Chapter 4

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Alessandra's POV

I started walking to class counting my steps in my head. I took a deep breath and entered the classroom. "Ahh welcome to my class Mrs. Lombardi. I'm Mr. Davenport. Please have seat." I nodded my head. I secretly touched the corner of one desk and started counting my steps. I sat down on the last desk.

He started to speak untill the door suddenly slammed open making me jump. I could hear the dissapointment in Mr. Davenport's voice, "Ahh. Finally decided to show up for class Mr. Wolfe." I could hear the sarcasm in his voice, and of course he had to respond with sarcasm back. "I'm flattered Mr. Davenport." "Just take a seat." I heard the chair beside me scrape the floor making me tense up, "Well, its nice to see you again. Nerd."
I turned to his voice and nodded. I could feel his stare burning holes in my head. Mr. Davenport started speaking, "Class today you have a project which is to get to know each other. Your partner will be the person on your right." Of course. How cliche. "Well. Guess we're partners nerd." I rolled my eyes. "I guess we are." I could hear a smirk in his voice. "Nerd got an attitude again." I felt his voice next to my ear whispering in an angry tone, "I remember telling you to watch your tone." I kept staring in front trying to ignore the shivers that run down my spine. "You know. Your eyes are very strange." I stiffened. "Your eyes dont seem to have pupils. They're completely blank. Its very strange." I shrugged, "My eyes have always been strange. Why does it matter?" I heard him smirk making me sigh. "Let me see your schedule." I got two schedules one in braille so i can read it and the the other is a normal one so people dont get suspicious. I handed him my schedule. "Hmmm. Seems like we have art class, gym, and lunch together." I just nodded.

The class bell rang. He handed me my schedule and felt him leave. I got my things together and went to the teacher. "Here are the papers in braille as well." I quietly thanked him and left the class. I went to my locker to put my books away. Next was Math. I got my things and started walking to class untill i bumped into someone. Again. I heard a girls voice, "Ouch. Oh sorry i bumped into you i was in a rush." I smiled, "It's okay." I got up, "My names Sarah. Whats yours?" "Alessandra." I smiled. Maybe i can finally make a friend here. "Nice to meet you Alessandra. Your name sounds beautiful. Anyways i never seen you before. Are you new?" I nodded. "You don't talk that much do you?" I shrugged. I heard her breathe out a laugh. "What do you have next?" I pretty much remebered my schedule so i didnt really have to take my schedule out. "I have math." I had a good memory." "Oh what teacher?" "Mrs. Harper." "Cool! I have her as well. Come on I'll walk with you." I smiled. She put her arm through mine and we started walking to class, thankfull that she was holding my arm guiding me to class. I introduced myself and was sat beside Sarah. I could tell she was smiling because she said, "Yes! Come on." We sat down. The teacher started her lesson. i introduced myself to my classes i learned that the guy was named Jack and he kept messing with me. Art class was my favorite even though i was blind i still liked to draw what i imagined. I was told my art was beautiful. I practiced drawing when i didnt have fights to go to at home. I was having a peacefull time drawing untill Jack started drawing something on my hand. I have no idea what it was but i decided to go to the bathroom after class to wash it off. I missed Sarah. I felt comfortable when i was with her.

