Chapter 16

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Alessandra's POV

I woke up and caressed Massimiliano's face. His eyes were still closed. I jumped a little as i felt warm hands go under my shirt. Then i felt him get on top of me, his body wasn't crushing me though.

His hand went higher and started rubbing my nipple, while his right hand went in my underwear, spreading my legs enough for him to rub my core.

"Come on babe. Let me hear that beautiful voice." I shook my head then he started licking my nipple. My back arched as he licked and sucked my nipple while his left hand played with my clit. I felt myself about to cum but then he stopped, making me whimper.

"Hehehe. What's the matter? Does this make you feel good?" I quickly nod my head yes then arched my back as he started rubbing my clit. I felt his hot breath at my ear, "Your so wet babygirl. Do you like this feeling. You like my fingers?"

I nod my head quickly and held the bed sheets tightly. "You're so wet. All the things i want to do to you. I want to wake up next to you every morning. Make love to you. You are mine. Only mine. No other man will ever lay a finger on you."

I nod my head. He kept rubbing my clit and sucking my nipple. I couldn't take it, "Let go babygirl. Just let it go." I moaned one more time loudly and cummed on his finger making my body spasm as i let out my juices.

He picked me up and sat me down next to the bathroom sink. I heard the sink turn on then a toothbrush was in my hand. I started brushing my teeth and i could hear him doing the same.

After our breaths smelt like mint, he started taking my clothes off. I heard the shower running. We got in the shower and i put shampoo on his hair and he did the same to me.

After the shower we got dressed and went downstairs to the smell of bacon, eggs and pancakes. We sat and started eating together. How warm and welcoming it felt.

I wish it could stay like this forever.

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