Chapter 20

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Alessandra's POV

What day is it? Oh no! He's coming again! No! The stinging of the wip and cold water clashing together make me scream in agony. When will this pain end! When will it end! I'm sorry Massimiliano. I can't seem to hold on anymore. This pain is too much to bear. His footsteps taunt me. His laughter haunts me. I'm trying to be strong, but i keep losing. The wip comes in contact harshly with my bare back my screams echoe from the walls. He holds my face and starts touching me. No! No! Stop! Leave me alone!

"-Ssandra! Alessandra!"

I woke up gasping and thrashing around. Arms were holding me down. I could hear my name but i couldn't recognize the voice.

"PRINCIPESSA!" I stopped. I was panting, tears wet my face. I shook uncontrollably. I felt warm arms around me in a protective way and his sweet words were starting to calm me.

"It's okay principessa. You're safe now. Your safe. Shh. Shh. Its okay. Your safe. Your safe. I love you." I stiffed at his words. Is he real? Is he... I  touched his face with trembling hands. I traced his nose, his eyes, his jaw and gasped as traced his soft lips. "You... your... y-your.. really here." I pant. Massimiliano. He was here.

"Your safe now. There's nothing to be afraid of. I'm here. I will never let anyone touch you ever again. I love you. I love you so much."

I smiled. I didn't care if this was a dream. I can feel him. Smell him. Hold him. He's real. If I'm really dreaming, then i don't want to wake up.

"You're not dreaming babygirl. I have you. Your safe now."

I smiled and closed my eyes falling asleep to his melodic voice.

Massimiliano's POV

I woke up to Alessandra screaming and thrashing around. I quickly held her arms down gently and started yelling her name to wake her up. After the third time her beautiful pale eyes opened wide and started panting. I pulled her to me and held her gently in my arms.

I let her cry on my shoulder. Assuring  her that she was safe now. That that bastard isn't going to come near her anymore. I kept stroking her hair and telling her how much i missed her and love her until her breathing got even.

I watched her sleeping face. Such beauty i couldnt look away. I laid back down with her still in my arms and fell asleep. My principessa. I promise, I'll protect you. No matter what. I love you.


I woke up alone. I started panicking until i heard the shower running. I let out a breath and smirked. I got of the bed and quietly went to the bathroom, glad she didn't lock it. I opened the door quietly and started brushing my teeth. She started singing. Her voice was like velvet. A sweet innocence making me want to just grab her and kiss her with so much love.

I finished brushing my teeth and started taking my clothes off. I sneaked behind her but she quickly turned without slipping and crushed her lips to mine. How she managed to do that without slipping was beyond me, but even if she were to fall i will always be there to catch her.

I grinned in the kiss, "Well. Goodmorning to you too." Her laugh was like music to my ears. I grabbed the soap and started massaging her hair then rinsing it as she did the same to me.

We got out and changed. I've been thinking. She is the one for me. She is mine and i would be soulless without her. I don't want to be anywhere else but beside her.

I love her.

Alessandra's POV

Today we just stayed home. Massimiliano wouldn't let me do anything. I didn't complain though. I love the way he pampered me. Over the weeks i was held i kept thinking about our future. Tomorrow we have to go to school. I'm not worried about graduation because i have enough credits and i learned that Massimiliano was also very smart.

He had all his credits. Just thinking about school made me get a headache. We listened to music and then Emiliano and the guys came over. I called Sarah as well. We ate, laughed, and decided to have a cook out. I met Massimiliano's
mother and little sister for the first time. She was a very kind woman and his little sister was the cutest. Massimiliano helped me by describing how she looked like. She was wearing a pink dress with a bow in the middle. Her brown hair was in pigtails. She had bright chocolate brown eyes. She was beautiful.

We started getting to know each other more and before we knew it we became like a family.

A Few Months Later

"Massimiliano come on!" I held on to him as we were getting ready to go to the stage. It was graduation day. Finally! School was over. This year was over.

They called our names and I walked on stage with the help of Massimiliano and the teachers. After graduation we decide to go eat for celebration at our house.

Then everyone left, leaving me and Massimiliano alone in the house. So much thoughts were going through my head i didn't hear Massimiliano calling my name.

"What?" He chuckled, "I've been asking if your tired?" I smile at him then frown. I looked down and i heard his feet come closer then felt him sit next to me. He picks me up and puts me on his lap then kisses my forehead, "What are you thinking about?" I wonder if i should tell him. Will he still want to be with me? Will he get sick of me?

I felt his arms tighten around my waist, "Whatever your thinking. Stop. Its bothering you. I can see it in your face that your troubled about something."

I held his hands and played with his fingers, "I was... I was just thinking...." I stopped. I don't know how long i stayed quiet, but i soon felt his lips connect to mine in a possessive, yet loving way, "Thinking about what?"

I looked up and touched his face, "I was just wondering...if...if you will still love me."

He looks at me with an 'are you serious?!' look. "Why are you asking that?"

I look down. The scars on my back. They were going to haunt me the rest if my life. Such ugliness that one would want to gauge their eyes out so not to see them.

These thoughts of insecurity came running through my mind i didn't notice Massimiliano taking my shirt off. I shivered as his long strong fingers stroke every scar, leaving alone the fresh ones. His warm breath comes down and warms my back making it even hotter.

His hot breath is by my ear as he whispers, "Marry me."

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