I was having a pretty good day untill i got to gym. The class i was not going to have fun in because i didnt have Sarah with me. Damn! When did i become so soft. I can't get close to people for their safety but i can't help it. I feel happy and normal around her. Gym was horrible i changed in the bathroom that the locker room had in order to hide my figure and to not show i had abs. Nerds weren't suppose to have good body figure. Glad that i put make up on my scars the last thing i want is for people to stare. We started playing volleyball i got a bruise from the ball hitting me making me fall on my butt. I told the teacher i was fine. I was used to the pain because of the street fights. But then i heard a oh too familiar voice, "Your a clumsy nerd." I heard him smirk oh how i wish i could punch that smirk off his face. I got up and felt his hand touch my cheek making me flinch, "This is going to leave a slight bruise. It looks painful. I'll take you to the nurse." "I'm fine. I'm used to the pain." I quietly cursed. That slipped out of my mouth. "What do you mean your used to it?" He growled. Why did he sound angry. He grabbed my hand and started pulling me, "Where are you taking me?!" "Relax. I'm just taking you to the nurse." I stopped, "Let me change first. I dont feel comfortable in this. Please." "Fine." He let go and i allready missed his strong big warm hand holding my small one. It fit just right. I quickly changed and he grabbed my hand again. The nurse gave me an icepack then i went to the cafeteria with Jack still pulling my hand. I heard someone gasp and i allready knew that voice, " What the hell happened!? Who did this!? I'm going to beat the sh#t out of them!" I smiled. The little time we known each other and she allready became overprotective with me. "It's ok. It was an accident. We were playing vollyball in gym and i didn't have time to duck the ball." She sighed, "Ok. Just be carefull. I let it go for now." I smiled. "Don't worry. I wont let anything else happen to her." I didnt know he was still there.
I heard her gasp. Guess she didn't notice him there either. We got in line. I asked for the chicken alfredo, Gatorade, and a yogurt parfait. I followed Sarah but then i felt my food suddenly being thrown on my face. I stood there stunned. Then i heard a screachy voice "Well well well what the hell do we have here. A nerd with a terrible sense of fashion." I balled my fists and clenched my jaw i wanted to hit this bitch so badly but i knew i couldn't make a show. I couldn't show off my fighting skills. And risk being found, "I'm just going to tell you this once. STAY. AWAY. FROM. JACK. HE'S MINE." I was boiling with anger. I was ready to beat the sh*t out of her but i felt someone hold my wrist. I knew immediately who it was. Jack. "WHAT THE F*CK IS WRONG WITH YOU!" I heard her get close, "But babe she acts all innocent but she threatened me in the bathroom. She said she was going to beat me up." I heard her fake sob. Jack go of my wrist and i clenched my hands even harder making my nails dig in my skin. "I don't give a damn! Don't ever come close to her again!" I hide my smile then i heard her screech. WHAT THE THE HELL!!" I heard Sarah, "Serves you right bitch. Don't ever mess with my friend or I'll do a lot more damage than this!"
"UGH!!" I heard her stomp away. "Hey. Stop that." I got confused. Stop what? "Your hands." He started unfolding my stiff fingers from my fist and started messaging my fingers. Sarah hugged me, "You ok babe?" I smiled, "Thank you Sarah for helping me. And you Jack." Sarah spoke, "Don't worry about it. No one messes with my friends. Now lets go get you cleaned up ok?" I nodded.
They both held my hands and i giggled. What the hell! Why did i just giggle?! "Whats so funny?" I heard Jack ask. "You guys are holding my hand like I'm a little kid." They both laughed. We got to the nurses office. She gave me extra clothes to change and let me use the shower that they had. I got inside and turned the shower on. I took a quick shower, got out and put on the clothes. It was gross putting on the same underwear but i didn't have another choice. The clothes felt comfortable though. (The clothes on the bottom. Is what she wore.)

I got out glad it was a long sleeve sweat shirt to hide my tattoos

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I got out glad it was a long sleeve sweat shirt to hide my tattoos. I heard them gasp. I cocked my head to the side. "Whats wrong?" Sarah spoke up "You-your-your-eyes!" Eyes? My eyes went wide and i gasped. I ran out and heard them scream out my name. They saw! They saw!!! They saw it!!! F##K!! DAMN IT!!!! I ran and ran. I kept running straight not knowing where i was going, until i felt strong arms wrap themselves around my body holding me tightly. I was gasping trying to control my breathing. I heard him gasping as well, "Don't run. You dont have to tell us. Just please don't run and end up shutting us out. I won't let you. So don't run away."
Tears started rolling down my cheeks. I started trembling. Remembering. He turned me around and wiped my tears. He started kissing my forhead, then my cheeks stunning me. His lips were soft. I wonder how they would feel on my lips. What am i thinking! He would never like someone like me. Broken with scars all over.
"Sarah is worried about you." I looked down. If they knew my story. If they knew my secret. Would they still stay with me? Or will they abandon me?....I'm scared. I hate feeling weak. I feel like fighting. I need to get these thoughts out of my head. I need to forget, even if it's for a little while.
He took my hand and we started walking back to school. "Oh my god!" I felt her hugg me tightly. She started sobbing, "Don't run away again! I was so worried!" I felt her hands on my cheeks wiping the tears that have slipped out. "I'm so glad your safe." I smiled and hugged her, "I'm sorry." We stayed quiet for a while. I let her go. "I have.... i have something to tell you."
Emiliano picked us up. I told him that they were coming with me to my house. He sounded worried probably becuase the scars were noticeable seeing that my makeup was washed off. We thanked him. I gave him a kiss on the cheek and then went inside my house. I went to the fridge, " Do you guys want anything to drink?" Jack answered, "Water is fine for me please." Then Sarah answered, "Me too." I gave them waterbottles and got one for myself. I took them upstairs to my room. We sat on the floor. I looked at them. I took a deep breath and slowly let it out. "I'll.... I'll understand if you guys don't want to talk to me after this." Sarah asked, "What do you mean? Whatever is wrong. Whatever you say we won't judge you." Jack spoke, "No matter what you tell us. I won't leave you."
I smiled but then frowned. "You might change your mind by the time i finish my story." They stayed quiet. They were waiting. I brought my knees to my chest. Then looked straight at them and whispered,

"I'm blind."

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