i needed a ticket so i went home first told my mom and what happened and she got me a ticket. I kissed her and my sister. We don't like saying goodbye so we say "see you later."

When i got to the airport i made it just in time as i saw my beautiful principessa leaving. I ran and hugged her waist. It was amazing how she had abs. I yelled at her asking why she left me like that.

She cried but still looked like an angel. I kissed her until we were breathless. We were lost in our own little world until Emiliano coughed making us tear our gaze to look at him. He told me to take care of her. I nod and thought as i looked at her. I will treasure you. I will treat you like a queen. And be gentle to my fragile princess.

We left and i held her hand and kissed her on her forehead, telling her to sleep. She looked pale and i didn't like it. She needed rest and I'll make sure she gets it.

We arrived and Emiliano got a hotel for us. When we got there i took my principessa to the bed and held her until she cell asleep. I watched her for a while then i got up, i didn't want to leave her side one bit but i needed to know what's going on. I went to Emiliano's room wich was right next to us. The door locked on its own.

I knocked on his door and he opened it. He didn't have a shirt on because he had just gotten out of the shower. I went inside and sat down one of the beds, "So. I assume that you came here to understand what's going on."

I looked at him and nod. He sighed and sat down on a chair. He looked like he was spacing out. He had a distant face, like remembering the past. He looked at me, "Do you know what my niece does?" I was confused.

He chuckles, "Your confused face answers my question. I'm talking about Alessandra. You know she street fights right?" I balled my fists as anger took control, "WHAT!! WHY THE HELL DO YOU LET HER DO THAT! SHE COULD GET HURT TERRIBLY OR WORSE, STABBED!! AREN'T YOU SUPPOSE TO BE PROTECTING HER!!"

I heard him take a deep breath while i was breathing hard. "Are you done?" I glared at him. "You know. I love her. But she needed to learn to protect herself. So i taught her how to fight. She staryed loving it. I didn't know she street fighted until i saw bruises on her body. I was furious. I wanted to destroy the person who layed a finger on her. I told her to tell me what happened and i wasn't going to take no for an answer. She told me she street fighted to get money. She had a fight that night and if course i went with her. I wasn't going to lose sight of her. You see. We are also in a gang. Her father was the most deadly gang leader but when it came to us he was strict but like a father figure at the same time. He put our a **es back in place when we lost control with our anger. We respected him. We were brothers. Family. But he was my older brother by blood. At first i told Alessandra i was a close friend to her father. That i wasf there when she was born. I haven't told her that I'm her blood related uncle. Her real only family by blood that was left. I couldn't risk people knowing who she really was. I started teaching her how to fight. Then i knew she was ready to meet the gang. They fell in love with her the second they saw her and knew she was their most respected father's and at the same time their boss's little girl. She showed them that she wasnt weak. She faught them but Alessandra had so much rage that shse would beat them until they couldnt move. They laughed wuth tears of happiness. She was their princess and they loved and made sure to protect her. We went to visit her father's and mother's grave and promised that we will protect her with our lives. Then gangs started challenging her. I told the guys that she needed to leave for a while. Too many gangs wanted her. They agreed but they stayed to try to figure out is the leader of the gangs that are after her. So here we are years later. She promised her father that she wouldn't come back here until she was strong enough when we went to visit their grave one last time before we left. But here we are again. I she came to hat this place becuase of memories but she became strong. Yet like you said she is also fragile. I love her. I need to know that you feel the same for her. That you will love her through thick and thin. Vow and protect her with your life. Prove to me. Prive to her that yyou can protect her and love her even with the scars that are physical and emotional. Or else leave now and never see her again."

I looked at Emiliano in the eyes, "I vow to protect and cherish her like a queen. She is my principessa. My queen and my life. And no f**ckers will even get to glance her way." He stared at me trying to find something in me like doubt but I'm dead serious.

After he saw what he was looking for he smiled. "Tomorrow we're meeting the gang. I'm warning you now that they are also overprotective of her. But i have a feeling that you wiqll get along with them perfectly."

I nod said our goodnight and webt to my angel. I laid betside her and she snuggled closer to me. I smiled. And fell into a peacefull sleep while holding her tightly and protectively in my arms.

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